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Enemies see, will take advantage of, Biden weakness

Enemies see, will take advantage of, Biden weakness



Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor to Pres Biden, wrote an article in Foreign affairs magazine ,one week before the Mideast crisis, stating that the Mid East has never been more peaceful.
Gates' comment that Biden has been wrong on every major foreign policy (Afghan Russia, UIkraine...) which he has been involved with for 40 years. Then the border, the lack of national security.
Guys, your president is ruining our country. He does nothing. Reagan or Trump would have all kinds of positions in place. We are in trouble. 47 aliens with criminal records are apprehended every day at the border. They are not sending us their best. AvJoe is here to tell you that your kids will not enjoy the lives that we have.
An administration like the Keystone cops. Xi is not far away from invading Taiwan....why not? Biden will do nothing, he knows nothiing, he is asleep as I expound.


@averagejoe1 said
Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor to Pres Biden, wrote an article in Foreign affairs magazine ,one week before the Mideast crisis, stating that the Mid East has never been more peaceful.
Gates' comment that Biden has been wrong on every major foreign policy (Afghan Russia, UIkraine...) which he has been involved with for 40 years. Then the border, the lack of ...[text shortened]... om invading Taiwan....why not? Biden will do nothing, he knows nothiing, he is asleep as I expound.
GFY you arrogant twot the USA stepped away from running the world under the orange laughing stock and Biden has an impossible job of repairing the damage he did
How would trump have stopped Hamas doing what they did, would he have ordered us marines to kill Palestinian babies themselves and saved the IDF from having to do it
Come on joe you know the guy so well, what would the fat lying rapist have done any different

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@kevcvs57 said
GFY you arrogant twot the USA stepped away from running the world under the orange laughing stock and Biden has an impossible job of repairing the damage he did
How would trump have stopped Hamas doing what they did, would he have ordered us marines to kill Palestinian babies themselves and saved the IDF from having to do it
Come on joe you know the guy so well, what would the fat lying rapist have done any different
I haave the answer. Libs never answer, BTW.
If Trump, or Reagan for that matter, were president, our enemies would not be doiing wht they are doing. Trump would be gleeful in kicking ass.
Seriously, you are witnessing Sleepy Joe, are you not? Do you think Trump would be going to the brach each weekend while people are suffering in captivity?
Do you think Trump wojld even have this going on in his admiinistration? And it is not over.....Xi adn Putin et al are NOT scared of the corrupt Joe Biden. They were scared of Trump.
You should read more, ,,,,,but, then, you are too busy with your Quaran course being taught by Marauder over on another thread. I cannot IMAGINE talking aboout that, which of course goes no where.

Uhhh, where did you get that Trump is a laughing stock?

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Only the United Nations at his so called talk.

It doesn't matter what Biden does, Biden BAD. Inflation goes up, it's Biden's fault, Inflation goes down, just business.

What do you say about the FACT JACK that our economy is up near 5% RIGHT NOW?

Or the fact that Biden responded to the barbarians slaughtering near 1500 unarmed Jews by sending two aircraft carrier groups to the area to stop any other actors from attacking Israel.

But that is WEAK, BIDEN BAD.

It doesn't matter WHAT Biden does, his terrible crime is being a Democrat.
It also doesn't matter a whit that when Trump was POTUS most of his cabinet is now under indictment or in jail, and he said 'I only hire the BEST'. But you would not have heard that on Faux News or BretFART or whatever ultraright wingnut site you listen to.

And I can only assume you think 91 counts presently against Trump are ALL bogus, nothing to see here, he was only trying to make sure there was no fraud, bla bla bla.
The fact he and his crones made DOZENS of phone calls in Georgia to garner those 11,780 volts Trump himself said, and helped by other cult members calling every state official they could to try to overturn just the Georgia vote.

Or the Jan 6 'peaceful political discourse' that he did NOTHING about for near 4 hours while people were fukkng DYING, not his fault it was Rudy, it was Eastman, it was Jim Jordan, ANYONE but the head snake.

But of course since you are in fact in a Trump CULT you cannot EVER acknowledge ANY wrongdoing of your god king Trump.

And BTW, it IS a cult, with far worse consequences than any of the Wako stuff or Jonestown and THOSE were in fact cults and so is the Trump cult, he goes you can't elect that dude as Speaker, so the next day he is off the menu and we now get a frothing at the mouth Christian nationalist who would love to make Christianity the official state religion and put Jews and Muslims on reservations and he said that publicly.

He wants drag queens in jail, he wants abortion seeking women crossing state lines to go to jail for daring to go to a state allowing abortion.
So that is what the Trump cult does.

Tell me what kind of activity like that does Biden do? Sleepy Joe, that's ALL you got.
Like the 200,000 dollars he got from his brother, WOW, HANG THE SOB.
But in fact what that deal was, was Joe loaning his own brother 200K and brother payed it back a few months later with a 200K check.
OMG, throw that felon in jail IMMEDIATELY.

Frigging hypocrites the whole lot of you.

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@sonhouse said
Only the United Nations at his so called talk.

It doesn't matter what Biden does, Biden BAD. Inflation goes up, it's Biden's fault, Inflation goes down, just business.

What do you say about the FACT JACK that our economy is up near 5% RIGHT NOW?

Or the fact that Biden responded to the barbarians slaughtering ...[text shortened]... 00K check.
OMG, throw that felon in jail IMMEDIATELY.

Frigging hypocrites the whole lot of you.
We have heard all tht Trump stuff before, and doon't kid yurself that good numbers yesterday absolvbes Biden of the hell thqt he continues to create.
But tell us about the measly $200k that you mention above. You conveniently do NOT mention the millions, from our enemy countries, and the BIGGEST question is why Biden doesnt call a conference and tell us what that is all about so we can quit chasing it.
If this were Ronald Reagan or Trump, they would call such a conference.
Tell us why, if you can wriet about Biden instread of Trump for 5 minutes.
How about the millions, Sonhouse?

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And of course it matters not at all that Trump family sucking up to the evil prince of Saudi Arabia, doing his bidding for YEARS resulting in a TWO BILLION dollar gift from that barbarian, no big deal, just business, but JarHEAD Kushner has near ZERO experience handling that kind of money and they are reaping some 20 MILLION a year from that deal just on the deal alone. But what does that matter? First off, PROVE Biden got millions from China, I assume you think it was China, good luck finding that proof. Even if true, that pales in comparison to the Trump family gift from the Saudi Prince, who BTW received a lot of push back from his own people but FORCED the deal on Saudi Arabia. Yep, that just proves how smart the Trump family is, right? And if Biden got money from China OFF WITH HIS HEAD, even if it is a pittance compared to the TWO BILLION Trump family got.

But of course none of that Saudi money matters because they are REPUBS and Biden's biggest crime is he is a Democrat AND won the election over a known criminal, Trump who has already been convicted of TWO frauds if you hadn't kept up with THAT bit, you would never hear about it from Faux News or BretFART, the fact is his so called Trump University and his so called Trump Charity were both shut down by the government and he had to settle with a 25 MILLION dollar fine and now another 5 million in the defamation case and he couldn't even keep his stupid mouth shut for that and may will be adding another 5 million to THAT case.

Yep, you voted for no doubt the greatest POTUS since Lincoln, NO, MUCH BETTER than Lincy EVER was, right?
I also notice complete silence on the fact Biden has sent TWO complete aircraft carrier groups near Gaza to keep others from taking advantage of the fact the north end of Israel is comparatively unguarded compared to the 1/3 million army in the south.
Yep, such a weakling. How DARE he waste American money moving around billions of dollars in military assets. wasting our precious money, right? That is ALL repubs EVER think about, money money money, FUK the average citizen, help with hundreds of thousands in student loans, OFF WITH HIS HEAD, how DARE he help people?


@sonhouse said
And of course it matters not at all that Trump family sucking up to the evil prince of Saudi Arabia, doing his bidding for YEARS resulting in a TWO BILLION dollar gift from that barbarian, no big deal, just business, but JarHEAD Kushner has near ZERO experience handling that kind of money and they are reaping some 20 MILLION a year from that deal just on the de ...[text shortened]... tizen, help with hundreds of thousands in student loans, OFF WITH HIS HEAD, how DARE he help people?
Biden is senile, his administration is hardlhy letting him make carrier decisions.

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In other words, ZERO in the way of defense for the grifter in chief, so I can only assume you think Trump is literally above the law, or the laws are so screwed he gets a bye.
Which one is it for you? BTW, how do you prove other folks are making decisions in Biden's stead? I served in the military four years and had a top secret clearance and I know for a FACT JACK that ONLY the president can order aircraft carriers to move thousands of miles out of their original range.
So what branch of the service did you serve since you seem to know SO much about presidential decisions?


@sonhouse said
In other words, ZERO in the way of defense for the grifter in chief, so I can only assume you think Trump is literally above the law, or the laws are so screwed he gets a bye.
Which one is it for you? BTW, how do you prove other folks are making decisions in Biden's stead? I served in the military four years and had a top secret clearance and I know for a FA ...[text shortened]... hat branch of the service did you serve since you seem to know SO much about presidential decisions?
You start your post "....(I) assume that Trump is above the law". You know I have said as recently as 5 hours ago that I think that if he is found to have broken the law, that he should receive proper fine or punishment. SHouse,,,,,why do you keep saying that? What will Suzianne think!?!?


I'm surprised China hasn't nuked us yet, by the time Joe processes what's happening we'd all be dead.


@jj-adams said
I'm surprised China hasn't nuked us yet, by the time Joe processes what's happening we'd all be dead.
We can all agree that Joe is not at the helm. But the problem is, you have people like Jake Sullivan who, 2 weeks ago, wrote an article that the Mideast is at peace.
Maybe sleepy Joe would be better than Jake, who is making decisions? God Help Us.
Have you fellers ever acknowleged how dead-on Trump was when he labled Biden as Sleepy Joe?

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Biden is the ONLY one at the helm right now. I know you think you would do it a lot better if only YOU were POTUS but sorry, Biden knows how to deal with foreign governments, he has 40 years on the job doing exactly that. Of course I am wrong....Right?
Do you really think the repub controlled house is at the helm right now? Trump doesn't like the dude who actually knew Trump lost so out he goes because the Trump cult follows every word the grifter in chief says.
And you say if Trump is convicted, then what? He has ALREADY been convicted THREE TIMES NOW. Two fraud convictions and one defamation. I guess those don't count. It means nothing to you the government shut down two of his grifts? Trump University and Trump Charity along with a 25 MILLION in damages, no big deal, right, he loses you ONLY if he is thrown in jail or what? If NYC convicts him and he loses his businesses in NYC, would THAT be enough to drop him getting your vote?
Tell me in plain English what it takes for you to not vote for him. He does X, he loses me, what is X?


Biden is the ONLY one at the helm right now. I know you think you would do it a lot better if only YOU were POTUS but sorry, Biden knows how to deal with foreign governments, he has 40 years on the job doing exactly that. Of course I am wrong....Right?
Do you really think the repub controlled house is at the helm right now? Trump doesn't like the dude who actually knew Trump lost so ...[text shortened]... ll me in plain English what it takes for you to not vote for him. He does X, he loses me, what is X?
OIhhhhh, Sonhouse. You simply must hire Marauder's researcher to help you with posting accuracy. I mean.........
EVERYONE knows that Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy issue for over 40 years, here is a link to bring you up to speed, I';m just trying to bring you along. He even voted AGAINST the Bin Laden raid. Ohhh, Sonhouse..



OK, sonhouse, you leafed through that link. Do you WANT Biden at the helm?

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@sonhouse said
Biden is the ONLY one at the helm right now. I know you think you would do it a lot better if only YOU were POTUS but sorry, Biden knows how to deal with foreign governments, he has 40 years on the job doing exactly that. Of course I am wrong....Right?
Do you really think the repub controlled house is at the helm right now? Trump doesn't like the dude who actu ...[text shortened]... ll me in plain English what it takes for you to not vote for him. He does X, he loses me, what is X?
“Biden is the ONLY one at the helm right now.”



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