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Evidence Flynn was set up

Evidence Flynn was set up




New documents filed under seal last week by the Department of Justice provide the clearest evidence yet that the investigation and subsequent prosecution of former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was a set-up from the beginning. Handwritten notes from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that had been inappropriately withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”
In early 2017, FBI agents planned to question Flynn under false pretenses and without his attorneys present regarding his conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. At the time of those conversations, Flynn was the top foreign policy adviser of the president-elect of the United States. By the time of the ambush FBI interview, Flynn had already been appointed as the White House national security adviser.

In the handwritten FBI notes, the note-taker, whose identity was not made clear in the document production, wrote that an alternate goal is to “get [Flynn] to admit breaking the Logan Act,” a reference to a 1799 law restricting communications between private citizens and foreign governments. The law is widely viewed as unconstitutional and has never been used to successfully prosecute a single American citizen. The previously secret notes do not explain that Flynn was not a private citizen, but rather the incoming national security adviser at the time of his conversations with world leaders.
Handwritten FBI Notes On Mi… by The Federalist on Scribd

Accusations that Flynn was a traitor to his country who violated the 1799 law gained steam following the criminal leak of top-secret information to Washington Post columnist David Ignatius. Ignatius’ sources suggested the routine conversation between a top incoming White House adviser and his foreign counterparts might be a Logan Act violation. As absurd as the suggestion was, Ignatius dutifully parroted it.
News reports indicate U.S. Attorney John Durham is currently investigating the sources of those criminal leaks of top secret national security information to Ignatius. Although the agents who interviewed Flynn initially stated they believed Flynn told them the truth during the Jan. 24 interview, Special Counsel Robert Mueller nonetheless charged Flynn in late 2017 with making false statements to FBI investigators in the interview.
Flynn pleaded guilty to the charge at the time but is currently trying to withdraw that plea, citing ineffective counsel and government corruption in the conduct of his case.
The explosive new documents support Flynn’s latest claims that Obama-era Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI officials had conspired to set him up from the beginning and that they never had any legitimate basis for investigating him.
The author of the handwritten notes filed under seal last week also wrote, “We have a case on Flynn and Russians,” and “our goal is to resolve case.” Despite those claims of treasonous Russian collusion, Mueller found, after a sprawling, multi-year, multimillion-dollar investigation, that there was zero evidence of illegal collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government to steal the 2016 election from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
In reality, the only Russian collusion that happened during the 2016 campaign was between the Clinton campaign and a subcontractor it funded, who was at the time working on behalf of a sanctioned Russian oligarch. That agent, former British intelligence operative Christopher Steele, created for the Clinton campaign the entire basis for charges of illegal collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. That document, known as the Steele dossier, has been thoroughly debunked since it was first released in early January 2017. The Clinton campaign, in cooperation with the Democratic National Committee, secretly funded the creation of that document and its distribution throughout the media. To date, none of its key collusion claims has been corroborated.
Steele’s operation became a primary basis for the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation of the Trump campaign. The false allegations contained in the dossier were also used by FBI and DOJ officials to justify four separate spy warrants against Carter Page, a Trump campaign affiliate. The FBI also investigated Flynn as part of this operation.
The FBI notes also show that the author of the document had misgivings about the FBI’s conduct in interviewing Flynn.
“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit,” the FBI author wrote. “I thought [about] it last night, [and] I believe we should rethink this.”
“We regularly show subjects evidence, with the goal of getting them to admit wrongdoing,” the notes said. “I don’t see how getting someone to admit their wrongdoing is going easy on him.”
The redaction portion of the notes is believed to reference transcripts of phone calls between Flynn and other foreign officials. Those transcripts have never been publicly released, making it impossible to independently assess whether Flynn lied about those conversations.
The handwritten FBI notes end with a prophetic line, given the voluminous evidence of misconduct by FBI and DOJ officials in their investigation of Trump and their attempt to oust him from office.
“If we’re seen as playing games, [the White House] will be furious,” the author wrote. “Protect our institution by not playing games.”
Flynn is awaiting a ruling on his motion to have the entire case dismissed. You can read the documents unsealed and made available on the public court docket earlier this evening here.
Sean Davis is the co-founder of The Federalist.

1 edit

Why this story does not matter

1. Shav is tired of such stories

2. The Huffington Post never reported on it, thus proving it is fake news

3. The Deep State runs the Federal government, thus those working for the Deep State have nothing to fear. Democrats never go to jail.

4. Orange man bad.

5. Covid. We can't have more than 3 people in a room at any given time, thus ever preventing people to talk about it till they pie in the sky vaccine is produced once Orange man is gone.

1 edit

@whodey said
Why this story does not matter

1. Shav is tired of such stories

2. The Huffington Post never reported on it, thus proving it is fake news

3. The Deep State runs the Federal government, thus those working for the Deep State have nothing to fear. Democrats never go to jail.

4. Orange man bad.

5. Covid. We can't have more than 3 people in a room at any given ...[text shortened]... enting people to talk about it till they pie in the sky vaccine is produced once Orange man is gone.
@whodey said
“Why this story does not matter”

It’s because Flynn was guilty as sin and you n the federalist are full of right wing Trump💩


@whodey said
Why this story does not matter

1. Shav is tired of such stories

2. The Huffington Post never reported on it, thus proving it is fake news

3. The Deep State runs the Federal government, thus those working for the Deep State have nothing to fear. Democrats never go to jail.

4. Orange man bad.

5. Covid. We can't have more than 3 people in a room at any given ...[text shortened]... enting people to talk about it till they pie in the sky vaccine is produced once Orange man is gone.
You can't just post a giant wall of text like you've accomplished something. You need to outline what specifically from your article shows Flynn was set up.

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Whodey is right. Here is a youtube video for those that prefer to do less reading.

Peter Strzok lied to the FBI with impunity. He should be in prison.


@vivify said
You can't just post a giant wall of text like you've accomplished something. You need to outline what specifically from your article shows Flynn was set up.
For the reading impaired

1. Handwritten notes from the FBI had been withheld from the Flynn defense team that show that the key goal of the agents was to try and trap Flynn in a lie in order to prosecute him or get him fired.

2. The FBI questioned Flynn under false pretense nd without his attorney being present and was told he did not need one because it was off the record.

3. One of the notes by the FBI agent shows that they were trying to prove that Flynn broke the Logan Act, despite the fact that the law is widely viewed as unconstitutional and has never been used to successfully prosecute a single US citizen.

I could also draw pictures if it would help

3 edits

@metal-brain said
Whodey is right. Here is a youtube video for those that prefer to do less reading.


Peter Strzok lied to the FBI with impunity. He should be in prison.
No worries democrats!

Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences




Bringing Republicans into


Allegations against democrats


@whodey said

New documents filed under seal last week by the Department of Justice provide the clearest evidence yet that the investigation and subsequent prosecution of former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was a set-up from the beginning. Handwritten notes from t ...[text shortened]... the public court docket earlier this evening here.
Sean Davis is the co-founder of The Federalist.
Pretty much every paragraph of this are lies, most debunked many times on this Forum.

As for the ones specific to Flynn, as I said in the OTHER thread you started about Flynn a few days ago:

""Ambush interview"? LMAO! It was already public knowledge that Flynn had spoken to Kisylak on December 29th, 2016, the very day the US announced sanctions against Russia for interference in the US election. Both Sean Spicer and Mike Pence had already made public statements falsely claiming that Flynn had not discussed the sanctions with the Russian ambassador in those calls. And two days before the interview "the Wall Street Journal reports that U.S. counterintelligence agents have investigated Flynn’s communications with Russian officials."


So Flynn was perfectly aware he would be questioned about the call and decided to lie about it. I see no reason why the FBI was obligated to "refresh his recollection" when he had already presumably lied to Pence and others. Flynn had an obligation under the law to truthfully answer the questions the FBI posed and in his plea bargain he admitted he did not.

This is all right wing BS."

Whether the Logan Act is unconstitutional has never been determined; it remains on the books. Right wingers here have insisted it be used against Obama when he was a Senator (an actual member of the government, unlike Flynn at the time he spoke to the Russian Ambassador) and John Kerry (for something about Iran), so it's a dead letter only when convenient.


@no1marauder said
Pretty much every paragraph of this are lies, most debunked many times on this Forum.

As for the ones specific to Flynn, as I said in the OTHER thread you started about Flynn a few days ago:

""Ambush interview"? LMAO! It was already public knowledge that Flynn had spoken to Kisylak on December 29th, 2016, the very day the US announced sanctions against Russia for i ...[text shortened]... n Ambassador) and John Kerry (for something about Iran), so it's a dead letter only when convenient.
So lying to the FBI gets you put in jail?

Do tell


@whodey said
So lying to the FBI gets you put in jail?


Do tell
I don't watch YouTubes offered as "evidence" on this Forum, so your "whataboutism" is wasted.

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@whodey said
For the reading impaired

1. Handwritten notes from the FBI had been withheld from the Flynn defense team that show that the key goal of the agents was to try and trap Flynn in a lie in order to prosecute him or get him fired.

2. The FBI questioned Flynn under false pretense nd without his attorney being present and was told he did not need one because it was off the re ...[text shortened]... n used to successfully prosecute a single US citizen.

I could also draw pictures if it would help
These are just assertions. Handwritten notes saying *what*? What do they say showing there's a set up?

As usual your posts are light on actual substance.


@no1marauder said
I don't watch YouTubes offered as "evidence" on this Forum, so your "whataboutism" is wasted.
That's fine, No1. But I distinctly recall watching a MSM news broadcast interviewing then FBI head, Comey, and asking point-blank, "Did Hilary Clinton lie to the FBI"? Comey answered, "Yes".

Now, you are a lawyer, I would love to know what "equal justice under the law" means to you.

Corrupt as the day is long. And yes, Strzock will get away with it, the dems always do


@earl-of-trumps said
That's fine, No1. But I distinctly recall watching a MSM news broadcast interviewing then FBI head, Comey, and asking point-blank, "Did Hilary Clinton lie to the FBI"? Comey answered, "Yes".

Now, you are a lawyer, I would love to know what "equal justice under the law" means to you.

Corrupt as the day is long. And yes, Strzock will get away with it, the dems always do
I doubt it.

I read his book and he specifically stated that there was nothing in the interview that could be proven to be false. He wasn't very committal about her veracity, but he was adamant that there was no perjury case. It's on p. 183 of "Higher Loyalty" at the top in my Amazon Kindle version if you are interested. The most pertinent part:

"there was nothing in her comments that we could prove was a lie beyond a reasonable doubt."

Again, it is "whataboutism" and false "whataboutism" at that.

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@whodey said
No worries democrats!

Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences





Bringing Republicans into


Allegations against democrats
shows that republicans are the party of crime
we all know that don't we
we have a crime family in the white house now
within a few years there will be many more republicans in jail
maybe the Hague will take care of the donald
let him spend the rest of his putrid years in a prison just for him
and begin the long process of disinfecting the stench of his administration

1 edit

@no1marauder said
I don't watch YouTubes offered as "evidence" on this Forum, so your "whataboutism" is wasted.
Ok, I'll tell you what is on it.

It is a clip of Hillary saying one thing, and then another clip showing Comey refuting it as a lie regarding her e-mails. I lost track as to how many lies, but such lies as to what e-mails she had given to the FBI were all the e-mails, to refuting the fact she used more than one server to whether the e-mails contained any confidential information, etc., etc. The music in the background though makes you crack up laughing so hard that you almost have to grab a Covid mask to keep from throwing snot on your keyboard.

Then at the very end of the video, as you think Comey is all set to cast judgement on the pathological liar Hillary, he says that he will not pass judgement on her in any way and will let her go, but for anyone else to think that they can do something similar and get away with it, they should think twice about it because more than likely they will not be as fortunate unless their last name is Clinton/Biden, or some other mindless Progressive empty suit/dress for the Deep State.

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