15 Feb 21
The post that was quoted here has been removedAgain, you give one source.
Every other source I can find on the subject contradicts you.
Logically, someone with a high EQ who made a radical discovery that challenged authority, would set about promoting it in a less challenging way.
Why said person couldn’t be the creative brain behind the radical discovery is something you and one source only seem to promote.
Many of the best artists have been geniunly charming people.
There is something to be said about artists and scientists who are so focussed that it’s near obsession and that they score somewhere on an autistic scale. But that, again, has nothing to do with challenging the status quo.
15 Feb 21
The post that was quoted here has been removedThat’s where your brain is malfunctioning.
There is no correlation between a high EQ and a “yes” man to authority.
The means to exact change will be less confrontational, probably, as the relationship is important. But it’s easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar.
15 Feb 21
The post that was quoted here has been removed“ Kevcvs57 apparently keeps wrongly presuming that every employee at a concentration
camp had equal acquaintance with (and moral responsibility for) the prisoners.
Again, not every employee was assigned to guard the prisoners. Some employees
would be expected during their normal work to have *no contact* with prisoners.
'Out of sight, out of mind'. ”
Note the duchess apparently holds the position that someone who voluntarily works in a concentration camp does not have a moral responsibility regarding their chosen employment when any right thinking person would conclude that they definitely do. duchess clearly believes that we have no moral responsibility for our choices and that concentration camps are just another place if employment, perhaps they have apprenticeship scheme duchess.
The post that was quoted here has been removedTitle post duchess posted
"Let’s focus again on Gemma and explore some of the less favorable implications of her high EQ."
1) Lower levels of creativity and innovation potential.
2) Difficulty giving and receiving negative feedback.
3) Reluctance to ruffle people’s feathers.
4) A well-developed ability to manipulate others.
5) An aversion to risk." ”
It strikes me that con 4 is actually a pro and would negate cons 2 & 3 to a large extent. Whilst con 1) is counterintuitive, has the writer never met or heard of the emotionally tortured poet or artiste.
16 Feb 21
The post that was quoted here has been removedIt sounds very much like you scored differently to your perceived “you” on an EQ test and are trying to convince your damaged ego that it will all be okay.
Again: you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Someone with a high-end EQ will question authority and sell their product in a different fashion than someone’s who’s autistic.
Doesn’t make them less challenging to authority, doesn’t make them less creative.
All sources point this out to you.
16 Feb 21
The post that was quoted here has been removedI posted a whole series of links for you.
Dutchess keeps showing that she's far too arrogant and insecure to concede that she could learn anything.
The obstinate inability to consider the possibility that one does not already know
everything is a sign of stupidity.
You are literally talking about yourself.
Anytime anyone contradicts you on whatever subject, you start hurling abuse.
Get over it. You are wrong. End of.
16 Feb 21
The post that was quoted here has been removedYeah. Like I have time to delve into details.
A simple google search coughs up tons of research into the matter. You can pick it out yourself and everything will tell you that creativity (all sorts) are not hampered by EQ, but more often or not is boosted by a higher EQ.
That a high-end EQ’er might choose to project his or her creativity in a less confrontational manner says nothing about the creativity itself.
And if you must know, I have a high-end EQ (I score a solid I on the PPA / DISC profile as well) and nobody has ever accused me of not wanting to rock the boat.
Indeed, because of my EQ, I can say whatever I want, going over the line of outragiousness, and everybody still loves me.
Such is life.