@zahlanzi saidI keep telling shag doody for brains, this type of response is the best for him, something like this "bwahahahahahaha" or a single ijit emoji.
Shag doody for brains, take a lesson from zahlooney bamboozle, restrict your responses to this type of nonsense. (goes for kev too)
@wajoma saidLink!
You can bet when kev bamboozle is calling other people idiots it is indeed kev bamboozle that will be the idiot.
Yes, Chinese people need permission to leave China.
Now let's see if kev bamboozle can own his mistake and apologise. What are the odds?
China is the biggest tourist nation on the planet and their students are in universities all over the west, so you and idiot Joe think that is a CCP plot to take over the world.
Does the retarded vajoma think that everyone who leaves China goes through official channels rather than just going to the nearest border, they have 22 thousand kilometres of border to choose from along with student visas, tourists visas. The biggest problem a Chinese immigrant faces is getting into another country not leaving China.
Every country has exit control measures for obvious reasons, try getting out of the UK or US without a government provided passport, if you halfwits had ever applied for a passport in the UK you wouldn’t talk such utter crap about China where you simply present yourself at the border control point for ‘inspection’.
Everyone who has left a country by legal means has done so with a level of government permission you halfwit, or they just leave by other means