@suzianne saidbecause ukraine is one of the largest money laundering operations in recent history
Why is today's Republican Party so heavily enamored with Russia? And against Ukraine? Who is the aggressor here?
Oh, wait. The answer is two words: Donald Trump.
Russia helps your Orange Jesus out and Ukraine tells him to go pound sand when he wants dirt on Hillary.
Okay, now I get it.
I just wonder, when did lying to make your argument appear worthwhile become SO cool?
Oh, wait. Same answer: Donald Trump.
@mott-the-hoople saidThat doesn't answer why right-wingers support Russia, where Putin is a mob boss.
because ukraine is one of the largest money laundering operations in recent history
Dear chess players
To play chess, you have to know the rules of chess. For example, you must know what moves the knight can do.
It is often advertised that chess develops intellectual capacities. As a result, chess players tend to think they are smart and able to discuss and analyze whatever issues.
However, one must first know the rules.
Concerning many things around us, we must first understand the meanings of the terms used.
If discussing the Ukrainian war, the chess players should understand the meanings of essential terms used in the discourse concerning the war in Ukraine.
For example, first try to understand the meanings of such terms as war crime and terrorism.
Do not use Wikipedia. Instead, study, for example, Encyclopedia Britannica or encyclopedia.com or Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
You should know that killing civilians during war is a war crime, and, in some circumstances, it is also terrorism.
In this context, it is altogether unimportant who started the war, who is the aggressor or who fights for independence.
Also, take a look at the international conventions.
A war crime is a war crime, and terrorism is a terrorism.
The other important rule of rational discussion is to criticize the text as it is actually written and to address the arguments presented in it.
I am deeply convinced I really do not have to answer to this uncivilized rubbish provided as the "answers" to my initial post here above.