15 Nov 19
@kazetnagorra saidFor all we know, he set up this whole circus to happen, to, indeed , cause self inflicted harm to the political status quo of democrats. It worked.
What beneficial changes to the political status quo do you think Donald Trump has effected?
15 Nov 19
@whodey saidCan you cite one such study?
A few studies I saw researched which careers had the most sociopaths. The top 3 were as follows:
1. CEO
2. Lawyers
3. Media
Funny fact, these three run the country.
In addition, the city in the US with the most sociopaths is Washington DC.
Again, no surprises there.
15 Nov 19
@averagejoe1 saidI don't think you know what "status quo" means.
For all we know, he set up this whole circus to happen, to, indeed , cause self inflicted harm to the political status quo of democrats. It worked.