@sonhouse saidWhich respond to yours.
Wow, TWO POS posts in a row.
Why do you not respond to mine? You know, On the evil POTUS thread, where I ask you if you would prefer to have jimmy carter because he is nice? Nice being a big factor to you, ?
22 Sep 21
@sonhouse saidHard to disagree with what you are saying, look at the new climate religion, I get your point, then the new minority worshiping, victim worship, yea I get your point, organized ideologies are the scourge of mankind.
I imagine humans would be much better off if Satan was the world religion.
Organized religions are the scourge of mankind and always will be.
All you have to do to see that is look at the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.
And then there were the crusades.
Then there was christians taking over the US killing 90 odd % of all native cultures in so doing.
Yep, those religions are SO benign. NOTHING but the welfare of the congregation at heart.
@jimmac saidLook around. The Archie Bunkers of the world aren't on top any more.
Hard to disagree with what you are saying, look at the new climate religion, I get your point, then the new minority worshiping, victim worship, yea I get your point, organized ideologies are the scourge of mankind.
Good riddance. When you don't adapt to the times, you get left behind.
And as always, the times they are a-changin'. The only constant is change, as it should be.