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Government shut down!!

Government shut down!!


Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
07 Apr 11
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Originally posted by FMF
[b]Sorry that you don't feel free.
FMF defines sarcasm.


28 Oct 05
07 Apr 11
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Originally posted by Wajoma
FMF defines sarcasm.
Your animosity and bumper sticker intellect count for very little, Wajoma. You have no credibility on the issue of "fraud". Here you are, a few weeks ago: "You should pay [tax] for the services you use, so if you believe yourself to be in credit you are morally justified in evading taxes".

Pressed to explain this you fell silent. No wonder. Tax evasion is fraud. You often talk about 'right and wrong' but it seems you'd have your work cut out differentiating your moral compass from that of a petty crook. No doubt you will cough up some sort of Wajomadefinition of "tax evasion" that isn't what it really is - which is merely the bald-faced defrauding of fellow citizens. Maybe you'll reduce your "moral justification" to another one of your bumper sticker 'thoughts'.

Or maybe you'll just skip that and try to think of something really mean to say instead or - even more devastatingly, heaven forbid - you might misspell some words in your retort, such as 'government' or 'bureaucrat' or some other such absolute zinger. But who will care?

Reepy Rastardly Guy

Dustbin of history

13 Apr 07
07 Apr 11
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Originally posted by FMF
Your animosity and bumper sticker intellect count for very little, Wajoma. You have no credibility on the issue of "fraud". Here you are, a few weeks ago: [b]"You should pay [tax] for the services you use, so if you believe yourself to be in credit you are morally justified in evading taxes".

Pressed to explain this you fell silent. No wonder. Tax evasio r 'bureaucrat' or some other such absolute zinger. But who will care?[/b]
Well if not sarcasm, you've got derision down to a science. 🙂

Edit: Added a smiley so you don't turn those guns on me!


28 Oct 05
07 Apr 11
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Originally posted by Sleepyguy
Edit: Added a smiley so you don't turn those guns on me!
Gggrrr... sassafrassarassum Reepy Rastardly Guy...



30 May 07
07 Apr 11
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Originally posted by whodey
How did he know I'm a brown shirt violence loving lunitic from the deepest part of Conservitarian Tea Party loving hell?

If you ask me, it was a lucky guess. 😛
The content of your posts consistently reveal yourself to be a pround member of the brownshirted ranks of the tea party. I bet utherpendragon too must be very active in these clandestine operations to overthrow the Obama administration by the use of violence and political treachery. This was never a secret you two have managed to conceal too well, and lo and behold we even have a confession!


02 Jan 06
07 Apr 11
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Originally posted by Sleepyguy
Edit: Added a smiley so you don't turn those guns on me![/b]
That's what Whodey is for.

You can never fill thes shoes!! 😠


02 Jan 06
07 Apr 11
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Originally posted by generalissimo
The content of your posts consistently reveal yourself to be a pround member of the brownshirted ranks of the tea party. I bet utherpendragon too must be very active in these clandestine operations to overthrow the Obama administration by the use of violence and political treachery. This was never a secret you two have managed to conceal too well, and lo and behold we even have a confession!
Violence and treachery? Does throwing my shoes at the TV everytime Obama appears on the screen count? 😛


02 Jan 06
07 Apr 11
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Originally posted by badmoon
A serious subject and we only retort to whodey's silly sarcasm. You may as well be in the Senate, whodey.
Hmmm. Is this an edorsement?


The Catbird's Seat

21 Oct 06
08 Apr 11

Originally posted by FMF
But, say if - as whodey seems to relish the idea of - some people did die as a result of politicians bickering - would that really "mean nothing to a vast majority of people"?
The whole issue is obscured by the term "government shutdown".

What is really being sought is yet another extension of the "debt ceiling". What good is a ceiling, if every time you reach it you raise it?

The United States is on the verge of catastrophic inflation and devaluation of its currency. The loss of "world reserve currency" status, could plunge the US into Greek, Portugese, and Zimbabwe type hyperinflation. Our national debt has increased in just over two years by 4.5 trillion dollars.

I'm not particularly concerned about the consequences of a "government shutdown", but I am deeply concerned about the consequences of just doing business as usual, borrowing nearly half of what the government spends.

Chocolate Expert

Cocoa Mountains

26 Nov 06
08 Apr 11
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Originally posted by normbenign
I'm not particularly concerned about the consequences of a "government shutdown", but I am deeply concerned about the consequences of just doing business as usual, borrowing nearly half of what the government spends.
Perhaps you could explain to federal government employees how they earned the right to become collateral damage in the "consequences" of this political showdown.

Why do people in favor of a government shutdown always see the government as some inanimate object? We're talking about people. No, they won't "die in the streets" (yes, whodey, that was aimed at you), but they will have to scrap to make ends meet for some temporary amount of time. Are you okay with imposing that uncertainty on other people?

Chocolate Expert

Cocoa Mountains

26 Nov 06
08 Apr 11
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A few questions I have since considered with regard to Republicans' criticisms of Democrats:

1) Is it not true that Republicans, who now blame Democrats for not having passed a bill last fall, also criticized Democrats for considering passing a budget last fall during the lame-duck session because they wanted to be sure that the freshmen Republican majority this year had an influence on the construction of said bill?

2) Budget bills are subject to the same possible filibustering tactics by the Senate as any other bills, are they not? And according to wikipedia (for what that's worth), Congress can only pass one bill via reconciliation per any given Congressional term. So, because Congress had already passed health care reform, they couldn't use reconciliation to pass a budget (which would have drawn heavy fire from Republicans, anyway), and they didn't have the supermajority necessary to overcome a likely filibuster.

Feel free to correct my logic above where I am mistaken. Otherwise, it seems to me that claiming that failure to pass a budget last year is Democrats' fault is bogus, although this year I think blame is abundant enough to be shared.


07 Dec 05
08 Apr 11
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Originally posted by normbenign
The whole issue is obscured by the term "government shutdown".

What is really being sought is yet another extension of the "debt ceiling". What good is a ceiling, if every time you reach it you raise it?

The United States is on the verge of catastrophic inflation and devaluation of its currency. The loss of "world reserve currency" status, cou ...[text shortened]... s of just doing business as usual, borrowing nearly half of what the government spends.
What about Bernanke's warning? That is something to be concerned about, right?

Perhaps this will just be an excuse to let the economy tank and blame it on congress' inability to work together. People should speak out against poison pill legislation. The Republicans should have never put abortion crap in the bill.


28 Oct 05
08 Apr 11
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Originally posted by normbenign
I am deeply concerned about the consequences of just doing business as usual, borrowing nearly half of what the government spends.
Actually, I share this concern. And I think it is a pressing issue that the body politic seems unable to get its act together and address properly.


07 Dec 05
08 Apr 11
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I keep hearing about how the Tea Party is pressuring the rest of the republicans in congress to support deep cuts the dems won't accept.

Can anybody tell me how the Tea Party has that much power? Their numbers are not large, right? Why would anybody let the Tea Party crowd pressure them? It sounds impossible to me.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
08 Apr 11
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Originally posted by wittywonka
Perhaps you could explain to federal government employees how they earned the right to become collateral damage in the "consequences" of this political showdown.

Why do people in favor of a government shutdown always see the government as some inanimate object? We're talking about people. No, they won't "die in the streets" (yes, whodey, that was aim ...[text shortened]... me temporary amount of time. Are you okay with imposing that uncertainty on other people?
Perhaps they'll have to become productive instead of parasitical.

Tis a dishonest man that consumes more than he produces.

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