@vivify saidI got into a pm session with her about something and she was a different person and I started to feel bad about my opinion of her but a week later on the forum she was ripping me a new one 😂
I guess it's kinda like when people break up with an ex and they mostly remember good aspects of the person but as soon as they get back together they'd immediately recall why they left.
If Duchy were to come back I'm sure I'd eventually call her a CoUNT
I once said her heart was in the right place but unfortunately it was made of steel
@vivify saidShe was toxic. Good riddance.
These responses show what a great poster Duchess actually was. What other banned member gets this much attention so long after getting canned?
I hate to admit but I enjoyed my interactions with Duchess. I think on some level most posters here did as well.
@jj-adams saidSuzi's been here since before Duchess and they have very little in common
Duchess was a crunt....isn't she Suzie now?