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Hmm...Thats intersting

Hmm...Thats intersting


4 edits


Media coverage of this has been overwhelmingly negative. Will they be able to continue their attacks when the chips are on the table?

“Our measures are all based on individuals taking responsibility, and that is also an important part of the Swedish model,” Samuelsson said." ( I added the emphasis)

The above phrase is the real enemy. Control and compliance are highly coveted assets in the deep state. Never has a an American liberal bureaucrat uttered the phrase "personal responsibility" without trembling in anger at its mere existence.

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@joe-shmo said

Media coverage of this has been overwhelmingly negative. Will they be able to continue their attacks when the chips are on the table?

“Our measures are all based on individuals taking responsibility, and that is also an important part of the Swed ...[text shortened]... ucrat uttered the phrase "personal responsibility" without trembling in anger at its mere existence.
As I sit and watch the news today, I learn that Trump is 100% responsible for Covid and its spread. In fact, I heard Don Lemming on CNN say it was rumored that Trump likes to bite the heads off live bats before sucking down all their blood. Before the Pandemic hit the news, I learned that Trump needed to be impeached for collusion with the Ukraine with 24/7 news coverage instead of the Pandemic beginning in China. More than likely Trump was diverting all attention to himself to try and make as many people unaware of the Pandemic he started so as to kill as many people as possible. Putin no doubt had a hand in it.

Trump caused everything.

Knowing these facts, how can you be anything but negative?

Thanks God we have such a wonderful press core that has our best interests at heart with such glorious coverage of world events.



Gosh darn right, Joe.

A chain is as strong as its weakest link. Democrats love weak links so they can pretend to go in and save those people with "safety nets", which are really traps that leave people dependent on big gov, big prog.

Welfare as we know it. Progs are so proud.

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@earl-of-trumps said

Gosh darn right, Joe.

A chain is as strong as its weakest link. Democrats love weak links so they can pretend to go in and save those people with "safety nets", which are really traps that leave people dependent on big gov, big prog.

Welfare as we know it. Progs are so proud.
So long as they "help" one person, it gives them an air of legitimacy they use to justify everything else the do , much like Hillary using her "charitable" foundation to launder money.

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I wish to be clear, I don't believe this strategy would have worked in the US. We have far too many idiots.

Perhaps wishful thinking at this time, but at least the "Gold Standard" of approaches will be met somewhere in the world. Just to show that their strategy was both humanly achievable and effective with no legislative force will be a great victory for humanity.


@joe-shmo said
I wish to be clear, I don't believe this strategy would have worked in the US. We have far too many idiots.

Perhaps wishful thinking at this time, but at least the "Gold Standard" of approaches will be met somewhere in the world. Just to show that their strategy was both humanly achievable and effective with no legislative force will be a great victory for humanity.
All regions are not equally idiotic.

Personally I think liberty is worth risking death. Let people choose to be stupid if they wish.

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@eladar said
All regions are not equally idiotic.

Personally I think liberty is worth risking death. Let people choose to be stupid if they wish.
Right now there is a large group of people gathering in the state capitol of PA to protest. Judging from the live feeds they don't appear to understand the meaning of 6ft apart. I agree that this virus is not nearly as deadly as it has been made out to be, but the pessimist in me ( trying to account for the possibility that I'm wrong ) also says fine, protest... but try to do it in a organized socially distant manner for now.


@joe-shmo said
Right now there is a large group of people gathering in the state capitol of PA to protest. Judging from the live feeds they don't appear to understand the meaning of 6ft apart. I agree that this virus is not nearly as deadly as it has been made out to be, but the pessimist in me ( trying to account for the possibility that I'm wrong ) also says fine, protest... but try to do it in a organized socially distant manner for now.
It is their right. They can judge for themselves the real threat.

How many of them will die because of not following social distancing? My guess, zero

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@eladar said
It is their right. They can judge for themselves the real threat.

How many of them will die because of not following social distancing? My guess, zero
Perhaps, but

If you believe in the deep state, it could also be many, or whatever numbers they deem necessary to remain in control.


@joe-shmo said
Perhaps, but

If you believe in the deep state, it could also be many, or whatever numbers they deem necessary to remain in control.
I believe in individual freedom and personal respinsibility. I believe in a country free from government domination, a land of the free.


@eladar said
I believe in individual freedom and personal respinsibility. I believe in a country free from government domination, a land of the free.
Do you run red lights and go 80 MPH in a 25 MPH zone?

Or do you recognize that such activities might endanger others and avoid such behavior?


@eladar said
I believe in individual freedom and personal respinsibility. I believe in a country free from government domination, a land of the free.
I agree with your sentiments, I'm just less sure about our actual ability to steer the ship. What I mean is our country is not entirely free anymore from government domination in my opinion.


@no1marauder said
Do you run red lights and go 80 MPH in a 25 MPH zone?

Or do you recognize that such activities might endanger others and avoid such behavior?
Lol, yes speed limits are the same thing as laws forcing people to wear masks and to shut down businesses.

Welcome to the leftist normal.


@joe-shmo said

Media coverage of this has been overwhelmingly negative. Will they be able to continue their attacks when the chips are on the table?

“Our measures are all based on individuals taking responsibility, and that is also an important part of the Swed ...[text shortened]... ucrat uttered the phrase "personal responsibility" without trembling in anger at its mere existence.
The deep state...



@joe-shmo said
I agree with your sentiments, I'm just less sure about our actual ability to steer the ship. What I mean is our country is not entirely free anymore from government domination in my opinion.
Of course it is not, which is why we need less government control not more.

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