You NEVER listen to dudes who say you are wrong.
ONLY to rightwingnuts giving opinions you like.
@no1marauder saidOf course it bothers me when people die. But the point is that there's nothing you can do about respiratory viruses spreading and people who are vaxxed should not be overly concerned about COVID, unless they're in particularly vulnerable demographics, any more than they should be concerned about road safety.
sh: why does it bother you that much that COVID continues to spread?
There were about 12,000 deaths in the US from COVID reported in the last seven days.
Doesn't that "bother you" a wee bit (you're not Eladar after all)?
As two decades of HIV messaging taught us, you don't convince people to engage in health measures by yelling at them and calling them murderers.
I am absolutely convinced that there are still plenty of unvaxxed people out there who are ready to be convinced but have been turned off by muddled and heavy-handed messaging. I'm not talking about conspiracy theorists and anti-vax nutjobs like RFK Jr. I'm talking about the majority of the 40% of the people who are yet unvaxxed and are confused and nonplussed by the whole issue.
Here's what you tell people EVERY DAY if you want them to be vaccinated:
"People who are vaccinated are 94% less likely to be hospitalized and 97% less likely to die of COVID; and here's the data to prove it: [data]"
That's it.
No "vax or you're not allowed to live your life" or "Vax or you're murdering grandma" or "Vax and you won't have to wear a mask... and then will... and then won't... and then will" or "Vax and you can no longer spread COVID; oh, wait! Now you can" or "Vax and you're safe but you have to fear that the unvaxxed will kill you anyway" or "Vax or we'll force your 4 year old to wear a mask in Kindergarten."
In other words, you de-politicize it (if that's possible).
17 Sep 21
@metal-brain saidGet serious. You're nothing but a death merchant.
Maybe he has come to realize allowing it to spread is the only possibility of herd immunity. Prolonging the pandemic by slowing the spread will just increase the odds of new variants mutating. Believe it or not, hastening the spread is the best thing we can do right now. I'm not saying I know that will work, but nothing else will.
It is the only chance we have. If it doesn't work it will be like the flu and annoy us FOREVER.
I still don't see what you are getting out of your misinformation spree.
17 Sep 21
@metal-brain saidHow can you calmly sit there and advocate for the deaths of another few hundred thousand (or more)? At least Hannibal Lecter had a purpose for killing people.
You might have herd immunity if everyone gets the virus sooner rather than later. It all depends how many variants come about. Your advice will prolong the pandemic and increase the chances of more variants mutating. The end result will be the same. Everyone will get it.
There is only one chance to achieve herd immunity and there is no guarantee, let the virus spread t ...[text shortened]... ity. Nothing else will work. Follow my advice and at least there is a chance. It is the only chance.
@sh76 saidI just re-read my post and I realize it seems like I'm just blaming the left.
Of course it bothers me when people die. But the point is that there's nothing you can do about respiratory viruses spreading and people who are vaxxed should not be overly concerned about COVID, unless they're in particularly vulnerable demographics, any more than they should be concerned about road safety.
As two decades of HIV messaging taught us, you don't convince people ...[text shortened]... r old to wear a mask in Kindergarten."
In other words, you de-politicize it (if that's possible).
So, let me clarify: I'm not. The right is even MORE to blame for anti-vax messaging.
But the main fault always lies with the people in power and if the people in power stuck to the basic messaging I stated above, it would be more successful.
97% of people get the MMR shot and only a handful of nut-jobs whine about it. There's no reason you couldn't get most of those people to get the COVID vaccine if you somehow de-politicized it.
@sonhouse saidI'm trying, believe me. I post something pro-vax on Twitter or FB several times a week and I spout hospitalization/death stats to anyone who will listen.
Sure, now convince those millions of Trump lovers.
But I need some help.
Masking 4 year olds and locking the unvaxxed out of public venues is the equivalent of abstinence education to fight HIV. It doesn't work.
18 Sep 21
@sh76 said"I'm not talking about conspiracy theorists and anti-vax nutjobs like RFK Jr."
Of course it bothers me when people die. But the point is that there's nothing you can do about respiratory viruses spreading and people who are vaxxed should not be overly concerned about COVID, unless they're in particularly vulnerable demographics, any more than they should be concerned about road safety.
As two decades of HIV messaging taught us, you don't convince people ...[text shortened]... r old to wear a mask in Kindergarten."
In other words, you de-politicize it (if that's possible).
If he is a nutjob you should be able to easily prove him wrong.
I challenge you to do that. no1 tried and failed regarding autism. I'll bet you can do no better than he did about anything, not just autism. Same thing with Mercola.
Knock yourself out trying. Go ahead.
18 Sep 21
@sh76 saidThe persuasion thingy, while laudable, has its limits.
I just re-read my post and I realize it seems like I'm just blaming the left.
So, let me clarify: I'm not. The right is even MORE to blame for anti-vax messaging.
But the main fault always lies with the people in power and if the people in power stuck to the basic messaging I stated above, it would be more successful.
97% of people get the MMR shot and only a handful of ...[text shortened]... son you couldn't get most of those people to get the COVID vaccine if you somehow de-politicized it.
We could simply tell people it is a "bad" and dangerous thing to run stop lights or drive 80 mph. However, given the threat to public health and safety, our representatives have wisely decided to put some sanctions on such activities.
We're a year and a half into a pandemic that has killed 700,000+ in the US and millions worldwide. Safe and effective vaccines have been widely available for months. The unvaccinated in the workplace, schools and other inside areas of high density continue to pose a threat to themselves (surely) but also those who have been vaccinated and those who cannot be vaccinated.
Under these circumstances, measures like the coming OSHA mandate or required masks in schools are a responsible and necessary response to such irrational intransigence.
18 Sep 21
@no1marauder saidYou are still making false statements.
The persuasion thingy, while laudable, has its limits.
We could simply tell people it is a "bad" and dangerous thing to run stop lights or drive 80 mph. However, given the threat to public health and safety, our representatives have wisely decided to put some sanctions on such activities.
We're a year and a half into a pandemic that has killed 700,000+ in the US and ...[text shortened]... required masks in schools are a responsible and necessary response to such irrational intransigence.
The unvaccinated are no more of a threat to themselves or others than the vaccinated. STOP SPREADING DISINFORMATION!
@mghrn55 saidIt is an awkward dilemma.
Just getting this off my chest .............
For all the debate over masks, vaccines and mandates surrounding them, I will have to say that nearly all future hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID will be self-inflicted in general.
I will say this has been the case since the summer.
The endless links, which I don't even bother opening, aiming to bring out flaws in t ...[text shortened]... is a 5th or 6th wave of this pandemic because it got in the way of the political agendas of the few.
One part of me says, don't feed trolls, don't read their junk-posts, don't reply to them. Some of the stuff these people post is so insane-- one troll, for example, links to a YouTube interview in which the interviewer asks an ex-Pfizer employee whether there is any truth to the claims that Bill Gates and Elon Musk are implanting substances in people (via vax) to control their thoughts from the Internet--that I am almost inclined to say, if they are so stupid as to believe THAT then let them exercise their God-damned right to refuse to wear masks or to get vaxxed and let them die of COVID. Get them out of the gene pool, the sooner the better. Refuting such idiotic claims is not worth the intellectual effort.
But another part of me says, there are probably people who are genuinely unsure whether such claims have any merit, and they would make the right decisions if they saw that such claims are bogus. So a few people might actually be rescued from going down the rabbit hole. Thing is, I don't have the patience for it any more; to fact-check and refute every possible conspiracy theory is just too tedious. Every time you refute one, they just move the goal posts and dig yet another rabbit hole. I laud the efforts of those who still do have the patience for it.
EDIT: name names: MetalBrain is on my DRDR list (don't read, don't reply).
18 Sep 21
@mghrn55 saidwhen I am targeted like Jews in Nazi Germany...for crying Freedom...over Tyranny...
Just getting this off my chest .............
Last thing we need is a 5th or 6th wave of this pandemic because it got in the way of the political agendas of the few.
that's when I say...Enough already!
I don't have the virus. I haven't had the virus. I am not getting vaccinated. It isn't any of your business....if you think it is...please answer these questions for me...
Does my daughter have the right to choose not to be vaccinated without being called an Anti-vaxxer? Does my daughter have the right to get an abortion without being called a baby killer?
Will he answer the question...if he does...he will be the first....
18 Sep 21
@joc44 saidCan someone else "catch" pregnancy?
when I am targeted like Jews in Nazi Germany...for crying Freedom...over Tyranny...
that's when I say...Enough already!
I don't have the virus. I haven't had the virus. I am not getting vaccinated. It isn't any of your business....if you think it is...please answer these questions for me...
Does my daughter have the right to choose not to be vaccinated without being call ...[text shortened]... t being called a baby killer?
Will he answer the question...if he does...he will be the first....
@joc44 saidI stated weeks ago that I don't really care if you get vaccinated from the perspective of you inside your bubble.
when I am targeted like Jews in Nazi Germany...for crying Freedom...over Tyranny...
that's when I say...Enough already!
I don't have the virus. I haven't had the virus. I am not getting vaccinated. It isn't any of your business....if you think it is...please answer these questions for me...
Does my daughter have the right to choose not to be vaccinated without being call ...[text shortened]... t being called a baby killer?
Will he answer the question...if he does...he will be the first....
But if someone with cancer, or a heart attack or just a serious injury in a car accident can't get into a hospital because it is filled with unvaccinated people in ICU, then it becomes everyone's business.
If the health care system collapses under the weight of COVID patients, it becomes everyone's business.
Frankly, if your conviction towards anti-vaccination is this strong, then when you get to the point where you can't breath, then don't call an ambulance !!
Just sit on the sofa and revel in your freedom. You earned it !!
But save the hospital bed for someone else who matters.
I don't give a rat's ass about you.
After all, you're none of my business !!