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GE partners with China to build jet liners

GE partners with China to build jet liners



What a joke, The Presidents own man on the economy, moves to help China compete against Boeing,, and he's helping our economy how?? what a joke, not only didn't they pay taxes, move their medical technology to China, now this,, what a traitor....
How has Jeffrey Immelt helped the American people?

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Originally posted by Hugh Glass
What a joke, The Presidents own man on the economy, moves to help China compete against Boeing,, and he's helping our economy how?? what a joke, not only didn't they pay taxes, move their medical technology to China, now this,, what a traitor....
How has Jeffrey Immelt helped the American people?
Surely you are not suggesting the government should somehow force Jeffrey Immelt to work for Boeing and not for GE?

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Originally posted by FMF
Surely you are not suggesting the government should somehow force Jeffrey Immelt to work for Boeing and not for GE?
No, but give me a good reason we should keep him on as head of the economic developement team for the USA,, GE paid no taxes,, moved their medical division to china, costing jobs in wisconsin,, now what seems weird about his current commision as the head of our economic council,,,?? Like, what have you done for us Mr. Immelt?
surely you see my point?
along with GE, goes their technology........ not just jobs..
Boeing will do fine.....


Originally posted by Hugh Glass
No, but give me a good reason we should keep him on as head of the economic developement team for the USA,, GE paid no taxes,, moved their medical division to china, costing jobs in wisconsin,, now what seems weird about his current commision as the head of our economic council,,,?? Like, what have you done for us Mr. Immelt?
surely you see my point?
You're right that GE paid no taxes. Are you with Democrats on closing corporate loopholes?


Originally posted by Hugh Glass
No, but give me a good reason we should keep him on as head of the economic developement team for the USA,, GE paid no taxes,, moved their medical division to china, costing jobs in wisconsin,, now what seems weird about his current commision as the head of our economic council,,,?? Like, what have you done for us Mr. Immelt?
surely you see my point?
So you think the people involved here somehow shouldn't just be able to go about their international business in accordance with the law and in the best interests of their shareholders?

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Originally posted by Hugh Glass
No, but give me a good reason we should keep him on as head of the economic developement team for the USA...
Rightwingers here were complaining that there were no 'real world' capitalists working within the Obama administration, and then when there are, here you are complaining that a 'real world' capitalist like Jeffrey Immelt is behaving like a 'real world' capitalist?

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I would guess the best way to deal with the issue of Immelt and his position on Obamas economic committe, is to let the people decide in 2012.
Not really that far away, I can wait.

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Originally posted by FMF
So you think the people involved here somehow shouldn't just be able to go about their international business in accordance with the law and in the best interests of their shareholders?
Not while pretending to have the best interest of the American people at hand... do you? I see a conflict of interest, which he should use to excuse himself from the appointment. But he won't, because he has his eyes set on a bigger prize...

I have no problem with a company going over seas, mine did..But where the problem lies, is in Obama appointing him to help americans, with the economic committee.
We also just saw Ever Green Solar, which received 48 million in stimulus money, declare bankruptcy, and move their operation to China......
so what exactly has Mr. Immelt done that has helped..I'll look around, maybe there is some unknown thing he has accomplished for the 10 % of the people who are unemployed?

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Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper
You're right that GE paid no taxes. Are you with Democrats on closing corporate loopholes?
yes I am..

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Lol, I just bought a pair of Phil Knights Nikes last night..39.00, made in China.
Now how do the chinese make a pair of good shoes, ( i think )ship them over here and sell them for 39 bucks? I also bought addidas socks, made in Viet Nam,, cheaper than cheap...... less regualtions, lower pay for workers?
is that the answer, we stop cleaning up emissions and waste water, and drop pay for all?

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Originally posted by FMF
Surely you are not suggesting the government should somehow force Jeffrey Immelt to work for Boeing and not for GE?
how did you ever twist that around ?? same old guy,,

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Originally posted by Hugh Glass
Lol, I just bought a pair of Phil Knights Nikes last night..39.00, made in China.
Now how do the chinese make a pair of good shoes, ( i think )ship them over here and sell them for 39 bucks? I also bought addidas socks, made in Viet Nam,, cheaper than cheap...... less regualtions, lower pay for workers?
is that the answer, we stop cleaning up emissions and waste water, and drop pay for all?
What are you complaining about? You just told us that you like Nikes and were glad to buy a pair cheap that was made overseas. You did not present any evidence that they are cheaper because they pollute. Maybe they don't have inefficient regulation; maybe they have pleanty of raw materials available; maybe they aren't crushed by healthcare expenses and union rules like we are in this country.

It is a good thing when people such as yourself are able to obtain products that they desire at cheap prices. Your xenophobic wishes simply would eliminate buying opportunities.

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Originally posted by Hugh Glass
how did you ever twist that around ?? same old guy,,
Hey Hugh, I have something for you. Since you accused me of "hiding" because I was on orders for recruiter duty a couple years ago...


Show me how it's done. Make sure you pick something combat arms and volunteer to go airborne.

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Originally posted by Hugh Glass
What a joke, The Presidents own man on the economy, moves to help China compete against Boeing,, and he's helping our economy how?? what a joke, not only didn't they pay taxes, move their medical technology to China, now this,, what a traitor....
How has Jeffrey Immelt helped the American people?
Are you suggesting that the US government should force people not to work for Chinese companies? Don't you believe in free trade and capitalism?

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Originally posted by KazetNagorra
Are you suggesting that the US government should force people not to work for Chinese companies? Don't you believe in free trade and capitalism?
You can bring up free trade when China gets rid of its tariffs and practices free trade itself. Until then, there is no free trade with China.

As for GE, they work hand in hand with Obama. If Obama wants American jobs, then he (GE) shouldn't work to give more jobs to China.

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