@shavixmir saidIf nobody died, everyone just got a little sick, would you give that pandemic a second thought?
No they don’t.
A disease is pandemic if it is contagious, has a high R-factor (the incidence is far higher than the baseline for the given pathogen) and spreads all over the world.
Most notable are obviously more deadly, but “death count” most certainly does not determine or define a pandemic.
Nor does the pathogen being novel or not.
It being novel will generally ...[text shortened]... t, generally, it could spread faster.
Of course Covid is a pandemic. It fits the very definition.
Pandemics have a life span of about 2 or 3 years. Why? Viruses are part of the cycle of life and have natural cycles.
Man made intervention is totally unnecessary. Without vaccines or masks or any other intervention, after a couple of years the virus in question is no longer an issue.
This is an indisputable fact.
@eladar saidExcept for the death count.
So pandemic means nothing unto itself.
Once covid completes it cycle, it will be as big a concern as the common cold.
That's why the Black plague and the 1919 flu are in the history books.
The COVID pandemic will have it's place in history. Unfortunately also for some wrong reasons.
@mghrn55 saidYes the Black plague, now that was deadly. Covid is nothing in comparison, a joke really.
Except for the death count.
That's why the Black plague and the 1919 flu are in the history books.
The COVID pandemic will have it's place in history. Unfortunately also for some wrong reasons.
The plague was bacterial not a virus.
That is your comeback when you know you are facing bad odds.
LOOK IT UP YOURSELF. Do you know how to get something off Google?
You are also not who you present yourself to be.
You spout Putin/Trump crap and then claim you hate trump. Which is utter bullcrap since you defend the indefensible at every turn.
You are clearly a Russian/Trumpian asset whether you know it or not.
I suspect you know that full well.
@sonhouse saidHow ironic. Google is protecting Putin.
That is your comeback when you know you are facing bad odds.
LOOK IT UP YOURSELF. Do you know how to get something off Google?
You are also not who you present yourself to be.
You spout Putin/Trump crap and then claim you hate trump. Which is utter bullcrap since you defend the indefensible at every turn.
You are clearly a Russian/Trumpian asset whether you know it or not.
I suspect you know that full well.
You have me confused with Google. Why are you giving google a free pass for helping Putin?
@eladar saidWhat the HELL are you on now? IF nobody died it would not be a pandemic?
I asked if nobody died would it be called a pandemic. I would say no.
Are you trying to say it should not be called a pandemic even though the death count world wide is close to 5 MILLION.
You are playing sick semantic games.
@eladar saidIt is the WHO, which is the correct body for such an assesment.
They are the people who call covid a pandemic.