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Censorship and fairness

Censorship and fairness


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Originally posted by chancremechanic
You're wrong, matey, I ain't scared of Homos so don't be afraid..yeah, I do fix up guys and girls who get the clap, so come see me if you get a dose...by the way"butthole buddy" doesn't necessarily mean antit-Queer, you just made an ass out yourself for ASSuming that I am homophobic.....thanks for acknowledging my past post, but let me ask you ...[text shortened]... and the Dutchies stick together so no matter how vile they are, you will support them?...cheers
Because that is an incredibly meaningless insult. He has no basis for criticising your father, so you can laugh it off as a poor attempt to insult you, and be the bigger person. And Butthole buddy IS a derogatory term describing gay life and propogates homophobia. And I did get the ASSuming joke. Very clever, not at all trite and unoriginal. As to your last point, I have no more loyalty to the 'dutchies' than I do to America, I thought that the joke about having a 'go' at your father was so poor and childish it wasn't even worth acknowledging.

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That's it! This entire thread offends me! I shall call the righteous judgement of the moderators down upon you all! I shall notify the mods on every single post in this thread! Even mine! Your posts shall all perish in the flames of hell, which is where all the unrighteous and wicked babble such as this eventually goes!

Best (sarcastic) Regards,

Omnislash 😀

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Originally posted by garyminford
Ahhhh, homophobia, clever. I would have thought that a man who takes his rhp name from someone who spends their time fixing up horny sailors with the clap would be a little more enlightened. I have on several occasions criticised Ianpickering for his blatant anti-americanism, and it really is petty and small minded the amount of posts he makes on the sam ...[text shortened]... well put. That last post was disgusting, reactionary, generalising, homophobic and xenophobic.
Hi Gary. How are you today? Hope that you and your family are well. What's the weather like in Nottingham ? It's been quite overcast here with a little bit of drizzle. Hope you have enjoyed the Easter break.

Love Ian.

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Originally posted by chancremechanic
I talk about Europe 'cause I'm second generation European and I've been there enough times to know what I'm talking about, but now I consider myself 100% American, thank God..., yes, God exists...I'm not anti-European any more than Ian Pickering is anti-American; however, I am anti-Eurotrash, and I see a lot of that here lately, especially from the sewers of Holland...are you and Shavixmir butt-hole buddies?
Love you too. Kiss, Kiss, Kiss.

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Originally posted by ianpickering
Hi Gary. How are you today? Hope that you and your family are well. What's the weather like in Nottingham ? It's been quite overcast here with a little bit of drizzle. Hope you have enjoyed the Easter break.

Love Ian.
Good thank you.

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Originally posted by garyminford
Good thank you.

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Originally posted by ianpickering
Love you too. Kiss, Kiss, Kiss.
Don't get too attached..🙄

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