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Insurers and free speech

Insurers and free speech


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Originally posted by whodey
Whether Obama should or should not have done so is irrelavent, because he already has done so. The question now is, what will the fall out be if anything?

As for Joe Wilson, are you upset he made the outburst when he did or simply that he was offended at Obama lying about covering illegal immigrants? You seem to favor covering illegal immigrants, so I su ...[text shortened]... rather than ignoring the laws on the books. It makes them look like a bunch of spinless dopes.
I oppose the healthcare reform that is being forced onto people with threat of penalty taxes and with a taxpayer financed "public option" that is merely more socialism.

I am opposed to Joe Wilson's race-baiting xenophobic outburst which was done without tact and politically suicidal for his party and makes it harder for Hispanics to have any option or create any competition between the parties for their votes, except that the Republican leadership at least chided Wilson, which means perhaps their is hopes.

I don't favor "covering" anyone who doesn't do so out of their own free and voluntary payment of the premium. "This whole system is out of order!"

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Originally posted by eljefejesus
[b]I oppose the healthcare reform that is being forced onto people with threat of penalty taxes and with a taxpayer financed "public option" that is merely more socialism.
No kidding.

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Originally posted by eljefejesus

I am opposed to Joe Wilson's race-baiting xenophobic outburst which was done without tact and politically suicidal for his party and makes it harder for Hispanics to have any option or create any competition between the parties for their votes, except that the Republican leadership at least chided Wilson, which means perhaps their is hopes.
How was his outburst race baiting? How was it xenophobic? Of course, that is not the appropriate time to say such things, but the simply fact of the matter is that Obama was lying. You do agree he was lying, don't you?

As for it being suicidal to the party, I disagree. The majority of Americans are fed up with the inability or unwillingness of the Amercian government to enforce the laws on the books regarding illegal immigration. I hate to say this, but if he had not done what he did, he could have later told the press Obama was lying, but would anyone have even reported it? It would have been equivalent to whoday saying he was lying on these forums. By in large, no one would care. Even if they had reported it, would it have created the debate about illegals that has been generated now? My guess is no.

So what is your solution for treating illegals medically?

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Originally posted by eljefejesus
I oppose the healthcare reform that is being forced onto people with threat of penalty taxes and with a taxpayer financed "public option" that is merely more socialism.

I am opposed to Joe Wilson's race-baiting xenophobic outburst which was done without tact and politically suicidal for his party and makes it harder for Hispanics to have any option or ...[text shortened]... ir own free and voluntary payment of the premium. "This whole system is out of order!"
So which things should and should not be voluntary? Why not, for example, make contributing to infrastructure and fire protection voluntary?

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Originally posted by KazetNagorra
So which things should and should not be voluntary? Why not, for example, make contributing to infrastructure and fire protection voluntary?
In a way it is. The city I live close to recently put a tax increase on the ballot box and said that if the tax payers did not vote for a tax increase, they would slash their fire department and police force. So with a gun to their heads they passed it. They know that the best way to get tax increases passed is to threaten what is most important to the voters.

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Let me add to that,

fire departments have a long history of being publicly funded. there is no change there, it's the status quo. I for one would love to see experiments with forms of privatizations. Politicians would hate to cross those unions though, the firefighters and police officers are amongst the greediest and most corrupted public servants amongst their own ranks... some are good people, of course, but some are not. Privatization and competition for their jobs may change things dramatically in some innovative form or another. It ought to be tried. But for now, the status quo remains and there is no politician proposing to change that.

As for healthcare, there is a proposal to force more people to pay more money so the government can get more involved. The future is a little bleaker...

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