06 Feb 17
The post that was quoted here has been removedI agree with Duchess64's statement. I also think dress codes can be sticky issues. High school girls are protesting school dress codes that require modest attire so boys are not distracted. I would maintain that it is not the responsibility of women to control a man's thoughts or ability to focus. That said, if I ran a business where my employees had contact with the public, I might well not want them wearing their clean but ratty garden blue jeans and an old pair of sneakers. Exactly where are the lines drawn? I've never had to wear a noose around my neck being a woman, but those ties look rather uncomfortable as does the entire 3 piece suite. I think dress codes designed to make women look like a sexual object are terrible. However, the concept that there are certain standards of dress a business or a school might want to impose upon their employees or students does not appear unreasonable to me. I am more than happy to be corrected in this regard.