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Dems block Bill to exclude Illegals in census

Dems block Bill to exclude Illegals in census


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@shavixmir said
You could draw the law at: Everyone living in a place since current date + 6 months, for example.

People who live abroad for years still get to vote. Isn’t that rather strange?
If i come over to visit the Vasa, I am still a citizen of the USA and thus have a right to vote in USA. I cannot vote in Sweden.
If a citizen of Stockholm comes here to ski out west, he can still vote in Sweden. He cannot vote here.
Thirdly, and this will rub you wrong, if a Mexican or a Yemenite come to the USA to get our stuff, they are citizens of their respective countries, and thus CANNOT vote here.
I think this thread touches on that.


@shavixmir said
You could draw the law at: Everyone living in a place since current date + 6 months, for example.

People who live abroad for years still get to vote. Isn’t that rather strange?
Shav....follow me here....Why not 1 day? or 2 days? Where does 6 months come from? How about 10 years, or 20? You libs just throw anything out in the Forum, which we more wisened citizens have to constantly clean up as so much rubbish.


@averagejoe1 said
Shav....follow me here....Why not 1 day? or 2 days? Where does 6 months come from? How about 10 years, or 20? You libs just throw anything out in the Forum, which we more wisened citizens have to constantly clean up as so much rubbish.
6 months is arbitrary.
An example. It could, indeed, be 1 day or 12 generations.

The point being that, in history, various choices have been made.

Surely the base of your individualistic approach to everything is that every person should have the right to influence his surroundings.

And surely that means being able to vote in the surroundings he’s residing in.

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@shavixmir said
6 months is arbitrary.
An example. It could, indeed, be 1 day or 12 generations.

The point being that, in history, various choices have been made.

Surely the base of your individualistic approach to everything is that every person should have the right to influence his surroundings.

And surely that means being able to vote in the surroundings he’s residing in.
I take exception to 'being able t vote in the surroundings'. Communist Chineese are wandering amongst us as we speak.....residing in our surroundings. Any vote from them would be tempered by their way of life, their kungfu teachings whatever, their culture. The Chinese govt to this day dictates...DIctates, Sonhouse..how many children one is allowed to have. If there is a Bill to be voted on regarding children, they would not even be able to comprehend it, since they know only one avenue.
Sorry, I am way over your head.

Oh, for the edification of the Forum, please state that you believe that one not be a CITIZEN of his voting jurisdiction to vote. Hell, if that is the case, why would someone bother being a citizen? All the benefits would eventually be eroded by......guess who...liberals. Smart guys.

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Ah, so the real problem of Chinese spies voting is you think they would vote the cursed DEMOCRAT party votes. It would be just fine with you if they wanted Trump in and voted repub, right?

Sorry, all that stuff just went right over my head. What was I THINKING?

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@sonhouse said
Ah, so the real problem of Chinese spies voting is you think they would vote the cursed DEMOCRAT party votes. It would be just fine with you if they wanted Trump in and voted repub, right?

Sorry, all that stuff just went right over my head. What was I THINKING?
You are truly a broken record.. RIGHT!!?!???!? (sue says right a lot, it looks funny in print).
NO, you are wrong that I think Chinee will vote Dem. I think they will vote for hell, whatever that means. Could be Dem. Maybe, maybe not. You see, I don't thjink they should vote,Sonhouse. You miss it all the time, you really do. I have written that they Should NOT Vote. I wrote why. I did not mention dems. You did. So now I have to convince Sue and Kev that I don't think what you say I think. Downer. What if they don't believe me. Right!?!?!

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@shavixmir said
6 months is arbitrary.
An example. It could, indeed, be 1 day or 12 generations.

The point being that, in history, various choices have been made.

Surely the base of your individualistic approach to everything is that every person should have the right to influence his surroundings.

And surely that means being able to vote in the surroundings he’s residing in.


@shavixmir said
Stop selling land then.
I have tried to get to my congressmen about it, to stop selling them land. It is wrong. There is so much wrong.
I cant WAIT for Trump.

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Don't get me wrong, I don't want Chinese spies in the US fukking with our elections like Russia did and does. I was commenting on YOUR reaction if you though those spies wanted Trump to be POTUS again and you then would say find with me.

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