Originally posted by bill718Sounds like a right winged commune. 😛
Glenn Beck...another right wing looney wants to keep the big, bad G'ubment out of everyone's lives, by forming his own little right wing piece of heaven on earth. What's going to happens if someone in their little paradise is robbed, killed, stolen from or get's injured? Who do they turn to?...or does Mr. Beck plan on dispensing justice himself? Earth to Bec ...[text shortened]... tp://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/glenn-beck-announces-plan-independence-usa-233854956.html
Originally posted by KazetNagorraGlennbeckistan. It'll be called Glennbeckistan.
Seems more like an attempt to get some attention than anything serious. But hey, it's a free country, if people really want to give him 2 billion for his own Beckerland then the best of luck to them.
I wonder if Glenn will preside over his realm wearing the same debadged SS uniform he wore on the cover of one of his books.
Originally posted by bill718There are a lot of gay dudes 58 years old that own their own pedicure business and dislike those nasty guns!!! Don't duck your head to nobody there Bill. Stand tall and tell them what for!!!!
I'ts odd you feel I have feminine or gay qualities, considering you don't know me. I'm 58, married, own my own business, and have not owned a firearm in 30 years because I've never been attacked, and don't feel threatened by anyone. I know you enjoy name calling, but these don't appear to be feminine or gay qualities to me. I'm sure you've been taught these ...[text shortened]... bal bullying tactics in the armed services, but they sound silly here in the real world.
Originally posted by bill718One of the many differences between you and me as that I respect the right of people to hold an opinion different from mine. You started attacking my belief system, so I've responded in kind. I'm all for civil exchanges.
I'ts odd you feel I have feminine or gay qualities, considering you don't know me. I'm 58, married, own my own business, and have not owned a firearm in 30 years because I've never been attacked, and don't feel threatened by anyone. I know you enjoy name calling, but these don't appear to be feminine or gay qualities to me. I'm sure you've been taught these ...[text shortened]... bal bullying tactics in the armed services, but they sound silly here in the real world.