@Earl-of-Trumps saidAnd those Democrats would be Republicans today.
@Suzianne "Oh, wait, you still think Republicans freed the slaves"
I think that because it's the truth, Suzianne.
In fact, no Republicans owned slaves then, only Democrats owned slaves.
Keep on dreaming, Sue
I mean, I've known slow people but you're special.
@Earl-of-Trumps saidSo, you don’t vote republican?
how many times must I remind you, I am a Libertarian, not a republican
@shavixmir saidLibertarian is my first choice, but they are seldom available,
So, you don’t vote republican?
so then I might vote for a republican. but never a democrat
@Earl-of-Trumps saidExactly. So you are a trumpite.
Libertarian is my first choice, but they are seldom available,
so then I might vote for a republican. but never a democrat
@Earl-of-Trumps saidYou can remind me a zillion times a day, it doesn't change the fact that you vote how you are, and you can't help what that says about you.
how many times must I remind you, I am a Libertarian, not a republican
A Libertarian in America is just someone that votes Republican but doesn't want the shame associated with that.
Redneck is redneck.
@Suzianne saidAnd here's the suzidude talking about something he has zero knowledge of.
You can remind me a zillion times a day, it doesn't change the fact that you vote how you are, and you can't help what that says about you.
A Libertarian in America is just someone that votes Republican but doesn't want the shame associated with that.
Redneck is redneck.
And we are supposed to believe a foreigner like you are some kind of expert on American politics?
I think you LOVE the idea of the Heritage foundation, totally broadsiding the entire history of government in the US, like killing the department of education, banning actual WORDS like abortion or vagina or contraceptive among other jewels of governing.
There was an interview with one of those dudes where he goes MASSIVE voter fraud and the interviewer showed the stats, about 1500 cases of voter fraud TOTAL since 1980 which is miniscule compared to the hundred million or more votes actually cast and that dude goes, 'fraud is difficult to find' unquote.
They are literally anti American, to me more like Putin acolytes waging a war of the ultra rich against middle class.
So you will vote for a now convicted felon and hiding payments to a port star for the express purpose of keeping information from the public just weeks before the election and that all the while his wife was having their child.
Then there is the fact he stole hundreds of TS and ABOVE TS docs and claimed he OWNS them because he declassified them by telepathy.
And avoiding doing a THING about covid for month after month when a REAL president would have made that pandemic priority # 1 and it was only Fauci who did the actual work of getting a real vaccine and he was VILIFIED for that just like he was vilified for daring to find treatments for HIV and cures for Ebola and other infectious disease which makes it clear as pure water the ultrarightwingnuts HATE actual competence because authoritarians only want yes men, sycophants who will do the bidding of the dictator to be.
And you LOVE that kind of government, I guess you figure when the US turns into a dictatorship you will be one of those with lips permanently attached to Trump's ass and when he goes JUMP you go 'how high your majesty?'
On post #3 of this thread, the poster in lib fashion once again refers disparagingly to Hillsdale College (which ain't exacty as liberal as are you folks.)
I thought I would excerpt part of their mission statement..... Here it is:
""""The College values the merit of each unique individual, rather than succumbing to the dehumanizing, discriminatory trend of so-called “social justice” and “multicultural diversity,” which judges individuals not as individuals, but as members of a group and which pits one group against other competing groups in divisive power struggles.""""
I absolutely love this, wish I would have written in answer to some of your group-think, the mob at work.
Anyway, carry on in grouping up, it must get a little discombobulated in there!
@sonhouse - So you will vote for a now convicted felon and hiding payments to a port star for the express purpose of keeping information from the public
Of course I would. Hiding embarrassing information is an intuitive thing to do, not criminal.