08 Sep 05
Originally posted by STANGStang is a liar and a BS artist (and not a good one at that). He tried to weave his way out of his lie with another lie. Didn't work. Get him out of office....ehem.... out of this forum. Ban him now. I declare October 1 as "Get-Stang-out-of-this-forum Day". (Although it probably won't happen --- where have I seen this tried before???)
It was an experiment. Sitting around bored with it pouring rain outside. No need to get uptight.
Originally posted by WajomaBush is a liar and a war monger. Bush is your liability.
There's an old saying on message boards, it goes "Don't feed the troll."
Stang is a troll and apart from the threads he hijacks he now has a thread devoted to him i.e. like any spoilt brat he's getting the attention he craves.