@mott-the-hoople saidIt's sad how his handlers have to take charge and lead him off stage when he gets lost and starts wandering around.
“Biden is the ONLY one at the helm right now.”
Joe ain't in charge of nuthin' except his bowel movements, and it wouldn't surprise me if he can't even do that and has to wear some kind of adult diaper.
Its a LOT more sad that folks like you are still in the Trump cult.
How high do you jump when Trump says JUMP?
Funny how anyone else with the number of charges against him, anyone else you would CRUCIFY but TRUMP? Just a huge democrat led witch hunt since our god king IS above the law and more popular than Jesus and a much better man than Jesus ever thought of being.........
Tell me, how many times have you seen Trump hug someone who is the victim of crimes or terrorist attacks? Do you seriously think this cretin is capable of empathy when you have to know there is only one person of importance in the life of Trump and that is Trump, any so called friends get dumped under the bus when they say anything vaguely against your grifter in chief.
Like Sydney Powell, now your god king disavows her ever being his lawyer.
Right. Just like all the others he shoved under the bus.
What will it take for you cultists to shove TRUMP under the bus eh?
@sonhouse saidYou just can't get off the wagon, can you?
Its a LOT more sad that folks like you are still in the Trump cult.
How high do you jump when Trump says JUMP?
Funny how anyone else with the number of charges against him, anyone else you would CRUCIFY but TRUMP? Just a huge democrat led witch hunt since our god king IS above the law and more popular than Jesus and a much better man than Jesus ever thought of b ...[text shortened]... hers he shoved under the bus.
What will it take for you cultists to shove TRUMP under the bus eh?
No matter how bad Biden or any Dem is, you have to fall back on "But what about TRUUUUMPPPP?" to excuse anything the Dems and Biden do.
Like a broken record.
@sonhouse saidSonhouse, please do not get ahead of everyone in the forum. Should you not, before writing this, acknowledge that you were nailed by me and Mott and Adams about your silly statement about Biden. Can you come back with that and stop talking about Trump for about 1/2 of a second?
Its a LOT more sad that folks like you are still in the Trump cult.
How high do you jump when Trump says JUMP?
Funny how anyone else with the number of charges against him, anyone else you would CRUCIFY but TRUMP? Just a huge democrat led witch hunt since our god king IS above the law and more popular than Jesus and a much better man than Jesus ever thought of b ...[text shortened]... hers he shoved under the bus.
What will it take for you cultists to shove TRUMP under the bus eh?
All you libs, what you have seeing in these few posts is an example, by Son house, of how you Fellers will change a subject in a heartbeat when it does not suit you. You saw, of course how he jumped to Trump , no one is talking about Trump.
Sonhouse. A friendly suggestion. Own your own thread! It can be like a blog to keep up with all the history, cultism, trials, girls, brash comments, bad breath, trials, Jan 6, trials, elections, brash comments, gold hair, shoe size, the works.
This way, you will not be in disfavor with those discussing vearious topics which have nothing to do with that subject.
Sincerely, Avjoe
So for you those 91 charges are just a joke? I get back to Trump because he IS the repub party right now and you are desperate to deny that. The latest proof came when Trump decided he didn't like the candidate before Johnson came on the scene so next day, zip, he's out.
And you all want us to believe Trump is what, in the past, doesn't matter any more?
He OWNS you repubs, you repeat every fulking lie he speaks, which is pretty much every time he opens his mouth, he is a pathological liar and you know that full well but you are so inculcated in the Trump cult you cannot reason things about Trump for yourselves. Trump has killed the repub party and they are going to find out next election cycle, remember the red wave? Supposed to be a clean sweep of repubs, didn't happen did it. Good luck getting folks who can see through your Trumpworld to vote for much of any repub come next November.
@jj-adams saidLike this?
It's sad how his handlers have to take charge and lead him off stage when he gets lost and starts wandering around.
Joe ain't in charge of nuthin' except his bowel movements, and it wouldn't surprise me if he can't even do that and has to wear some kind of adult diaper.
@averagejoe1 saidWell make your mind up Joe because you guys fete him as the non warmonger POTUS and we all know he sucked up to the Saudis and Putin. He was the bend over POTUS
I haave the answer. Libs never answer, BTW.
If Trump, or Reagan for that matter, were president, our enemies would not be doiing wht they are doing. Trump would be gleeful in kicking ass.
Seriously, you are witnessing Sleepy Joe, are you not? Do you think Trump would be going to the brach each weekend while people are suffering in captivity?
Do you thin ...[text shortened]... oout that, which of course goes no where.
Uhhh, where did you get that Trump is a laughing stock?
There Joe I’ve answered you with historical fact whilst your answer is a BS opinion based on who you’d like Trump to be
@averagejoe1 saidWhat an idiot.
Biden is senile, his administration is hardlhy letting him make carrier decisions.
How does it feel, being told what to think?
@sonhouse saidRight on.
So for you those 91 charges are just a joke? I get back to Trump because he IS the repub party right now and you are desperate to deny that. The latest proof came when Trump decided he didn't like the candidate before Johnson came on the scene so next day, zip, he's out.
And you all want us to believe Trump is what, in the past, doesn't matter any more?
He O ...[text shortened]... getting folks who can see through your Trumpworld to vote for much of any repub come next November.
@kevcvs57 saidThis is the most nothing, empty, 'answer' I have ever seen on RHP
Well make your mind up Joe because you guys fete him as the non warmonger POTUS and we all know he sucked up to the Saudis and Putin. He was the bend over POTUS
There Joe I’ve answered you with historical fact whilst your answer is a BS opinion based on who you’d like Trump to be
@sonhouse saidI love that you used the word 'inculcated' because it's the perfect word for this case. Well done. Joe is still wondering WTF you're talking about.
So for you those 91 charges are just a joke? I get back to Trump because he IS the repub party right now and you are desperate to deny that. The latest proof came when Trump decided he didn't like the candidate before Johnson came on the scene so next day, zip, he's out.
And you all want us to believe Trump is what, in the past, doesn't matter any more?
He O ...[text shortened]... getting folks who can see through your Trumpworld to vote for much of any repub come next November.
@averagejoe1 saidPerhaps you should go back and read any one of your own posts from when you joined RHP son, because you are one of the top five stupidest and most illiterate right wing window lickers on the site.
This is the most nothing, empty, 'answer' I have ever seen on RHP