Originally posted by der schwarze RitterI think you have a point. Personally I feel it should never be legalised. The number of people on here who are in favour of legalisation really surprises me. Most women are not forced into the "profession", there's a choice to be made.
So you believe that government license makes the world’s oldest profession better? Perhaps, but I’d wager that they still live broken, chaotic and desperate lives. And there’s a price to be paid by the community, for when we debase and objectify women by allowing them to enter this line of work, then the higher values of civilization -- love, friendship and trust are lost. None of these values are found in objects, only in human beings.
On the other hand, a lot of prostitutes are people who have suffered sexual abuse as children or even adults and for them prostitution is an extension of this: "what else am I good for? etc...". It is psychologically damaging to them to be working in the sex trade. The government resources that would go into legalising the "profession" ought to be channelled into helping them get out of it. ( through counselling, education, training in other professions they can be proud of)
The fundamental Christians in the US are against it. It's not enough for them to run their own lives, they want to run their neighbors lives too!
And because those idiots are now in control we hear all kinds of propaganda on the news here to persuade our way of thinking. For instance, just a month ago there was a story about a woman who lost her job in a country where prostitution was legal (I think it was Germany?) Anyways, they denied her unemployment benefits because she turned down a job offer to work as a prostitute!
Yeah, that's the kind of crap they tell us over here.
Originally posted by arrakisThat's an interesting anecdote, but hardly enough to cause "fundamental Christians in the US" to write or influence public policy on this matter. Mostly, it's a question of community morals, public health and law enforcement. City councils determine the ordinances regulating sexually oriented businesses. Besides, if you live in a suburb, would you want a brothel operating near a public school? On your street? Near your church?
The fundamental Christians in the US are against it. It's not enough for them to run their own lives, they want to run their neighbors lives too!
And because those idiots are now in control we hear all kinds of propaganda on the news here to persuade our way of thinking. For instance, just a month ago there was a story about a woman who lost her job in a ...[text shortened]... a job offer to work as a prostitute!
Yeah, that's the kind of crap they tell us over here.
Originally posted by der schwarze RitterThe question is whether they will live a more "broken, chaotic and desperate life" with prostituition legalised. Personally, I'd say less.
So you believe that government license makes the world’s oldest profession better? Perhaps, but I’d wager that they still live broken, chaotic and desperate lives. And there’s a price to be paid by the community, for when we debase and objectify women by allowing them to enter this line of work, then the higher values of civilization -- love, friendship and trust are lost. None of these values are found in objects, only in human beings.
Originally posted by MaltokimboothHello People Prostitiution is Legal in several places around the world. I.e. Nevada.
The question is whether they will live a more "broken, chaotic and desperate life" with prostituition legalised. Personally, I'd say less.
Australia...parts anyways...I think..... Germany.....And It is "accepted" in Heaps of cultures n Asia..central Asia and Russia.
Originally posted by mochironStill doesn't make it right -- just look at what's going on in Moldavia, Ukraine and that unpronounceable breakaway republic. It’s especially not right even when the UN peacekeepers are running the concession.
Hello People Prostitiution is Legal in several places around the world. I.e. Nevada.
Australia...parts anyways...I think..... Germany.....And It is "accepted" in Heaps of cultures n Asia..central Asia and Russia.
Originally posted by der schwarze RitterWhat's going on in Moldavia, Ukraine and that unpronounceable breakaway republic?
Still doesn't make it right -- just look at what's going on in Moldavia, Ukraine and that unpronounceable breakaway republic. It’s especially not right even when the UN peacekeepers are running the concession.
People-trafficking in Odessa
Sea of tears
Sep 21st 2006 | ODESSA
From The Economist print edition
A hub of the modern slave trade
THE ex-slaves are easy to spot among the passengers disembarking from the Istanbul ferry at Odessa. As other women wobble merrily away up the Potemkin steps, the victims of human trafficking look hungry, carry little luggage and, in winter, shiver in their summer clothes.
Odessa grew rich in the 19th century by exporting Russian grain. These days one of its main trades is in flesh. The city is a collecting hub for women from across the former Soviet Union who, unbeknown to them, have been snared by traffickers. From Odessa and elsewhere in Ukraine they are conveyed west to Europe and east to Russia, or south to Turkey and the Middle East. Twice a week ferries from Istanbul bring back those, often ill and pregnant, who have been deported by the Turks.
Katya, who is 19, was deposited in Odessa last week by the Southern Palmira, after a tragically familiar misadventure. Encouraged by a woman she thought was a friend, she went to Istanbul, expecting work in a restaurant (fake advertisements are also used for recruitment). To pay off alleged debts, she says, she found herself turning tricks in a disco. Her friend sold her to a pimp from another town where, she says, she slept six to a room, was threatened when she was too tired for sex, and given money only for food. She was freed by the police (others escape, and some are beaten for trying) and begged the money for her ferry ticket from an ex-client. Another young woman, conveyed to Odessa by the Caledonia, says she grew up in an orphanage, and was taken to Turkey by a woman who promised to adopt her.
It can be hard, says Natalia Savitskaya, of Faith, Hope and Love, an Odessa support group, to persuade these women that anyone wants to help them, rather than entrap them again. The group offers medical, legal and vocational aid, and helps to repatriate non-Ukrainians. There are awareness-raising programmes in schools and at the port and airport, plus a hotline for would-be emigrants. But there are always some, says Ms Savitskaya, who are convinced that it won't happen to them.
Poor, neighbouring Moldova is a big source of women. So is Transdniestria (see article), whose pig-headed authorities refuse to acknowledge the problem. Turkey is said to have become more sensitive to the crime; other receiving countries, such as the United Arab Emirates, less so. And the traffickers are diversifying. Fredric Larsson, of the International Organisation for Migration in Kiev, says that Russia and Poland have superseded Turkey as the top destinations. The slaves are now often males forced to work in construction or agriculture, sometimes with the connivance of local police. Forced begging and organ removal are also money-spinners.
Despite changes to Ukrainian law and a dedicated police unit, trafficking remains a tough crime to prosecute. Even if the recruiters (some of them former victims) are found, their bosses are often abroad. Many of the trafficked are reluctant to testify. Most women who land in Odessa are, like Katya, poorly educated, and often from villages that subsist on remittances from happier emigrants. Many have been abused at home. It isn't only poverty, says Inna Tsobenko of Veritas, an educational group. “They want a beautiful life.”
The combination of good looks, naivety and brutal unscrupulousness is always profitable. Several buildings in Odessa are adorned with reliefs of two young girls with nooses round their necks: they hanged themselves, legend has it, after falling prey to white-slave traders.