@sonhouse saidThe largest problems in the United States are:
Trump had over four THOUSAND court cases BEFORE he was POTUS and I bet you won't hear THAT on NewsAX.
- our national debt (our interest payments are set to overtake the defense budget)
- the corruption and sclerosis of our for-profit justice system
- out-of-control for-profit healthcare costs
Biden is working on the last one. 1 out of 3 ain't good, but I'll take what I can. Trump will not work on any.
@averagejoe1 saidVote him out then, Joe. Its a fallacy to think that Republicans and Democrats are the same when it's only one party responsible for a huge majority of our public debt accumulation.
Let's say they 'reduced the deficit'. What about all the other stuff he has 'done'? Jesus. His actions cause innocent deaths, for starters. The border has ruined lives. our lives. He allows unknown people to run our country. He reduces the deficit and takes a lot of naps. He is corrupt. The list goes on. I think I have already posted his stuff.
And for the record, even if he has reduced the deficit, his other shyte has upset it all into hell.
The border? You think Republicans have done a better job, historically, or is it just Xiden you don't like?
@sonhouse saidHe's a busy guy, man. It happens when you are busy. States sue Biden every day for trying to pay tuitions to buy votes. And Biden knows that he will be sued when he does it, it is just business as usual, as are the Trump suits. You little fellers are so kindergarten.
Trump had over four THOUSAND court cases BEFORE he was POTUS and I bet you won't hear THAT on NewsAX.
Hey ,.....this tuition payment? Remember when Marauder said it was not going to COST anything? This forum is full of so much misrepresentation. Just so you know, it is a transfer of debt from the borrowers to the taxpayers. The borrowers find themselves out of debt, and take a trip to Paris. The taxpayers find themselves with more debt.
Please adimit that is unbelevable. Say..."THAT IS UNBELIEVABLE!!" Good man.
@wildgrass saidRepubs better job. Esp Trump. Look him up. No, for entertainment, forget that, look up Biden!!!
Vote him out then, Joe. Its a fallacy to think that Republicans and Democrats are the same when it's only one party responsible for a huge majority of our public debt accumulation.
The border? You think Republicans have done a better job, historically, or is it just Xiden you don't like?
Jesus. Being a dependent must keep you up at night.
@spruce112358 saidYOu left out about 65 more problems, all worse than the ones you list. You are juvenile to not list the Chinee threat. Oh, the illegal immmigrant problem almost slipped my mind. It sure slipped yours. Man, you should erase this stupid post.
The largest problems in the United States are:
- our national debt (our interest payments are set to overtake the defense budget)
- the corruption and sclerosis of our for-profit justice system
- out-of-control for-profit healthcare costs
Biden is working on the last one. 1 out of 3 ain't good, but I'll take what I can. Trump will not work on any.
@averagejoe1 saidThe border is 64th on the list of important problems. China is 65. 🙂
YOu left out about 65 more problems, all worse than the ones you list. You are juvenile to not list the Chinee threat. Oh, the illegal immmigrant problem almost slipped my mind. It sure slipped yours. Man, you should erase this stupid post.
Tell me what you would honestly say if it was Biden with 4000 court cases before HE was POTUS.
@averagejoe1 saidTrump did a lot of talking and not a lot of doing. Immigration was better under Obama.
Repubs better job. Esp Trump. Look him up. No, for entertainment, forget that, look up Biden!!!
Jesus. Being a dependent must keep you up at night.
@sonhouse saidThe question is too broad, with no basis, seeing as how some suits would get declaratory judgements or be summarily dismissed on day 1. So I can not sit here and thumb through all the cases when I could be selfishly out making money for myself!!!
Tell me what you would honestly say if it was Biden with 4000 court cases before HE was POTUS.
Anyway as I have explained before, we would have to avail ourselves and be fully boned up on all the facts of the cases to render an opinion.
So, can't help you on this one. For all I know, he is running for president and each of you libs files separate complaints to tie him up, all of which are meaningless. But how would I know they were meaningless? All 4000?
Your god king suffered at least FOUR bankruptcies because he is a piss poor business man, anyone who can't even keep a CASINO in the black should not be trusted to run the US government. Not even Haiti. That is BESIDES all the fines he already is in debt for, more than a half billion and they were not witch hunts, it may surprise you to know the courts use solid evidence, and expert witnesses and were not biased ahead of time, they run on EVIDENCE, REAL evidence, not the BULLSHYTE kind Rudy pulled trying to prove voter fraud by the millions and attacking the Freeman family, which I can only assume you figure no problem, the bitches deserved it because my god king SAID they were engaged in voter fraud which they were not but that doesn't matter to you ultrarightwingnut Trump worshipers.
@sonhouse saidYou must have one reason to deluge us non-stop with posts about the orange man. and that reason is to change our vote. OK, you got me, I am going to vote against Trump and vote for four more years of Biden. They say dementia can reverse itself.
Your god king suffered at least FOUR bankruptcies because he is a piss poor business man, anyone who can't even keep a CASINO in the black should not be trusted to run the US government. Not even Haiti. That is BESIDES all the fines he already is in debt for, more than a half billion and they were not witch hunts, it may surprise you to know the courts use soli ...[text shortened]... n voter fraud which they were not but that doesn't matter to you ultrarightwingnut Trump worshipers.
I told my granny what the heck, it cannot get any worse, but she responded..."The hell it can't!!!!!!"
No one thinks you'll change your vote. But you should know that you're voting for a feckless incompetent leader who'll blame every problem on someone else. Over 4 years he barely showed up to work, played golf and tweeted constantly. Never accomplished his goals, except SCOTUS judges which any moron could have done.
You vote for incompetence.
@averagejoe1 saidYou're unbelievable.
He's a busy guy, man. It happens when you are busy. States sue Biden every day for trying to pay tuitions to buy votes. And Biden knows that he will be sued when he does it, it is just business as usual, as are the Trump suits. You little fellers are so kindergarten.
Hey ,.....this tuition payment? Remember when Marauder said it was not going to COST anything? ...[text shortened]... s with more debt.
Please adimit that is unbelevable. Say..."THAT IS UNBELIEVABLE!!" Good man.
@averagejoe1 saidWe give so many examples so that, in our dreams, you get down on your knees and pray (that) "we don't get fooled again."
You must have one reason to deluge us non-stop with posts about the orange man. and that reason is to change our vote. OK, you got me, I am going to vote against Trump and vote for four more years of Biden. They say dementia can reverse itself.
I told my granny what the heck, it cannot get any worse, but she responded..."The hell it can't!!!!!!"
No sense arguing about it.
Sometimes wars need to happen for various reasons and the Democrats will win the white house.
Biden will be replaced by I don't know who but who cares?
That naval battle in the South China Sea is going to be worth the 4 more years of Democrats.
Trump doesn't have a prayer.