@earl-of-trumps saidSure, but define what "yes" really means.
That's fine, No1. But I distinctly recall watching a MSM news broadcast interviewing then FBI head, Comey, and asking point-blank, "Did Hilary Clinton lie to the FBI"? Comey answered, "Yes".
Now, you are a lawyer, I would love to know what "equal justice under the law" means to you.
Corrupt as the day is long. And yes, Strzock will get away with it, the dems always do
You see, you have to think like a Clinton.
At this point anyone who has half a brain and who does not drink the cool aid of the DNC can see that the Deep State exists and is in full control of pretty much everything.
03 May 20
@metal-brain saidStroek? What about Comey? I have said for years that no one out of all of this will ever go to jail, and I still stand by that, as guilty as they are
Whodey is right. Here is a youtube video for those that prefer to do less reading.
Peter Strzok lied to the FBI with impunity. He should be in prison.