@sonhouse saidProbably happens. Isn’t actually my point though.
There was a pretty famous case of Trans, by a captain in the USAF, a doctor. So he decided to switch to female. The thing about that was this: It was arguably the most spectacular change anyone had ever seen.
He/she was frigging BEAUTIFUL.
So starting his/her new life, she/he found out to his dismay he didn't like sex with men.
Now he/she has become a lesbian.....
Go figure. A wee late to go back to having balls.....
16 Jul 21
The post that was quoted here has been removedExactly! If an adult wants to mutulate themselves, good luck with it.
Under 18 (although, arguably, under 27): don’t do anything that can’t be reversed.
And there is in most cases no medical justification for SRS in children.
The obvious exception being if that dual sexual organs are life endangering.
16 Jul 21
The post that was quoted here has been removedWhat the hell do you mean by icky?
I find it ethically unacceptable. I find it morally outragious. I find it child abuse. I find it a solution which doesn’t fit the problem. I find it short-sighted and activist motivated.
But icky? I have no problems watching people be mutulated. As long as it’s not my blood splashing on the floor, I don’t give a damn.
The post that was quoted here has been removedWhat a load of bollox.
My argument goes just as well for transgender men.
Indeed, I have no idea if a transgender male is a female who’s become a man or a man who’s become a female (technically. I obviously know they consider themselves to already be that which they’ve transitioned to).
Nor do I care.
Whether it’s chopping off kids’ balls or slicing out their labia… it’s all quite reasonably a big no-no from my point of view.
16 Jul 21
The post that was quoted here has been removedYou truly are moronic, aren’t you?
Ignorant in your activist racist and child mutulating bias.
And constantly projecting your fears on others, sounding off about things you know nothing about, but from the slighted angled BS you read.
An armchair general with the tactical and strategic capabilities of a retard on a see-saw.