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Duke University - You Pay For Sex Changes

Duke University - You Pay For Sex Changes


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Originally posted by caissad4
My surgery was 13 years ago in Montreal. I was born both sexes.
I guess that makes me an expert.
Well then you are coming at this subject from a different angle.
Being born that way is entirely different to the situation where
somebody who is one sex decides in their own mind to change
to the other.

If one is born with both sets of genitalia, a decision would have
to be made quickly to determine what sex the child shall grow up
to be.

That is an entirely different situation to someone deciding later
in life that they think they should have been born a woman/man.

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Originally posted by sasquatch672
So someone two years in, two and a half years in, should just suck it up?
According to your OP, the Student Government voted in favor of the change. Have you ever heard of "democracy"?

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Originally posted by johnnylongwoody
Well then you are coming at this subject from a different angle.
Being born that way is entirely different to the situation where
somebody who is one sex decides in their own mind to change
to the other.
If one is born with both sets of genitalia, a decision would have
to be made quickly to determine what sex the child shall grow up
to be.
...[text shortened]... tion to someone deciding later
in life that they think they should have been born a woman/man.
Different angle. Only from your perspective.
Decisions of gender assignment cannot be made by others and definitely not at birth. Blank slate is a farce.
Deciding later in life. I lived most of my life designated as a male.
Pontificating on this issue, without real knowledge, is just silly.

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Originally posted by caissad4
Different angle. Only from your perspective.
Decisions of gender assignment cannot be made by others and definitely not at birth. Blank slate is a farce.
Deciding later in life. I lived most of my life designated as a male.
Pontificating on this issue, without real knowledge, is just silly.
Well I am sorry if you have had difficulty in your life.

But the whole point of this thread was the question of cost.

If one has a need for this type of surgery then I don't see why
others have to pay for it. If one wants to change one's gender
and the facility is available to do so then let them avail of it.

But I don't want to have to pay for it thank you.

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Cost. $50,000 is the cost in the inflated US healthcare system.
The cost in Montreal is under $15,000 at my last check.
I paid for my own since my health insurance carrier said that even my case was not "necessary surgery".

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Originally posted by sasquatch672
Duke University, in its infinite wisdom...

By Scott Greer, on Apr 30, 2013

Duke University plans to raise its student fees in order pay for students' sex reassignment surgery.

Duke University recently made the decision to raise student fees in order add sex-reassignment surgery to their healthcare plan.

The private universit ...[text shortened]... to offer sexual reassignment surgery to students.

I think it could be a way of filtering out non liberal types. The Idea that liberals have a higher IQ is phony to the core. This kind of thing spells it out.

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