Originally posted by WoodPushI think this is about a lot more than lies. I think it is about acting out persona's that we do not act out in our off line lives.
The longer you know someone online or offline the more likely you are to discover their true nature if they are lying. Being online just slows the process.
But who is the real you? The one you present on-line or the one you present offline? Is it really about the internet or about the way we communicate in writing when we have time to think as opposed to the way we communicate face to face?
I personally think I can be more honest and more open on-line (or in writing) than face to face. But in some contexts it is easier to be misunderstood in writing.
A major problem of face to face meetings is that we generally judge people a lot by their appearance and behaviour etc. Maybe meeting on-line can avoid some of that. I you knew more about my skin colour, country of origin, sex, height etc, you would build up a picture of who I am which really has nothing whatsoever to do with the way I think or feel or believe.