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Did Hunter just defecate all over republicans?

Did Hunter just defecate all over republicans?



@metal-brain said
The U.S. House Judiciary and Oversight committees held Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify weeks ago after receiving a subpoena.
1. You mean the House Overreach Committee.

2. How many Republicans, including Jim Jordan, including several members of both committees, have refused to even show up for Congressional subpoenas? No, no lying, how many?


@metal-brain said
Maybe she should compare it to Alex Jones' dong. That is evidence in the Sandy Hook trial.
Are you metal-brain-dead?

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@averagejoe1 said
Did Hunter give the finger to the United States Government? Say yes or no, please.
How many Republicans (only those in office, please) have done the same?

Which Republican (who was "an officer of the US Government" at the time) gave the biggest finger to the US Government?

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@mott-the-hoople said
Leaving when asked a question? LMFAO
Does MTG always froth at the mouth when "asking questions"?

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@averagejoe1 said
Shav, you pitiful socialist-whatever, with a free wheeling faerie government? Do you just let a witness DECIDE ON HIS OWN WHEN HE WILL GRACE A COMMITTEE WITH HIS PRESENCE? To decide on his own the process on the spot.???? Would your faerie representatives bend to his will? I think in fact that our reps froze him the hell out of the room. Hey, WE will decide the proces ...[text shortened]... at speak without thinking, who follow this addict, corrupt fellow-loser pot head smoker like you🚬🚬🚬🤪
One question: How would YOU react to a kangaroo court House Committee?

By the way, criminal presidents get impeached in the "land of liberals". As many times as necessary.

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@averagejoe1 said
I enjoy tough talk like this. Straight tough. Best you can do is write like Suzy. Wow. Tough stuff. And The profanity really props it up!

“ Shame on republicans for not saying a word?” To whom? Did they have a duty to recognize this person’s presence. Maybe in the land of wooden shoes, but not in the USA.
Say it, don't spray it.

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@averagejoe1 said
I cannot explain, I am not schooled in the process of making such decisions. I don't know why Taco Bell principals use such porous napkins, resulting in ketchup on my britches. It is what they do.

Let us just say that they have political reasons, as this is all political, is it not? Maybe they want to be able to control the procedure to be sure that his testimony is n ...[text shortened]... with any of Jan 6 so can you just put all that in another Forum with Sonhouse, we really don't care.
Donald Jr. deserves to be in prison with his old man and Eric and Ivanka.

Hunter does not.

You use ketchup at Taco Bell? Barbarian.

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@averagejoe1 said
Libs are animals compared to us.
Why all the screaming and frothing at the mouth in the committee room, then?


@shavixmir said
Unbelievable that you try to spin it like that.
The republicans were asked if they wanted to ask Hunter questions. Nobody responded. So he left.

There’s only one group of people dissed at that hearing, and it sure as hell wasn’t the person leaving.
my answwer.....who in the hell does this POS think he is to dictate to the committee?
I think this covers it. You see, you respect this POS. You would. He has no respect, I wish one repub, had he had time to think about it, would have walked out when Hunter walked in.
Naaaa, you see, Shav, our guys are focused, you and your guys are screaming meamies. Witness, that you are on this very post suggesting that Committee rules not be adhered to. You libs have trouble with decor. We don't.
Like I said earlier, give it time. Our time.
Respect Hunter....really,,,,,,jesus.


@suzianne said
Why all the screaming and frothing at the mouth in the committee room, then?
You are not familiar with the sharing diff ideas, as libs all have the same lockstep positions. They think exactly alike. Like the libs on this Forum. I would think that that would be obvious to you.
Your reps walk into a room and all say at the same time...We have to get Trump! I m right about that. However you will fail. Will we have fun with Sonhouse in November or what!

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@suzianne said
Donald Jr. deserves to be in prison with his old man and Eric and Ivanka.

Hunter does not.

You use ketchup at Taco Bell? Barbarian.
You convict Don Jr in the exact same way that you convict Trump of insurrection.
Solid stuff. How many years for Don Jr. Hey, did you see where Sonhouse says Trump is going to go to jail? Let you and I bet, ($500 to the favorite charity of the winner, which we can prove with copy and paste on this Forum) that Trump will go to jail, or will not go to jail. Sonhouse would not bet me.

Hey, I want you wimps (all you know is wimps) to note how strong Trump is on TV appearances. Presidential material.


@averagejoe1 said
You convict Don Jr in the exact same way that you convict Trump of insurrection.
Solid stuff. How many years for Don Jr. Hey, did you see where Sonhouse says Trump is going to go to jail? Let you and I bet, ($500 to the favorite charity of the winner, which we can prove with copy and paste on this Forum) that Trump will go to jail, or will not go to jail. Sonhouse ...[text shortened]... wimps (all you know is wimps) to note how strong Trump is on TV appearances. Presidential material.
Political strongman, by definition:

"In politics, a strongman is a type of authoritarian political leader... Strongmen typically claim to have widespread popular support, portray themselves as the only one capable of solving the country's problems, and espouse a disdain for liberalism and democracy. "


@suzianne said
Say it, don't spray it.
sounds like you have been around black people too much


@mott-the-hoople said
sounds like you have been around black people too much
Ya’ think?


@suzianne said
1. You mean the House Overreach Committee.

2. How many Republicans, including Jim Jordan, including several members of both committees, have refused to even show up for Congressional subpoenas? No, no lying, how many?
I have no idea. How many?

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