Originally posted by pcaspianWhile negative comments may reflect better on the
Should you place any value on your handle, negative comments against that handle reflects on you as a person. Ofcourse the cheater may also know people on the site in real life, I certainly know atleast 6 people in RHP in real life and I suspect many others are the same.
You will receive vindication when that person is removed from the site, additional embarrassment is not required.
anonymous identity you utilize for a website, so does
cheating. If someone was so very interested in preserving
the dignity of their name, they would not cheat.
As for 'embarrassment,' I would similarly say that someone
who cheats -- that is, who violates the clearest rule in this
site for personal gain and notoriety -- can't logically be that
concerned about 'embarrassment.'
While you might receive 'vindication' when that person is
removed from the site, you cannot speak for how others who
have have had games stolen from them may feel about cheaters.
Perhaps you don't care, but perhaps they do, for the reasons I
listed above.
Originally posted by nemesio
If someone was so very interested in preserving
the dignity of their name, [b]they would not cheat.
That is irrelavant. People can cheat for all sorts of reasons. Ofcourse being removed from the site will be sufficient enough to make them regret cheating in the first place, however there is no point in shaming them.. that is cruel.
While you might receive 'vindication' when that person is
removed from the site, you cannot speak for how others who
have have had games stolen from them may feel about cheaters.
Perhaps you don't care, but perhaps they do, for the reasons I
listed above.
Ofcourse I care. Truth be told I've quit playing a pc game I played online for 2 years simply because the authorities were not doing enough to stop cheating. Cheaters on RHP rarely affect me, but I agree they should be stopped. Listing their names however as 'cheaters' to shame them is not neccesary. All it will do is cause players that have played against them to demand their ratings be ratified whilst simultaneously embarrassing those cheaters. Further, I highly doubdt RHP want to give the impression that there are cheaters on the site, the mere idea of being falsely accused and having your nickname declared a 'cheater' is enough to put most people off the game.
Originally posted by pcaspian
That is irrelavant. People can cheat for all sorts of reasons. Ofcourse being removed from the site will be sufficient enough to make them regret cheating in the first place, however there is no point in shaming them.. [b] that is cruel.[/b]
You keep trying to establish a barometer of shame. Kicking
them is sufficient shame, but naming them crosses an invisible
and immeasurable threshold.
The shame is in their cheating. It is self-inflicted, intentional,
and voluntary. All that follows is a consequence from it. What
follows is for the beneifit of the community. Just like the
ostensible purpose of 'jail' isn't to shame the criminal but to
protect society and provide comfort to the victim, so too would
naming names.
As for your claim that it is cruel, your barometer for cruelty is
totally uncalibrated if you think naming an anonymous handle
as a verified cheater is 'cruel.'
Originally posted by pcaspian
Further, I highly doubdt RHP want to give the impression that there are cheaters on the site, the mere idea of being falsely accused and having your nickname declared a 'cheater' is enough to put most people off the game.
You are talking about two things here. I do not want a list of
accused cheaters posted. Obviously this would cause inordinate
problems. I am only talking about a list of verified cheaters,
the ones who have already been kicked off of the site.
I don't see why RHP would want to hide the fact that they are
kicking cheaters off the site. A long list would mean vigilance,
that the 'Cheat Squad' was being attentive to the concerns of
the community. Personally, I have been thoroughly disappointed
that well-established cheaters remain on this site and continue to
play games and tournaments. I'm glad that this is turning around.
Originally posted by MayharmHow about a list that says "so and so was removed for violating the TOS"?
While I can see many advantages (and some disadvantages) I think the service overhead would be too prohibitive for this site.
If the site itself takes ownership of such "naming and shaming" feature it then takes responsibility for getting it right, getting it wrong could prove too disastrous for it to bear in terms of "costs".
Leaving it for the us ...[text shortened]... ut it and therefore little point in trying to maintain dignity with regards to it. 😉