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Forgive tuitions, or, help families in FHA loan foreclosure?

Forgive tuitions, or, help families in FHA loan foreclosure?



@zahlanzi said
honest debate? ha!

ok, honest questions: is the US bankrupt? Has it run out of money? Is it a third world country?

If you obviously answer no, then get off your hypocritic ass and demand you republican representative to ALSO support those families you claim to care so much about. I am sure the reason why republicans don't introduce bills like this is because they ju ...[text shortened]... eciles don't realize that it's actually the republicans that block everything that might help people
Here's your fallacy. You see, some people don't work as hard as others work. You say 'support families'. Exactly which ones, Zahlanzi? I have always said the USA should support the 40M identified as destitute and truly in need. So AvJoe is with you to that point.
Tell us, who else do you want to support, and give food, clothing, shelter, cell phones, medicine, transportation, free college and money to? What qualifications would citizens and aliens be required to meet? Or would it be just everyone across the board?
A genuine answer, please? No personal attack?


@sonhouse said
There is the problem of the fact that student loans cannot be taken care of by going bankrupt. You can claim bankruptcy on a house loan, and maybe even come out of it with your house intact plus there are means that mortgage companies can help out with forbearance for instance but there is no such ability for student loans so it is the student loan folks who are in worse shape if they get into trouble paying off those loans.
We all know that. That is not the issue.


@averagejoe1 said
Here's your fallacy. You see, some people don't work as hard as others work. You say 'support families'. Exactly which ones, Zahlanzi? I have always said the USA should support the 40M identified as destitute and truly in need. So AvJoe is with you to that point.
Tell us, who else do you want to support, and give food, clothing, shelter, cell phones, medicine, tr ...[text shortened]... Or would it be just everyone across the board?
A genuine answer, please? No personal attack?
"You see, some people don't work as hard as others work."
Do you know each and every one of those college graduates? Do you know how hard they work? Do you have a "workmeter" you gauge how hard one works? Do you get to decide who is deserving and who isn't?

Republicans just love to bring up the "lazy" undeserving ones. "You can't help college students with college debt because they are all a bunch of soymilk drinking avocado toast eating freeloaders". "You can't help minorities because they just churn out children and they will use the money for drugs"

Funny how no such vetting is made when it comes to giving corporations tax cuts.

"You say 'support families'. Exactly which ones, Zahlanzi?"
The ones you mentioned in the original post and in the title of the thread, you senile bastard. "Forgive tuitions, or, help families in FHA loan foreclosure?"

"Or would it be just everyone across the board?"
It should be everyone across the board when it comes to education and healthcare. Everyone capable of being educated should be. Everyone sick should be given healthcare.
Public transportation should be free for everyone. Clothing should be offered and it is. Everyone should be given shelter.

All the above would actually save money. It costs more to keep a person homeless than to give them shelter. It costs more to keep healthcare private just in the extra beauracracy alone and it costs more to treat a person who delayed going to the doctor because they couldn't afford it than it would have been just making it free in the first place. It benefits everyone if the ones capable of receiving education get it, rather than remaining stuck in poverty and on welfare or even worse, turning criminal. Free transportation might ease up traffic in major cities, lessen polution.

But no, keep giving tax breaks to corporations, maybe they will finally create those jobs you keep saying will magically appear.


@zahlanzi said
"You see, some people don't work as hard as others work."
Do you know each and every one of those college graduates? Do you know how hard they work? Do you have a "workmeter" you gauge how hard one works? Do you get to decide who is deserving and who isn't?

Republicans just love to bring up the "lazy" undeserving ones. "You can't help college students with college debt b ...[text shortened]... ks to corporations, maybe they will finally create those jobs you keep saying will magically appear.
"Do you know each and every one of those college graduates? Do you know how hard they work? Do you have a "workmeter" you gauge how hard one works? Do you get to decide who is deserving and who isn't?"

Nor do you zahlooney.


@averagejoe1 said
Thankyou. If you are being serious with this thoughtful response, no need to fight, I am sorry for my part,,,,,,can you tell us why, in a closed society, like a town, or a city, or a state, or a country, why there would any different rationale from one to the other. than that which you state here?
You have said, I think, that we should pay student debt, whatever they ...[text shortened]... aying we should not.
I am going to pour me a Jack Daniels awaiting your answer. Thanks again.
You have said, I think, that we should pay student debt, whatever they are calling it today, but here you are saying we should not.
I am going to pour me a Jack Daniels awaiting your answer. Thanks again.

Dear Joe - I think "Federal" funds should be used to pay down student debt, perhaps 50% of it. That is far different than using local tax money to pay off all student debt. - I hope you enjoy your Jack Daniels.


@mchill said
You have said, I think, that we should pay student debt, whatever they are calling it today, but here you are saying we should not.
I am going to pour me a Jack Daniels awaiting your answer. Thanks again.

Dear Joe - I think "Federal" funds should be used to pay down student debt, perhaps 50% of it. That is far different than using local tax money to pay off all student debt. - I hope you enjoy your Jack Daniels.
Mchill, Joe has no concept of economics. He believes personal budgets are no different than the Federal budget. He does not understand and I doubt he has the patience to try. Too much cognitive dissonance and too much cognitive effort involved for him to handle such issues even if he has the ability to comprehend.

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@wajoma said
"Do you know each and every one of those college graduates? Do you know how hard they work? Do you have a "workmeter" you gauge how hard one works? Do you get to decide who is deserving and who isn't?"

Nor do you zahlooney.
Before I respond to Zahlanzi’ rant, Just want to ask Him what in the world difference does it make if I know who some people are or what they are doing?.? I was asking him how in the hell he will decide who gets all this free stuff. That is, after the 40 million that we will take care of.. Note his deflection with this stupid comment about our knowing who does what.

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Where do you get our reasoning of laziness, soybeans and minorities? And are not our states, cities and towns also occupied by the same type people as are the total citizens of the USA? So,, if feds can dole out money, so can the cities' budgets by your reasoning. .You now understand that there is no difference. fgeez
Then you mention corp tax cuts. Cities change taxes all the time. Sales, permits, ad valorem, property, intangible, car tags what in the hell are you talking about. No difference, Zahalnzi. Is the city sposed to cancel the tuition debt on the local city college? They cannot afford it. SO, how can the feds afford it. No difference. Sickening mindset .

Zahlanzi, you messin' with me? The title is a clearly a question that asks: "(Is our money better used to ) forgive tuitions, or to help families in foreclosure?" I then went into the hurt that families with no mortgage payments are going through. Get on track little feller, please restrain angst and prior conceptions.
Your next para is about free meds and free (college) education. That is a tenet of socialism. And we are speaking of USA, not Romania, which is ALL govt stuff, free, and socialist. So change us from capitalism to socialism, and then open up that issue with your own thread. This is my thread, and you are really really off course. The para you write, housing, clothing, the works, is what YOU do in another country.**
Your para about all of this saves money is so so laughable. Do a link telling us all about it. Making me sick that you citizens live on plantations totally owned by Socialists. (YOU are not a socialist).
Zahloanzi, you are on my ass, but I would like to get on yours for not helping Ukraine...You are not listed not this random link
But the USA is trying to keep the vile Russian out of your back yard. You are welcome. Oh, sorry if my saying Vile upset you, you may kinda like Russia. Do they have free stuff? Gimme it!!

*** https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/

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@phranny said
Mchill, Joe has no concept of economics. He believes personal budgets are no different than the Federal budget. He does not understand and I doubt he has the patience to try. Too much cognitive dissonance and too much cognitive effort involved for him to handle such issues even if he has the ability to comprehend.
OK, good point. Not personal budget, as families don't have military, FAA, FDA, 300 agencies.
But a municipality or state does. Police, agencies, county food authorizations, etc. A govt budget. There is a fed budget. Each must make responsible expenditures of money. If the feds give
away money to pay loans of citizens, then cities or states should as well. This is not really a question, as we all know that you cannot answer it.
Hey, did you get Zahlanzi above? What a flake. He lives under socialism and covers us up with the the way thhheeeeeeyy do it. Do you think we could operate like Zhalanzi's podunk country (that is not charitable to Ukraine)? I'm thinking the Socialist Dear Leaders are making it difficult for him to get a 2nd home beach house.;

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@wajoma said
More honest questions:

Do you want to bankrupt the US? Do you want the US to run out of money? Do you want the US to be a third world country?
Crickets from you while trumpo ran up the score on deficit spending. 2 trillion per year over the top, on average. Crickets.

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@averagejoe1 said
Who is suffering the most? College graduates, who have moved up a rung on ladder of life, or a high-school graduate, (if that), unsteady, working, with a starter home (FHA loan), having a hard time making payments, feeding 2 children? Would it make more sense to pay off the choking FHA loan?
I look forward to an honest debate!!!!
Which is exactly why the govt assists both....
Did you notice the ''F,'' in FHA.
Educated people, are are the homeowners of the future.

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@averagejoe1 said
OK, good point. Not personal budget, as families don't have military, FAA, FDA, 300 agencies.
But a municipality or state does. Police, agencies, county food authorizations, etc. A govt budget. There is a fed budget. Each must make responsible expenditures of money. If the feds give
away money to pay loans of citizens, then cities or states should as well. ...[text shortened]... thinking the Socialist Dear Leaders are making it difficult for him to get a 2nd home beach house.;
Hey, did you get Zahlanzi above? What a flake. He lives under socialism and covers us up with the the way thhheeeeeeyy do it. Do you think we could operate like Zhalanzi's podunk country.

Dear Joe - There is no need to be insulting. Romania was ruled by the USSR for decades, it wasn't their choice to live under that regime. Until you walk a mile in someone else's shoes, you don't know what your talking about.

You might ask yourself: If Zahlanzi is such a flake, why can he read, write, spell and play chess better than averagejoe can? 😳


@mchill said
Hey, did you get Zahlanzi above? What a flake. He lives under socialism and covers us up with the the way thhheeeeeeyy do it. Do you think we could operate like Zhalanzi's podunk country.

Dear Joe - There is no need to be insulting. Romania was ruled by the USSR for decades, it wasn't their choice to live under that regime. Until you walk a mile in someone else's shoes, y ...[text shortened]... ht ask yourself: Why can Zahlanzi read, write, spell and play chess better than averagejoe can? 😳
Not hard to figure, chill-----
Jo is a xenophobic entitled, elitist, racist, white man.


@mchill said
Hey, did you get Zahlanzi above? What a flake. He lives under socialism and covers us up with the the way thhheeeeeeyy do it. Do you think we could operate like Zhalanzi's podunk country.

Dear Joe - There is no need to be insulting. Romania was ruled by the USSR for decades, it wasn't their choice to live under that regime. Until you walk a mile in someone else's shoes, y ...[text shortened]... lanzi is such a flake, why can he read, write, spell and play chess better than averagejoe can? 😳
I knew it was strong, but was tit for tat the insults he hurled at me. Take sides, I think you lean towards his? How come. Are you reading the crux of his opinions? Creepy. Govt handouts. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr. You a dependent too? Then, vote Zahlanzi.
As to having a choice to live socialism, maybe one of you could write an honest thread about it. We didn’t choose Democrats, either. Best would be all of you banter about the benefits and wonders of socialism, and we other guys will just study your positions.


I think I will do the thread

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