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Greta Thunberg Time person of year

Greta Thunberg Time person of year


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Awww, leave him alone, we can stomach it after all this time, we need people like him to stink things up,....after all, you have me et al on some other characters on the other side.

How bout ole Schumer, he just asked 'what are you (senate, i guess) hiding?" Did they hide in the basement? hahahhahhahahah What is wrong with Schiff's face? Oh, and Nadler's face.

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@averagejoe1 said
You are aware that one need not be a lawyer or 'trained in law' to be a Supreme Court Justice. So, a republican is elected President in 2024, and puts Trump on the Court. Just getting y'all ready with your poster boards........
Nothing like a little humor to lighten up the day.
Rulings by Twitter.
Get yer cofefe's out !! 😆

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The post that was quoted here has been removed
You appear to have forgotten the specific thread I referenced. (Or buried it deep in your psyche).

No matter.

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The post that was quoted here has been removed
Which "record" are you referring to?

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