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Joseph Mifsud & Alexander Downer

Joseph Mifsud & Alexander Downer



@metal-brain said
Mueller's report specifically noted that Papadopoulos was investigated as a potential foreign agent of Israel. It really had nothing to do with Russia, so why was Russia used to start an investigation into Papadopoulos' ties to Israel?

The information was a false rumor. No evidence.

You really should try reading the Mueller Report specifically pages 80 to 89.

It contains none of your weird fantasies.


@metal-brain said
You mean a false rumor.
That is not evidence.

Once again, there is nothing wrong with talking to Russians. The DNC does it. I have still not seen any proof Misfud was a Russian agent. Just mere allegations.
"Mifsud, who had been copied on the email exchanges, replied on the morning of April 11, 2016. He wrote, “This is already been agreed. I am flying to Moscow on the 18th for a Valdai meeting, plus other meetings at the Duma. We will talk tomorrow.”448 The two bodies referenced by Mifsud are part of or associated with the Russian government: the Duma is a Russian legislative assembly,449 while “Valdai” refers to the Valdai Discussion Club, a Moscow-based group that “is close to Russia’s foreign-policy establishment.”45 p. 87 Mueller Report

"During that meeting, Mifsud told Papadopoulos that he had met with high-level Russian government officials during his recent trip to Moscow. Mifsud also said that, on the trip, he learned that the Russians had obtained “dirt” on candidate Hillary Clinton. As Papadopoulos later stated to the FBI, Mifsud said that the “dirt” was in the form of “emails of Clinton,” and that they “have thousands of emails.”464 p. 89 Mueller Report


@no1marauder said
I'm not wasting time with that stupid claim that has been refuted on this board dozens of times. The evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC and stole the emails is overwhelming.

You haven't even attempted to address this fact, which blows apart your claims that Russia had nothing to do with the hack.

"There are times when we can see data exfiltrated, and we can say conclusively. But in this case it appears it was set up to be exfiltrated, but we just don’t have the evidence that says it actually left."

Henry said "we just don’t have the evidence that says it actually left."

What part of "don’t have the evidence" do you not understand?

"Papadopoulos' statements under questioning by the FBI show that the Russians had possession of stolen DNC emails months before they were released by Wikileaks."

Are you claiming that Papadopoulos' statements under questioning were specific details about e-mails Russia had? You used to say he heard Russia had dirt on HRC, not specific dirt. What is your source of information?

Once again, Pop heard a false rumor. No evidence.
Again, what dirt on HRC? The dirt was on DWS, not HRC. Right?
You don't want to debate this because you know I am right. There was no dirt on HRC from the e-mails Seth Rich leaked to Assange, the dirt was on DWS because she was conspiring to meddle in the primary elections.


@no1marauder said

You really should try reading the Mueller Report specifically pages 80 to 89.

It contains none of your weird fantasies.
Post them here if you are so confident they say what you claim. They don't.


@no1marauder said
"Mifsud, who had been copied on the email exchanges, replied on the morning of April 11, 2016. He wrote, “This is already been agreed. I am flying to Moscow on the 18th for a Valdai meeting, plus other meetings at the Duma. We will talk tomorrow.”448 The two bodies referenced by Mifsud are part of or associated with the Russian government: the Duma is a Russian legislativ ...[text shortened]... n the form of “emails of Clinton,” and that they “have thousands of emails.”464 p. 89 Mueller Report
That is not proof Mifsud was a Russian agent. That only implies he might and even that is weak.

Again, what dirt on HRC? The dirt was on DWS, not HRC. Right?
You don't want to debate this because you know I am right. There was no dirt on HRC from the e-mails Seth Rich leaked to Assange, the dirt was on DWS because she was conspiring to meddle in the primary elections.

Assange said he didn't get the emails from Russia. Crowdstrike said they didn't have evidence Russia hacked the DNC. Wikileaks has strongly implied they got them from Seth Rich without actually naming him which would violate their policy.

There is more evidence it was Seth Rich than Russia.

1 edit

@metal-brain said

"There are times when we can see data exfiltrated, and we can say conclusively. But in this case it appears it was set up to be exfiltrated, but we just don’t have the evidence that says it actually left."

Henry said "we just don’t have the evidenc ...[text shortened]... eaked to Assange, the dirt was on DWS because she was conspiring to meddle in the primary elections.
The information on the DNC emails was supposed to be damaging to HRC as you well know. That's why it was released on the eve of the Democratic Convention; to help Trump.

Your RCP article has been shown to be misleading and inaccurate and Crowdstrike and every US intelligence agency has concluded the Russians hacked the DNC. You are perfectly aware of this.

Seth Rich had nothing to do with the Russians having DNC emails in April 2016 nor of then transferring said emails to Wikileaks.

"Officers from Unit 26165 stole thousands of documents from the DCCC and DNC networks, including significant amounts of data pertaining to the 2016 U.S. federal elections.
Stolen documents included internal strategy documents, fundraising data, opposition research, and emails from the work inboxes of DNC employees.130
The GRU began stealing DCCC data shortly after it gained access to the network. On April 14, 2016 (approximately three days after the initial intrusion) GRU officers downloaded rar.exe
onto the DCCC’s document server. The following day, the GRU searched one compromised DCCC computer for files containing search terms that included “Hillary,” “DNC,” “Cruz,” and
“Trump.”131 On April 25, 2016, the GRU collected and compressed PDF and Microsoft documents from folders on the DCCC’s shared file server that pertained to the 2016 election.132 The GRU
appears to have compressed and exfiltrated over 70 gigabytes of data from this file server.133 The GRU also stole documents from the DNC network shortly after gaining access. On April 22, 2016, the GRU copied files from the DNC network to GRU-controlled computers. Stolen documents included the DNC’s opposition research into candidate Trump.134 Between approximately May 25, 2016 and June 1, 2016, GRU officers accessed the DNC’s mail server from a GRU-controlled computer leased inside the United States.135 During these connections, Unit 26165 officers appear to have stolen thousands of emails and attachments, which were later
released by WikiLeaks in July 2016."

PP. 40-41 Mueller Report

Of course, Mifsud informed Papadopoulos a few weeks later that the Russian government had these emails. A "false rumor" according to you.

The Russian government released internal Clinton documents before Wikileaks:

"Starting in June 2016, the GRU posted stolen documents onto the website dcleaks.com, including documents stolen from a number of individuals associated with the Clinton Campaign. These documents appeared to have originated from personal email accounts (in particular, Google and Microsoft accounts), rather than the DNC and DCCC computer networks. DCLeaks victims
included an advisor to the Clinton Campaign, a former DNC employee and Clinton Campaign employee, and four other campaign volunteers.139 The GRU released through dcleaks.com
thousands of documents, including personal identifying and financial information, internal correspondence related to the Clinton Campaign and prior political jobs, and fundraising files and
information." p. 41 Mueller Report

Then they decided to use Wikileaks because Assange had already declared a preference that HRC lose to the Republican candidate:

"On July 14, 2016, GRU officers used a Guccifer 2.0 email account to send WikiLeaks an email bearing the subject “big archive” and the message “a new attempt.”163 The email contained
an encrypted attachment with the name “wk dnc link1.txt.gpg.”
164 Using the Guccifer 2.0 Twitter
account, GRU officers sent WikiLeaks an encrypted file and instructions on how to open it.165 On July 18, 2016, WikiLeaks confirmed in a direct message to the Guccifer 2.0 account that it had “the 1Gb or so archive” and would make a release of the stolen documents “this week.”166 On July 22, 2016, WikiLeaks released over 20,000 emails and other documents stolen from the DNC computer networks.16" p. 46 Mueller Report


@metal-brain said
That is not proof Mifsud was a Russian agent. That only implies he might and even that is weak.

Again, what dirt on HRC? The dirt was on DWS, not HRC. Right?
You don't want to debate this because you know I am right. There was no dirt on HRC from the e-mails Seth Rich leaked to Assange, the dirt was on DWS because she was conspiring to meddle in the primary elections. ...[text shortened]... naming him which would violate their policy.

There is more evidence it was Seth Rich than Russia.
MB: Crowdstrike said they didn't have evidence Russia hacked the DNC.

This statement is an out and out lie. Crowdstrike has repeatedly and consistently said it has strong evidence that the Russian government hacked the DNC. You must not even know what "exfiltrated" means but it beggars belief that anyone would go through the trouble of hacking thousands of emails and then not bothering to download them. And, of course, the emails were exfiltrated and then disseminated just like Mifsud said they would be to harm HRC's campaign.


@no1marauder said
The information on the DNC emails was supposed to be damaging to HRC as you well know. That's why it was released on the eve of the Democratic Convention; to help Trump.

Your RCP article has been shown to be misleading and inaccurate and Crowdstrike and every US intelligence agency has concluded the Russians hacked the DNC. You are perfectly aware of this.

Seth Rich ...[text shortened]... ver 20,000 emails and other documents stolen from the DNC computer networks.16" p. 46 Mueller Report
"The information on the DNC emails was supposed to be damaging to HRC as you well know"

Supposed to doesn't mean they were. I challenge you to post a single damaging e-mail to HRC from that release.


@no1marauder said
MB: Crowdstrike said they didn't have evidence Russia hacked the DNC.

This statement is an out and out lie. Crowdstrike has repeatedly and consistently said it has strong evidence that the Russian government hacked the DNC. You must not even know what "exfiltrated" means but it beggars belief that anyone would go through the trouble of hacking thousands of emails and t ...[text shortened]... s were exfiltrated and then disseminated just like Mifsud said they would be to harm HRC's campaign.
You are the liar. Here is the same statement I posted before and it still proves you wrong:

"There are times when we can see data exfiltrated, and we can say conclusively. But in this case it appears it was set up to be exfiltrated, but we just don’t have the evidence that says it actually left."


He said "but we just don’t have the evidence that says it actually left".

no1 is stupidly pretending not to understand clear and unambiguous English to maintain denial of facts. Nobody cares what Crowdstrike said before Shawn Henry had to testify under oath & under threat of perjury. Crowstrike was co owned by a openly Putin hating Russian. Henry said they didn't have evidence it was exfiltrated. How it appeared is not evidence.

Crowdstrike said they didn't have evidence Russia hacked the DNC and you are the liar for denying plain English.

2 edits

@metal-brain said
You are the liar. Here is the same statement I posted before and it still proves you wrong:

"There are times when we can see data exfiltrated, and we can say conclusively. But in this case it appears it was set up to be exfiltrated, but we just don’t have the evidence that says it actually left."


He said "but ...[text shortened]... said they didn't have evidence Russia hacked the DNC and you are the liar for denying plain English.
You're a moron if you think a lack of supposed evidence that something was "exfiltrated" is equal to that it wasn't "hacked".

Anyway, I've posted the Crowdstrike article in response to the release of the Henry testimony many times and it refutes your stupid claim. So you're screaming "liar!" at people is your typical infantile response to being shown you are wrong.

EDIT: One more time:


"Did CrowdStrike have proof that Russia hacked the DNC?


"Furthermore, in his testimony in front of the House Intelligence Committee, Shawn Henry stated the following with regards to CrowdStrike’s degree of confidence that the intrusion activity can be attributed to Russia, cited from page 24:

HENRY: We said that we had a high degree of confidence it was the Russian Government. And our analysts that looked at it and that had looked at these types of attacks before, many different types of attacks similar to this in different environments, certain tools that were used, certain methods by which they were moving in the environment,and looking at the types of data that was being targeted, that it was consistent with a nation-state adversary and associated with Russian intelligence. "

Does that sound like "no evidence" the Russian government hacked the DNC, fool?

And as for your out of context statement regarding "exfiltration":

"Shawn Henry stated in his testimony that CrowdStrike had indicators of exfiltration (page 32 of the testimony):

“Counsel just reminded me that, as it relates to the DNC’ we have indicators that data was exfiltrated. We did not have concrete evidence that data was exfiltrated from the DNC, but we have indicators that it was exfiltrated.’

and circumstantial evidence that data was taken as he states on page 75 ”so there is circumstantial evidence that it was taken” and page 76:

“MR. HENRY: So, to go back, because I think it’s important to characterize this. We didn’t have a network sensor in place that saw data leave’ We said that the data Ieft based on the circumstantial evidence. That was a conclusion that we made. when I answered that question, I was trying to be as factually accurate’ I want to provide the facts. so I said that we didn’t have direct evidence’ But we made a conclusion that the data left the network.”

On page 32 of the testimony, Henry also explains that

“We don’t have video of it happening, but there are indicators that it happened” and “we did not have concrete evidence that data was exfiltrated from the DNC, but we have indicators that it was exfiltrated.”

So stop playing the clown.


@no1marauder said
You're a moron if you think a lack of supposed evidence that something was "exfiltrated" is equal to that it wasn't "hacked".

Anyway, I've posted the Crowdstrike article in response to the release of the Henry testimony many times and it refutes your stupid claim. So you're screaming "liar!" at people is your typical infantile response to being shown you are wrong.

...[text shortened]... ltrated from the DNC, but we have indicators that it was exfiltrated.”

So stop playing the clown.
You are in clear denial.

A high degree of confidence is not evidence. That is an opinion.
I have explained to you many times about the CIA's UMBRAGE.


Any competent hacker (and Russians intelligence has competent hackers) can make it appear someone else is doing the hacking. When Henry said he had "a high degree of confidence " he meant he had confidence they were not competent hackers that can hide their cyber prints as any competent foreign intelligence agency would, especially the Russians!

Stop pretending Russian hackers are incompetent morons. It not only insults the intelligence of the Russians, it insults yours as well. You know they are not stupid. Implying they are only makes you look stupid. We already know they are capable of it from the olympics hack. Supposedly Russia hacked the Winter Olympics & framed N.Korea in false-flag attack, but how do they know it wasn't Iran pretending to be Russia pretending to be North Korea? They don't. I guess they just have a high degree of confidence. In other words, no evidence.


It is time for you to accept facts. Henry said they had no evidence it was exfiltrated. That means no evidence.


@metal-brain said
Is Joseph Mifsud a Russian agent, CIA agent or not an agent at all?


Did former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer entrap George Papadopoulos? For a guy that started the whole investigation we don't hear much about Alexander Downer. Why was he so interested in unconfirmed rumors that he felt the need to report them?

Mu ...[text shortened]... do with Russia, so why was Russia used to start an investigation into Papadopoulos' ties to Israel?
Y'all dally about Julian Assange and Misfud quite casually, almost as if ignoring real problems that our country is facing. I can't imagine writing about that, or Jan6, or what Trump did in 2018. Our citizens are in a world of hurt, esp since Biden, after having them rely on free money, has turned off the spigot, and at the SAME TIME, enacted policies which have resulted in serious inflation. They simply cannot afford to live.
Anyway, bring us all up to date on Papadopolous.


@averagejoe1 said
Y'all dally about Julian Assange and Misfud quite casually, almost as if ignoring real problems that our country is facing. I can't imagine writing about that, or Jan6, or what Trump did in 2018. Our citizens are in a world of hurt, esp since Biden, after having them rely on free money, has turned off the spigot, and at the SAME TIME, enacted policies which have resulted ...[text shortened]... nflation. They simply cannot afford to live.
Anyway, bring us all up to date on Papadopolous.
This subject keeps coming up even though I proved it was a baseless conspiracy theory a long time ago. It was all started because GP repeated a false rumor. None of the emails is damaging to HRC except maybe DWS being forced to resign in disgrace before she could rig the primary election against Sanders. That was not damaging to HRC though. What was damaging was HRC giving DWS a job working on her campaign afterwards, but the corporate news media didn't mention the story (should have been a scandal) much so few people would know.

GP was entrapped. GP claims Misfud is a CIA agent. Comey claimed Misfud was a Russian agent. They cannot both be telling the truth. Who is right? Democrats don't seem to want to talk about it and nobody seemed interested in questioning Misfud at the FBI. WTF?????

Nobody questioned the source of GP's rumor? Why not? That is just blatant incompetence........unless GP is right and he is CIA. No reason to put your own CIA guy through the ringer like GP was when he is working the angle so they could investigate GP's possible ties to Israel.

And why was an Australian (Downer) concerned with US politics so much he cried wolf to the FBI about a false rumor? Is he a retarded drama queen or something?


@averagejoe1 said
Y'all dally about Julian Assange and Misfud quite casually, almost as if ignoring real problems that our country is facing. I can't imagine writing about that, or Jan6, or what Trump did in 2018. Our citizens are in a world of hurt, esp since Biden, after having them rely on free money, has turned off the spigot, and at the SAME TIME, enacted policies which have resulted ...[text shortened]... nflation. They simply cannot afford to live.
Anyway, bring us all up to date on Papadopolous.
Jan 6 wasn't a real problem ??
Uh, ok..... 😕


@mghrn55 said
Jan 6 wasn't a real problem ??
Uh, ok..... 😕
Yeah it was, it is getting worked out, but I get bored with the past when there is so much hell going on now in the Biden World. It did stop, didn't it? The riot? I mean, is over, being investigated?
The poor are about to get poorer with our number one problem, inflation......Jan 6 is way down on the list of problems. Someone please open a thread on inflation. And the low to middle class who will be killed by it.
You are right.....Jan 6 WAS. Right NOW there are some tremendous problems.

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