Originally posted by geniusIm 16, I regularly go out drinking with friends into pubs bars and clubs as we manage to pass as 18.
yeah-for the responsible drinker. but how many responsible drinking 16 year olds do you know?...
We've never had problems with people drinking too much or getting themselves into trouble from it, although i will admit many people my age do. I think 18 is about right for the reason that a lot of people 16 and 17 dont know how to drink.
People need to learn what happens when u mix drinks, and people need to know their own limits, and once they do if they have any intelligence they shouldn't have problems.
Originally posted by Darius07...a lot of people 16 and 17 dont know how to drink.
Im 16, I regularly go out drinking with friends into pubs bars and clubs as we manage to pass as 18.
We've never had problems with people drinking too much or getting themselves into trouble from it, although i will admit many people my age do. I think 18 is about right for the reason that a lot of people 16 and 17 dont know how to drink.
People need ...[text shortened]... their own limits, and once they do if they have any intelligence they shouldn't have problems.
i agree, 18 is probubly the right age to start drinking. but as you also sya, you can pass for 18. i doubt you can pass for 21. if it was 21 it'd stop those that don;t know how to drink drinking.
I wouldnt be able to pass as 21, but having the age as 21 would stop many people who are responsible enough to drink anyway.
Compared to other things you can do at 18, eg driving, you should be responsible enough to drink.
btw - off topic but something i thought about - another thing (here in england anyway) is that you can have sex at 16 but can not buy porn untill 18. Does that make sence?
Originally posted by Darius07yeah-but it'd also stop those not responsible enough...i mean-when your 18, you don't have to drink. just cause your responsible enough, doens't mean you have to exercise this responsiblilty 🙂
I wouldnt be able to pass as 21, but having the age as 21 would stop many people who are responsible enough to drink anyway.
Compared to other things you can do at 18, eg driving, you should be responsible enough to drink.
btw - off topic but something i thought about - another thing (here in england anyway) is that you can have sex at 16 but can not buy porn untill 18. Does that make sence?
and as for the porn-you just can't buy the hardcore shizzle. and anyway-that's what the internets for...
hehe, If it was up to me, alcohol would be banned. Or just alot stricter on the laws. I dont drink, cant drink, and if i was allowed to, i wouldnt. Im 16 and hate alcohol. Maybe just because of the impact it had on my childhood, or just the fact that 19,000 innocent people die a yr from drunk drivers. who knows. I dont see the fun in it when u wake up with a hangover and hardly remember last night. I dont know. But its ur choice to drink, but dont drink and drive, then its not ur choice anymore.
Personally, I think the courts are way to nice to people who are arrested for DUI's. My mom just got arrested for her 3rd DUI(4th off record) and the court dismissed it!! DISMISSED IT!! she hit a parked police car....parked! she had her liscence revoked for a little while, but now is eligible to go and get it. which she hasnt, and still drives. Which she got a ticket for, but yet, she's yet to recieve a punishment. why isn't this lady behind bars? while the congressmen sit at thier desks wondering why DUI accidents occur so often.
Originally posted by BestOfMeI reckon I have to pick up the drink and drive argument.
hehe, If it was up to me, alcohol would be banned. Or just alot stricter on the laws. I dont drink, cant drink, and if i was allowed to, i wouldnt. Im 16 and hate alcohol. Maybe just because of the impact it had on my childhood, or just the fact that 19,000 innocent people die a yr from drunk drivers. who knows. I dont see the fun in it when u wake up with ...[text shortened]... hind bars? while the congressmen sit at thier desks wondering why DUI accidents occur so often.
1 man drinks a lot of vodka and drives over a pedesrian crossing the raod.
Which factor must you eliminate to stop this horrible accident happening?
1. Alcohol. BUT, if the driver was sober he could have still run over a pedestrian crossing the road.
2. The pedestrian BUT, if the pedestrian was not crossing the road, he could still have been run over by a driver (drunk or not), veering off the road.
3. The car. WELL, if there's no car, the accident could never have happened.
In Holland (the Netherlands) only 9% of accidents on the road happen due to people drinking. This means more sober people have accidents....
Now, I'm not going for the cheap and ultimately wrong blow of: "So, it's better to drive drunk".
But...road accidents are not the reason to ban alcohol. They are the reason to ban driving.
Since I drive 50.000 km a year, I totally disagree.
And since I'm arrogant, I don't think drinking (within rationality) should involve driving.
Let me explain my point of view before I'm attacked like a bleeding leg in a pool full of piranha's....
In the Netherland's you are allowed to drink to measures (2 glasses of beer/wine/etc.) of alcohol and drive. Any more and it's not allowed.
may I repeat that?
Lots of sober people can drive. It's a fact. Just look at the amount of people who do not, cannot, or will not use their side mirrors before over-taking. This is the largest PISS-ME-OFF on the road. I'll be over-taking and people just throw their cars in front of me like you would an atom bomb on Japan.
Either they are too stupid to wipe their own arses and don't look in their mirrors, or they are too dumb to understand differences, or they think they are divinly righted to do whatever they please.
Whatever!!! They...oh, let me repeat that...THEY are the danger on the road.
Now. If I've drunk 2 beers, I'll drive like normal, check my mirrors, etc.
If I've drunk 4 beers, I'll lower my speed (like I would do when I'm tired, to compensate for reaction difficulties) and check my mirrors.
If I've drunk 6 beers, I'll only do it if I know that I can drive on 30KM/hour roads, drive slowly and not be a harm to anyone.
Why should I be punished for the arseholes who can't drive, even when they're bloody sober?
Originally posted by deathbypawn😕g good point! i never thougt of that before. well maybe soldiers should have a different age than the others?
yes i quite agree. I soldier can go to war and die for his country at 17 but at 17 is not old enough to smoke or drink...The drinking age used to be 18 in the 1970's showing my age now...but it was found that there were less alchohol related deaths when the age was raised 3 years.
Id like to see a rise in the age of military service. If the whole world could only employ soldiers over the age of 70 then I reckon there'd be a hell of a lot less wars, and even if there weren't it would save money on palliative care.
As to the rest, remove the legal drinking age completely, ban driving and firearms and legalise cannabis. Make condoms free, available everywhere and compulsory and introduce birthing licences. Also a tax on everyone in the world of 1p a year to be paid to me as a thank you for restoring common sense, happiness and world peace for all.
Oh, and cull the music industry, war crime trials for all executives thereof.
🙂 Welcome to Starrworld have a nice day 🙂
Drinking with a meal is permitted below the age of 18 in Britain, but from what age I can't remember. Is it 14?
And, no, a bag of crisps doesn't count 😉
The culture of allowing children to drink small amounts from a young age as the French do is often cited as a reason why there are fewer problems with binge drinking and drunken violence in France - because the mystique and allure of alcohol is dismissed and kids don't feel the need to go out and try this previously denied new thing (alcohol).
But then, levels of alcoholism and cirhossis are apparently higher in France, so which is worse?
As for drink driving. Well, as others have said this is no reason to ban drinking just as banning smacking of children will not stop child abuse.
Also, I was shocked by the attitude to drink driving in (rural) France. Everybody seemed to do it. Even the local policeman was drinking at a wedding I went to, then drove himself home at the end of the night.
Originally posted by Alpha10If you are enlisted, I was told that at the age of 18 you can drink on your military base or at whatever the legal age is in which country you are stationed.
Maybe it's because I'm of legal age now, but I think that the legal drinking age should be 18. At 18, you can move out on your own, vote for president of the United States, be charged as an adult in a court of law, join the Military, but you can't drink? Maybe it's me, but thats BULLSH*T
[Walter Sobchak] Am I wrong? [/Walter Sobchak]
Originally posted by shavixmirMan, what you say may be true on a personal level, but you forgot to concider a few things.
[b]I reckon I have to pick up the drink and drive argument.
1 man drinks a lot of vodka and drives over a pedesrian crossing the raod.
Which factor must you eliminate to stop this horrible accident happening?
1. A drunk driver is less likely to see that pedestrian, hence the reason you drive slowly when you drink and drive.
B. Sure there are a lot of idiots on the road. But just imagine them being idiots AND DRUNK! Inteligent and aware people can force themselves to drive carefully when they've had a few, sure. Though the last time I tried it I stopped at a stop light and then continued on like it was a stop sign! I forgot that there was a difference! Woke me up to the problems for sure. I'm just glad there wasn't any traffic. The fact that I am intelligent and aware is the only reason that I noticed myself doing it. An idiot wouldn't notice or care. An idiot is beligerent when he drinks. He is rude, violent, thoughtless and careless. Not a good combo for operating a heavy machine that is capable of high speeds.
And I'm sure you know from your experience on the roads that there are a lot of idiots out there. (Think of it this way. . . Picture a person of average intelligence. Pretty dumb guy, hey? Now realize, half the world population is dumber that he is!) Knowing this, I would have to say that your first assesment was correct: people should not be allowed to drive. Back to the horse-and-cart! After all, a horse won't do anything stupid you try to make it do. It won't run off the road. It won't trample anyone when you fall asleep at the reins.