@sonhouse saidSonhouse, we know they are here. It is just that The middle phase has been set into motion. Welcome to the party.
Hey IDIOT, if you didn't know already, immigrants are already here. What fukking planet do you come from anyway? Try going to Queens in NYC, EIGHT HUNDRED LANGUAGES SPOKEN THERE. Your head is screwed on backwards with your ear welded to Trumps lips, you can ONLY speak what he pukes to you which you RE puke like a nice tame congregation member unable to think f ...[text shortened]... I would not be surprised to find you arrested for shooting a crowd of immigrants at an asylum line.
@kewpie saidThis is why I've said in the past that Republicans who send their children to private school should be charged with child abuse. That's where they learn these things, like those they deem 'less than' don't deserve help.
Obviously "family" means something to you that is different to how the rest of us see it. If all Americans are as greedy and self-obsessed and hateful as you are then your country deserves the world's disgust. But I'm sure they're not, they can't be.
@suzianne saidWhat other real school is there? “Govt school” is an oxymoron.
This is why I've said in the past that Republicans who send their children to private school should be charged with child abuse. That's where they learn these things, like those they deem 'less than' don't deserve help.
If one wants an education that is truly helpful and constructive for a child, would you think private would be better, or would public be better?
Think about it. Take paying off college tuition by the government. A public school would have to teach that that would be OK. A private school, not so.
Or, tell me where I am wrong.
All you need to do is take reading comprehension 101. It would save you a lot of embarrassment.......
@averagejoe1 saidWow kids selling candy! What next? Girl guides selling cookies door to door.
One sees this all over Europe. It is coming here now. It, like everything, cannot be stopped. They are bringing There Here.
You will prevail, you will disappear the USA.
It’s a good job you’ve got your finger on the pulse of this one Joe
@kevcvs57 saidDiff issue.what a surprise.
Wow kids selling candy! What next? Girl guides selling cookies door to door.
It’s a good job you’ve got your finger on the pulse of this one Joe
Girl Scouts get no income for themselves……to share. Not a penny.
Try again, Anybody. Geez.
Maybe mention the immigrant parents’ roles in this vignette?….will get you more debate cred.
@sonhouse saidVeering off, little feller. Is this.an exciting voluntary enterprise of the children, learning how to do for themselves, make money to enjoy spending?
Yeah, and they are maybe helping their parents. JEBESUS WHAT CRETINS.
Note that the parents are telling authorities that they are required to work.
Anyhoo… time for a different take on immigration. A socialist take:
It's the bosses not migrants that bring down wages and are behind the cuts to welfare.
It is taken for granted by politicians and the media that we need to control immigration.
Even many of those against the brutality and hypocrisy of anti-immigrant measures feel it’s impossible not to call for some kind of control on immigration.
But immigration controls only exist to police working class people and spread racist division. They are a tool of our enemies—the bosses and the state.
Immigration controls also legitimise a very wrong and dangerous idea—that workers have to compete with each other for a limited set of resources. The Tories and Labour are happy for ordinary people to put their anger over the lack of housing, the rundown of health and welfare, job insecurity and pay down to immigrants.
So is Britain at risk of being “full”? No.
First, there is a golf course in Britain for every 37,000 people but only less than 1 percent of the population play golf. The courses take up as much space as all residential property currently does. In London golf courses take up more space than the entire borough of Brent.
And according to the Local Government Association, there are over a million unoccupied “dwellings” in England alone. But this is not really about space.
Some of the world’s poorest countries have much lower population density than Britain, while Monaco, with a far higher population density, is flooded with rich people.
Before the First World War, there were no passports, and virtually anyone could come to Britain. Yet people only moved when there was work available.
In the 1930s there was virtually no immigration into Britain, yet there was mass unemployment. In the 1950s and 1960s British government ministers including racists such as Enoch Powell—actively recruited migrants from the Caribbean and the Indian subcontinent because there was a labour shortage here.
So the idea of family as a unit means nothing to you, if when you were 18 and your folks were struggling to pay the mortage and you got a job for 100K a year, you would take the job, move to Utah, become a Mormon because that is where the job is and FUK the parents. Great model for our youngsters.
@sonhouse saidWhew You write about an18-yr old adult, this thread is about little children pushed out on the street, Trumphouse.
So the idea of family as a unit means nothing to you, if when you were 18 and your folks were struggling to pay the mortage and you got a job for 100K a year, you would take the job, move to Utah, become a Mormon because that is where the job is and FUK the parents. Great model for our youngsters.
You don’t need to write any more, ‘we just rappin.