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In Your Face, Right Wingers

In Your Face, Right Wingers


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Originally posted by sasquatch672
That was embarrassing. You're right. Karl Rove did not cover himself in glory on that terrible night.

YOUR reality has a liberal bias. On that we agree. The reality on this website has a liberal bias. The mainstream media has a shamelessly liberal bias (remember Candy Crowley taking her moderator hat off and becoming Obama's defender during the ...[text shortened]... vor of expedience. This is a hallmark of liberalism, and heralds the death of the Republic.

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Originally posted by sasquatch672
That was embarrassing. You're right. Karl Rove did not cover himself in glory on that terrible night.

YOUR reality has a liberal bias. On that we agree. The reality on this website has a liberal bias. The mainstream media has a shamelessly liberal bias (remember Candy Crowley taking her moderator hat off and becoming Obama's defender during the ...[text shortened]... vor of expedience. This is a hallmark of liberalism, and heralds the death of the Republic.
Karl Rove wasn't predicting. He was manipulating.

It wasn't enough, but he tried.

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Originally posted by joe beyser
The electoral college is told who to vote for just as congress is told how to vote on bills they don't read. Obama is pretty well hated by both parties now. One just a little more than another. This liberal bias just means the media is more liberal.
The electoral college is told who to vote for by whom?

Yeah, he's hated by both parties and yet his approval rating is is still higher than his disapproval.


Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Karl Rove wasn't predicting. He was manipulating.

It wasn't enough, but he tried.
Also it wasn't just Karl Rove. It was almost every Conservative talking head in the media and the blogosphere. They all insisted the polling agencies had a liberal bias and that Romney was all but a shoe in.

It's like that everything. Deny science because scientists are Liberal. Deny numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Deny CBO numbers. And this was a new one.... deny the freaking dictionary!

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Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper
Also it wasn't just Karl Rove. It was almost every Conservative talking head in the media and the blogosphere. They all insisted the polling agencies had a liberal bias and that Romney was all but a shoe in.

It's like that everything. Deny science because scientists are Liberal. Deny numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Deny CBO numbers. And this was a new one.... deny the freaking dictionary!
That was all an act to raise confidence.

EDIT - Or, if they are truly dastardly, they'll be like Satan in South Park where he fights Jesus, convinces everyone that Jesus is a sissy, and then throws the fight because he bet against himself:


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^sorry about the spoiler

One thing to realize about organized groups like the Republicans is that they can rationally decide to sacrifice reputations for the benefit of the group. They don't do it in a backstabbing way like Communists do but they'll sacrifice the reputations of people who are ready to retire, because those people don't need their reputations any more.

Dubya Bush and Karl Rove are the examples that come to mind. They made choices that damaged their reputations but provided other advantages. Third world dictators know better than to threaten a Republican President now, and Romney would have been extremely useful for them to have in office. FOX news can demonize people like McCain, Dubya, Romney, Rove in order to convince people it isn't partisan but behind the scenes the individuals being demonized are in the know and don't mind because they understand the reason their names are being attacked - for the benefit of the Republican Party.


For the record, Susan Rice, an interventionist to the core and supporter of the disastrous interference in the Libyan civil war, is a lousy pick for the NSA.

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Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper
The electoral college is told who to vote for by whom?

Yeah, he's hated by both parties and yet his approval rating is is still higher than his disapproval.
And you really believe the approval numbers? The powers of the NWO, which may be bilderbergers tells them who to vote for. I say maybe because there is a lot of secrecy behind the scenes and they just may have an organization thats sole purpose is to be a shadow government. Hard to name who, but the effects are obvious. Kinda like knowing there are planets around other stars by seeing the dopler effect of the stars light. We can indirectly detect this shadow government based on the actions of the elected govt.

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Originally posted by sasquatch672
That was embarrassing. You're right. Karl Rove did not cover himself in glory on that terrible night.

YOUR reality has a liberal bias. On that we agree. The reality on this website has a liberal bias. The mainstream media has a shamelessly liberal bias (remember Candy Crowley taking her moderator hat off and becoming Obama's defender during the vor of expedience. This is a hallmark of liberalism, and heralds the death of the Republic.
Somehow I have my doubts you work with your hands. Don't you negotiate contracts for nuclear power plants for the military?

You going outside the country and buying illegal Communist cigars while bragging about how superior your country and capitalism are sounds a lot like moral relativistic behavior to me.

The Christian people with the attitude of machismo who work with their hands are...those illegal Mexicans your representatives hate so much.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Don't you The Christian people with the attitude of machismo who work with their hands are...those illegal Mexicans your representatives hate so much.
Have you ever worked with your hands?
Done any sort of manual labor?
Thought not.

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Originally posted by KilgoreTrout15
Have you ever worked with your hands?
Done any sort of manual labor?
Thought not.
Sure I get down in the ditches with the Mexicans when necessary. Hauling building rubble, planting trees, removing tree stumps and concrete walls with axes, picks and sledgehammers, working sheetrock wallboard, replacing brake pads, etc.

But then I'm not the one talking smack about people for not working with their hands.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
For the record, Susan Rice, an interventionist to the core and supporter of the disastrous interference in the Libyan civil war, is a lousy pick for the NSA.
Asinine idiotic comment.

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