@averagejoe1 saidUnrelated.
He'll sulk away. Just like when I asked him if he would be cool with a male competing against his daughter in a swim meet.
That trumphouse,,,,,,I mean......
I do wish he would tone down his topic titles a few degrees. He is like Shav. Ahhh, the pride..
@spruce112358 saidFurthermore, before birth, the mother's rights trump the "rights" of the fetus.
All babies have rights the moment they start breathing (whether on their own or on mechanical ventilation makes no difference). A given.
Before that, the baby has no soul. The soul enters at the 'inspiration' or first breath.
I'm surprised at your lack of belief, you heretic.
Don't try to use government to force your religious beliefs on me. That will never work in the United States because of the 1st amendment which guarantees freedom of religion.
@averagejoe1 saidNo one knows the "real" Trump, especially his enthralled minions.
Naaa, I know the real Trump, didn't need to .
@averagejoe1 saidTell that to the Supreme Court of Arizona, who just de-evolved back to an 1864 law that disallows ALL abortions. The ONLY exception is to save the life of the mother.
You need to see somebody. I told you that we all, including Trump, would approve abortions of babies of rape and incest.
Are you OK?
And the Hobbs decision will go even further, curtailing rights to IVF, contraceptives, gay marriage and BTW, Hobbs was sited in Uganda where they used that decision to bolster the law giving them the right to EXECUTE gays.
I saw your governor and AG talk and I hope they wipe that draconian bullshyte law off the books but till then a lot of women and nurses and doctors and even cab drivers will be burned. The AG said she will not pursue any of those cases when they come up, good for her.
@suzianne saidAnd we should pass a law that clarifies this.
Furthermore, before birth, the mother's rights trump the "rights" of the fetus.
TBH, if women don't rise up and vote 100% of every Republican out of office, I'm really gonna wonder what's wrong with them. (No offense.)
There are a number of women who would vote against abortion, like highly religious ones, or just plain magites, so no matter what there will not be a 100% shift to abortion rights. I sure hope they save our sorry asses, the Hobbs decision is not stopping at abortion rights, like the ad showed Amanda almost died because doctors could not abort a dead fetus because of the draconian laws in Texas.
They go as far as saying she would be a criminal if she crossed state lines for an abortion in a free state.