13 Sep 21
@metal-brain saidYou say, based on some person who has no academic credentials that about 99% of Virology professors got it wrongwhen tehy acept that the isolation has been done according to standard...that makes you what exactly?
Nope. I said that Virus Isolation itself is not done by the accepted academic standard. Rivers postulate has not been followed. SARS2 has not been properly isolated. How do you know which virus is causing Covid19?
Plus you still have to explain the transformation of the decisivly different RNA structure. (A link to some other media guru without any academic credentials in virolgy won't make the acadmeci standard.
@metal-brain saidApart from your sarcvastic take that could vecome a problem and if handled like the COVID case it could also become a serious problem.
Nipah in Kozhikode: 11 hospitalised with symptoms, high risk contact list swells to 54...
Read more at: https://www.onmanorama.com/news/kerala/2021/09/06/nipah-virus-spread-kozhikode-symptoms-test.html
Look Jane, see the Nipah Henipah virus spread.
Yes Dick, see our health officials ignore the spread.
See Spot get the virus. He can spread it too.
Oh no Jane! This ...[text shortened]... ne, you are a lying republican.
No Dick, you are a democrat in denial.
Jane, I don't feel so good.
But you probably will claim that virus isolation did not meet the spurious standard for virus isolation your media freind is claiming?
@ponderable saidRivers postulate has not been followed.
You say, based on some person who has no academic credentials that about 99% of Virology professors got it wrongwhen tehy acept that the isolation has been done according to standard...that makes you what exactly?
Plus you still have to explain the transformation of the decisivly different RNA structure. (A link to some other media guru without any academic credentials in virolgy won't make the acadmeci standard.
SARS2 has not been properly isolated. How do you know which virus is causing Covid19?
@metal-brain saidbring a professor of virology (active) who doubts that SARS_CoV2 caused COVID-19. Then we can begin toi take you seriously.
Rivers postulate has not been followed.
SARS2 has not been properly isolated. How do you know which virus is causing Covid19?
So you might be interested in that publication:
BTW you know that science does progres in methods?
Oh and you have not explined yet 8and not even posted a link) how a (-)ssRNA (henipah) can transform into a (+)ssRNA (SARS-Cov2) virus. That would probably win you a Nobel (well deserved)
@ponderable saidI never claimed anything transformed into another virus as you well know.
bring a professor of virology (active) who doubts that SARS_CoV2 caused COVID-19. Then we can begin toi take you seriously.
So you might be interested in that publication:
BTW you know that science does progres in methods?
Oh and you have not explined yet 8and not even posted a link) how a (-)ssRNA (henipah) can transform into a (+)ssRNA (SARS-Cov2) virus. That would probably win you a Nobel (well deserved)
Learn to read.
Rivers postulate has not been followed.
SARS2 has not been properly isolated. How do you know which virus is causing Covid19?
You are talking to someone with a Phd in chemistry and your response was extremely rude, LEARN TO READ?
Tell me, how far up the academic chain did YOU get to? GED?
@sonhouse saidRivers postulate has not been followed.
You are talking to someone with a Phd in chemistry and your response was extremely rude, LEARN TO READ?
Tell me, how far up the academic chain did YOU get to? GED?
SARS2 has not been properly isolated. How do you know which virus is causing Covid19?
Well all well and good but you did not answer ANYTHING I said.
You just repeated you bogus BULL claims.
How far up did you go in school? What do you do for a living?
@sonhouse saidRivers postulate has not been followed.
Well all well and good but you did not answer ANYTHING I said.
You just repeated you bogus BULL claims.
How far up did you go in school? What do you do for a living?
If I was wrong you would have proven it by now.
You are just trolling.
@metal-brain said
I never claimed anything transformed into another virus as you well know.
Learn to read.
Rivers postulate has not been followed.
SARS2 has not been properly isolated. How do you know which virus is causing Covid19?
Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, One of Two Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab
This makes proper isolation of SARS2 very important.
That is the first post. It seems to imply (together with the title of the thread) that there si a connection of SARS-Cov2 and Hanipah. Would you agree? If not please specify what the two "facts" share and why you connecvt them.
Or putting things in your style:
Learn to write.
@ponderable saidI am saying both leaked from a lab and probably at the same time. If someone has been infected with both SARS2 and Henipah which virus is causing covid 19? One of them? Both of them? How do you know most C19 deaths are not caused by Henipah?
Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, One of Two Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab
This makes proper isolation of SARS2 very important.
That is the f ...[text shortened]... two "facts" share and why you connecvt them.
Or putting things in your style:
Learn to write.
It could be a case of mistaken identity. That is why proper isolation is important. We know something nasty is going around killing people. Many people think that is all that matters. It isn't
What if C19 is caused by a combination of 2 viruses and people are only being vaccinated for 1 of them? What if the SARS2 virus is the result of contamination and is not causing C19 at all?
The presence of Simian Virus 40 in monkey cell cultures used in the preparation of the polio vaccine from 1955 through 1961 is well documented. That particular polio vaccine was contaminated. That is why following Rivers postulates is so important.
Knowing you identified the specific virus causing the disease is very important. Knowing you are not contaminating the vaccine with other viruses is really important.
14 Sep 21
@metal-brain said🚧🚨Moronity of Gop alert!!!🚨🚧
I am saying both leaked from a lab and probably at the same time. If someone has been infected with both SARS2 and Henipah which virus is causing covid 19? One of them? Both of them? How do you know most C19 deaths are not caused by Henipah?
It could be a case of mistaken identity. That is why proper isolation is important. We know something nasty is going around killi ...[text shortened]... ery important. Knowing you are not contaminating the vaccine with other viruses is really important.
FFing moron.
@metal-brain saidOk so we have the hypothesis:
I am saying both leaked from a lab and probably at the same time. If someone has been infected with both SARS2 and Henipah which virus is causing covid 19? One of them? Both of them? How do you know most C19 deaths are not caused by Henipah?
It could be a case of mistaken identity. That is why proper isolation is important. We know something nasty is going around killi ...[text shortened]... ery important. Knowing you are not contaminating the vaccine with other viruses is really important.
SARS-CoV2 and Henipah viri together cause COVID-19.
In literature we do have this paper:
It reports the infetion of mice using a SARS-CoV2 that has been aleterd for the mouse specific ACE2 receptor. It is for all practical purposes impossible that they inadvertently infected their mice also with henipah.
So we can colcude (with as much reliability that we get in natural science that SARS-CoV2 actually is the virus causing COVID.
Hypothesis falsifed.
@ponderable saidThat is but one of many possibilities. I never claimed that is what I thought happened, just that proper isolation was important for a variety of reasons.
Ok so we have the hypothesis:
SARS-CoV2 and Henipah viri together cause COVID-19.
In literature we do have this paper:
It reports the infetion of mice using a SARS-CoV2 that has been aleterd for the mouse specific ACE2 receptor. It is for all practical purposes impossible that they inadvertently infected their m ...[text shortened]... e get in natural science that SARS-CoV2 actually is the virus causing COVID.
Hypothesis falsifed.
You have a habit of reading more into what I am saying with false conclusions. Stop doing that. I never made any specific claim. I am still right. You don't know you have the right viral sequence.
They also removed the SARS2 genetic sequence that used to be online. They probably removed it because most of it was from the original SARS virus to hide the fact it is genetically engineered. We already know Henipah is genetically engineered. Since it was found in the early Wuhan patients they had both.
Maybe the SARS2 virus is spreading faster than the Henipah and they want to control the spread of Henipah while blaming only SARS2. That would explain why they don't want to talk about the genetically engineered Henipah. There are a myriad of possibilities. If you want to try to disprove all of them go ahead and do that. Proper isolation should still be done though.
Also, you do know that mice experiments do not prove you would get the same results in people, right? You seem to want to disprove this pretty badly. You are going to have to do better than mouse experiments though. That is just an indicator, not evidence.
14 Sep 21
@metal-brain saidIn fact you are insinuiating a lot. Just go tehre and make your testable hypothesis.
That is but one of many possibilities. I never claimed that is what I thought happened, just that proper isolation was important for a variety of reasons.
You have a habit of reading more into what I am saying with false conclusions. Stop doing that. I never made any specific claim. I am still right. You don't know you have the right viral sequence.
They also remov ...[text shortened]... e going to have to do better than mouse experiments though. That is just an indicator, not evidence.
You did write that it was possible that COVID was caused by henipah. That is not correct.
The source I gave showed that you can cause COVID in mice using an adapted SARS-Cov2. What exactly is unclear.
that the virus has been isolated has been shown time and again. You do not accept the fact, since you cling to a standard, which is no longer in use. You thesis that SARS-Cov2 has not been isolöated is plain wrong
Your thesis that somethig other than SARS-Cov2 is falsiefied to the best of scientific standards...
SO my hypothesis: A being from Plante Zorrox, called Pfyfyfifi (the syllables are moudlated to E minor as customary for a being of that kind) is causing COVID by sending a telepathic messsage to the DNA in the victims lung.
Prove me wrong