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@spruce112358 said
I consent to the risk of you driving sober because 1) it's not very high, relatively speaking, and 2) I want to drive sober myself.
Sure, this is precisely why libertarian governments can't mete out justice.

Sh wants to go around pointing guns but not shooting, for his own safety. The risk of physical harm is low. But as you say, others in society around him disagree on the risk.

Risk assessment varies by who you're potentially harming and the skill level of the driver.

We had a beautiful demonstration of that during COVID watching perfectly healthy people running marathons while wearing surgical masks. For some people, anyone not wearing a mask was causing harm no matter how low the actual risk was.

@spruce112358 said
I was in the Libertarian Party for about 10 years and ran for office locally. So I know something about this.

There are two kinds of libertarians: anarchists and minarchists. Minarchists feel that a small government is necessary, so yes, defense and justice are important functions. Anarchists believe that, one day, all of government will be privatized and taxes elimin ...[text shortened]... ed the government down.

It threw the split in the party into sharp relief. And I left after that.
Lol minarchist is the term.

There are several on the forum who think they're libertarian but then the next post they wanna regulate who uses which bathroom.

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@wildgrass said
It's subjective. Try imagining a court room where every crime is judged based on whether the defendant would have wanted someone else to do that to them.
So you say that that phrase, for eons, deserves no merit. What would you replace it with? Say 1000 people living on an island together, decide to dump the logic of that statement, or its meaning or whatever, and replace it with........what? Has to be a one-liner that can be understood by anyone, even the students at Columbia.

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@wildgrass said
Lol minarchist is the term.

There are several on the forum who think they're libertarian but then the next post they wanna regulate who uses which bathroom.
Thumb up Wgrass

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@wildgrass said
Lol minarchist is the term.
My daughter went to school and duly reported that I was a 'monarchist.'

Raised a few eyebrows. ๐Ÿ™‚

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@averagejoe1 said
So you say that that phrase, for eons, deserves no merit. What would you replace it with? Say 1000 people living on an island together, decide to dump the logic of that statement, or its meaning or whatever, and replace it with........what? Has to be a one-liner that can be understood by anyone, even the students at Columbia.
The Golden rule is great! Whatchyou talking about?

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@wildgrass said
I don't think you have any idea what you mean by justice in the context of libertarian government. So you answer like this to say you don't want to answer because you think I am unserious.

I am serious. You tell me what justice includes.
In the context of "Police, Justice, Defense" Justice means a system of courts, judges, legal proceedings.

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@wildgrass said
Lol minarchist is the term.

There are several on the forum who think they're libertarian but then the next post they wanna regulate who uses which bathroom.
Got some names and quotes so we can see the context lol.

If the crapper is privately owned the owner sets the terms and conditions of it's use. Problems arise when the bathroom is owned by everyone and no one at the same time. Then we get differences of opinion i.e. if I'm paying for it through taxation then I get to have a say on how the facility is used. The libertarian solution is private ownership with the owner regulating as they like. This leads to a grey area for libertarians and can lead to internal debates that make what goes on here look like sunday tea.

The age of consent. Can the owner of a private toilet allow transmans in dresses flash their dicks around in front of children so lol indeed if you think lol there's no room for debate on that topic lol.

Consenting adults it's all black and white, allow or disallow whatever perversions you like in your own private toilet.

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@wajoma said
Got some names and quotes so we can see the context lol.

If the crapper is privately owned the owner sets the terms and conditions of it's use. Problems arise when the bathroom is owned by everyone and no one at the same time. Then we get differences of opinion i.e. if I'm paying for it through taxation then I get to have a say on how the facility is used. The libertarian ...[text shortened]... t's all black and white, allow or disallow whatever perversions you like in your own private toilet.
Let's start with roads. Libertarians hate public roads.

My question is always this: if you privatize my cul de sac, how do I legally get to the grocery store if the owner doesn't like me?

Even if I'm willing to pay the toll, what if he doesn't accept it? Or says it is $1000 because I have a "Trump Sux" sign in my yard? Can he allow or disallow whatever perversions he likes on his own private road?

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@spruce112358 said
Let's start with roads. Libertarians hate public roads.

My question is always this: if you privatize my cul de sac, how do I legally get to the grocery store if the owner doesn't like me?

Even if I'm willing to pay the toll, what if he doesn't accept it? Or says it is $1000 because I have a "Trump Sux" sign in my yard? Can he allow or disallow whatever perversions he likes on his own private road?
Let's end with roads.

@wajoma said
Let's end with roads.
LOL. Fair enough.

I have never had a libertarian answer that question. They are like 'But the theory is so beautiful!' And I'm like, 'Yeah, but in practice? Not so much...'

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@spruce112358 said
LOL. Fair enough.

I have never had a libertarian answer that question. They are like 'But the theory is so beautiful!' And I'm like, 'Yeah, but in practice? Not so much...'
LOL Like I think you just like broke Libertarianism with this like never before considered question LOL.

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@wajoma said
LOL Like I think you just like broke Libertarianism with this like never before considered question LOL.
Yep. Still no. ๐Ÿ™‚

But TBH, I think most people realize libertarianism is broken. People drift in and drift out of it. Some libertarians put forward very sensible and rational ideas, but then someone will say, "And furthermore... Taxation is Theft!" And the faithful all nod, but the new people all go, "...wa-... what?" And they edge towards the door. The movement hasn't grown.

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@spruce112358 said
Yep. Still no. ๐Ÿ™‚

But TBH, I think most people realize libertarianism is broken. People drift in and drift out of it. Some libertarians put forward very sensible and rational ideas, but then someone will say, "And furthermore... Taxation is Theft!" And the faithful all nod, but the new people all go, "...wa-... what?" And they edge towards the door. The movement hasn't grown.
LOL like for like real.

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@wajoma said
LOL like for like real.
LOL. Duuuuude - radical, like TOTALLY. I mean OMG!

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