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Four covid shots, got it very mild.

Four covid shots, got it very mild.


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@sonhouse said
My doc Burlew says the results came in as 'presumptive' covid, which I think means hard to tell if it was covid or not, I am here to thank Moderna for my four shots which left me with one day of coughing and nothing else. Got over it faster than I got over flu last year.
Shame on you for not masking properly!

You are a spreader of disease and death.

Now go panic for a month about possible long covid as penance!

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Yeah, I know. I deliberately blew my nose on, let's see, as of today, 840 people so I am a regular carrier now.

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@sonhouse said
Meanwhile, your God TRUMP is getting his sorry ass deeper and deeper in legal trouble, he richly deserves to be in prison for life for fomenting the attempted coup, he is the head of the snake and you know that full well too bad you are not in the US where you most likely wished you had been there with YOUR AR15 to make your points known.
How long do you think Trump would be alive if he had pulled this shyte in RUSSIA? say against Putin?
Putin would sentence him to 4 years in the White House.
Oh wait !! That already happened !! 🤣🤣


@sonhouse said
Yeah, I know. I deliberately blew my nose on, let's see, as of today, 840 people so I am a regular carrier now.
UK Government Confirms the Triple / Quadruple Vaccinated Account For 91% Of All COVID Deaths Since the Beginning of 2022.

To cheer you up.

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hahaa! you syrup junkies are dying hahaa!

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I hate to tell you, but I am still alive and well and I had 4 shots and not of rum.....

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Week ending 16 July NSW Australia, 142 dead all of them jabbed up, none unjabbed.

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@wajoma said
Week ending 16 July NSW Australia, 142 dead all of them jabbed up, none unjabbed.
If the vaxxed rate is 95% as claimed by NSW health, and the vax did nothing then we'd expect about 7 of those deaths to be unvaxxed. If you'd like to claim that the vax is effective in reducing the severity of the wuflu you'd expect more than 7 deaths for the unvaxxed. What the number actually shows is you're more likely to die from wuflu if you did take the seizure syrup.

According to NSW Health Aus

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Funny how none of that stuff happened to ME and I took FOUR SHOTS. C19 for me was a bad cough for a couple of days and sore throat, I have had COLDS worse than that. But OF COURSE you don't really give a rat's ass whether what I said is true or not, you are ONLY interested in what kind of political hay you can come up with for your own twisted ends.

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@sonhouse said
Funny how none of that stuff happened to ME and I took FOUR SHOTS. C19 for me was a bad cough for a couple of days and sore throat, I have had COLDS worse than that. But OF COURSE you don't really give a rat's ass whether what I said is true or not, you are ONLY interested in what kind of political hay you can come up with for your own twisted ends.
I'm completely fine with you taking the juice sonhouse, if you want to take 10 shots then you should.

If you suddenly stop posting we'll know what happened.

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Don't count on that assswipe, you are nothing but a bottom feeding chaos generator.
It is clear as HELL if I did not have those shots I would most likely be dead, being 80 fukking years old.

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