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GOP kills its own border bill

GOP kills its own border bill


@djj said
And what about the Biden Crime Family? The only thing he's interested in building is his grift account, 10 percent at a time.
There is no Biden Crime Family.

You misspelled Trump.

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@djj said
And what about the Biden Crime Family? The only thing he's interested in building is his grift account, 10 percent at a time.
The reason why Republicans are on a cultural purge and can't stop with Hunter Biden is because they have no real agenda for addressing the problems we have, particularly immigration and runaway federal spending. There's no policy agenda at all. They are not serious people. It's just substance-free rhetoric, word vomit.

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@djj said
What does 2019 have to do with anything? He's dementia riddled now. Too dementia riddled to be charged with document theft, but fit to run the country? WTF??
It is a damning indictment of American politics that both parties have had seven years to groom a capable, electable candidate, and neither has done so. The two party system is broken.

@wildgrass said
The reason why Republicans are on a cultural purge and can't stop with Hunter Biden is because they have no real agenda for addressing the problems we have, particularly immigration and runaway federal spending. There's no policy agenda at all. They are not serious people. It's just substance-free rhetoric, word vomit.
Yes, they have no agenda because it's been shown time and time again, there policies just don't work.

It only serves to polarize society economically, which creates a deep rift between the haves and have nots with the consequence of destroying the very fabric of that society. And the nutcase that wants to make America great again, will front with a playbook guaranteed to only further accelerate the decline.

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@kmax87 said
Yes, they have no agenda because it's been shown time and time again, there policies just don't work.

It only serves to polarize society economically, which creates a deep rift between the haves and have nots with the consequence of destroying the very fabric of that society. And the nutcase that wants to make America great again, will front with a playbook guaranteed to only further accelerate the decline.
Fiscal conservatism worked in the 90s.

@wildgrass said
Fiscal conservatism worked in the 90s.
Arguably it worked under Clinton, a Democrat, but the Cold War had ended and he was able to reign in defence spending. Once Bush 2.0 and the War on Terror remapped the defence budget, fiscal conservatism showed it's shortcomings.

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@kmax87 said
Arguably it worked under Clinton, a Democrat, but the Cold War had ended and he was able to reign in defence spending. Once Bush 2.0 and the War on Terror remapped the defence budget, fiscal conservatism showed it's shortcomings.
I guess we're arguing about whether the current crop of Republicans have policies that don't work, or don't have policies at all? I was arguing for the latter.

A Republican congress in the 90s got things done with a Democrat for president. The current batch isn't interested in solving problems.

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@wildgrass said
I guess we're arguing about whether the current crop of Republicans have policies that don't work, or don't have policies at all? I was arguing for the latter.

A Republican congress in the 90s got things done with a Democrat for president. The current batch isn't interested in solving problems.
I'm in total agreement that the current crop have nothing to offer anything at all, but I've never been a fan of the tax less reduce the size of government brigade, because over time it tends to shift wealth upwards and transform society, shrinking the middle class and reducing intrasocietal mobility.

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@kmax87 said
I'm in total agreement that the current crop have nothing to offer anything at all, but I've never been a fan of the tax less reduce the size of government brigade, because over time it tends to shift wealth upwards and transform society, shrinking the middle class and reducing intrasocietal mobility.
1) size of government is measured by spending not taxation. With Republicans in the lead for much of the time, government has grown substantially. Since clinton, they're not actively trying to reduce the size of government.

2) parts of government spending are extremely bloated and unneeded. The "extra" goes to well connected military contractors, scam artist criminals, and lobbyists, not the middle class. The middle class only serves to subsidize the wealthy.

3) there's no reasonable way to increase the US tax rates to cover the budget debt. Reducing spending is the only possible solution to ending government bloat and excess debt.

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@wildgrass said
1) size of government is measured by spending not taxation. With Republicans in the lead for much of the time, government has grown substantially. Since clinton, they're not actively trying to reduce the size of government.

2) parts of government spending are extremely bloated and unneeded. The "extra" goes to well connected military contractors, scam artist criminals, a ...[text shortened]... et debt. Reducing spending is the only possible solution to ending government bloat and excess debt.
Will Congress ever prioritize the needs of people ( like healthcare and education) over the demand for pork barreling and subsidies?

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@kmax87 said
Will Congress ever prioritize the needs of people ( like healthcare and education) over the demand for pork barreling and subsidies?
Pork barreling does help some people.

Health care has been prioritized many times over the years. Spending wise, US puts way more into health than other nations with little added benefit. There was just a scandal where tens of billions in fake catheters was bilked out of the medicare system over a decade and the watchdogs kept calling it an innocent mistake. The criminals will walk away with their profit.

Not just medicine. These stories happen in military circles all the time too, telling us all that there's way too much money flowing out of DC.

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