Originally posted by whodeyWhat I don't get is why people don't just boycott some of his most frequent and noticeable sponsors that are easy to boycott for a few months.
I just got a kick out of this story.
Apparently, Lou Dobbs did the unthinkable on his show. He gave air to questions about Obama. That's right, he allowed people to voice their disbelief in the Messiah. He dedicated a segment to right wingers who questioned whether or not Obama had actually been ...[text shortened]... he has not been imprisoned yet for such controversial and inflammatory opinions is beyond me.
That's what I do!
Lou Dobbs is a pandering, ratings wh...r... who loves the ratings of racists and loves to tease them with his tantilizing tall tales. In short, he's a tw..t.
Originally posted by whodeyBut Lou Dobbs DOES announce blatant falsities on the air... and worse, when he's caught he DEFENDS them!
I guess one of my questions is, is covering popular rumors good journalism so long as you don't make accusations without evidence? I think it a far cry from what Dan Rather did when he latched onto a story and reported it as true about Bush when it was later proved to be wrong. Its not like Lou Dpbbs was doing the same, rather, he was simply addressing all the talk about this particular rumor.
He did this big lie blaming immigrants for diseases to push scare tactic ratings. He peddled a story about leprosy rates rising by some huge percentage and even the Center for Disease Control numbers prove him wrong! Fair and Accuracy In Reporting questioned him on this and he DEFENDED the wrong numbers, saying if they reported it is must be true. What a pathetic scumbag!
Originally posted by MelanerpesI agree, but watching the pigs gobble it up is disgusting! Lou Dobbs is a panderer, plain and simple, objective and responsible reporting be d..mbed.
I suspect that many people don't really want to hear about the real issues. Too complex. Too "boring".
Lou Dobbs and others serve up fast food junk journalism because that's what sells. It offers no nutrition whatsoever, but it tastes soooooo good.
Originally posted by sh76I agree, just a bag of potatos with a talking head on top, where's the beef? If there's anything that pisses me off about Lou Dobbs, it's his blantant pandering for the dumb xenophobe viewers to boost his ratings.
I like Lou Dobbs for his folksy style. But there's not a whole lot of meat to go along with the potatoes.
I noticed that during the immigration debate last year. He was front and center in that anti-immigration crowd. But mostly, he just repeated the same cliches over and over and over again.
Originally posted by MelanerpesLOL, maybe if he could stand eating health bars and less shakes, he would've had more luck in his exploratory campaign to run for president, what a fool to make himself such a loudmouth liek rush limbaugh, that doesn't appeal to centrists and independents!
Lou Dobbs spent day after day in a rage over all those illegal immigrants, and the evils of the various "amnesty" plans being discussed. But when someone claimed that Dobbs wanted to "send them all back", he claimed that he never said that.
So at the end of the day, Lou Dobbs was REALLY angry about all the immigrants but didn't have any idea of what s ...[text shortened]... ever even tried to find an idea.
In sum, it was all just one big 32 oz heath bar shake.
Originally posted by whodeyPerhaps a very thorough enforcement of historical immigration records at ellis island and any immigrant descendants who don't have all their family tree signed in for the last 200 years can be sent back to any of their antecedents' place of origin? Want to volunteer to be the first guinea pig?
I just can't understand why someone would get so bent out of shape over illegal immigrants. Its not like they are breaking the law or something as the powers that be sit idely by.
Originally posted by MelanerpesOption A!
Here's the problem.
You've got at least 12million illegal immigrants in this country, and many have been here for many years.
Option A - offer some sort of amnesty program
Option B - forcibly send them all back
Option C - status quo
Option A tastes really bad -- Option B would be an "ethnic cleansing" mess. And no one really wants to just continue with Option C.
Any ideas?
Or a better idea, make immigration simpler and streamlined, not to mention cheaper, document workers, and bring them out of the shadows and into the formal economy where they can do more high-value work!
You know, freedom from government interference!
Originally posted by daniel58Holy crap, you mean investing in America's future? Far be it for me to put my tax dollars to prevent a caste-system with no upward mobility and no underclass! Holy moly, imaging all this wasteful investing in people's education that you fear so much, making America's future brighter but not in a way that you enjoy, aww 🙁 Poor Daniel, I guess you'll just have to start your own little country of xenophones on some deserted island and see how much you love the efficiencies of small populations like in Mongolia or Bolivia... hey, plenty of space in Antartica, that place must be the best, you should find out!
They are breaking the law, they are even setting up a fence to keep people from crossing over, They get benefits, get to send their kids to school, which the tax-payer's are paying for, which means we are paying for illegal immigrants to go to school!!!
Originally posted by whodeySECURE the border... are you talking al-queda or are you talking poor workers? those are different things, you know.
What happened to option D? You know, secure the border? There is even option E. Make all immigration legal so its not an issue any more. I suppose it all has to do with ones agenda as to which one is the most palitable.
All the Lou Dobbs type of xenophobia that sprouts up every few years is much ado about nothing nowadays.
Immigration from Mexico to the US peaked in 2001. Mexican birth rates declined long ago and that is now showing up in the working-age population. Not to mention that with the baby boomers aging and retiring, there will be a demographic drag from lack of working age wealth creating builders, laborers, capitalists, innovators, entrepreneurs, small businessmen, investors... etc in the US economy. And guess what, that gap will be made up by some other places (maybe Indian, Chinese, and African workers, lots of people facing econmic difficulties in those regions in making good use of their labor).
Mexican emigration has hit about the lowest in over a decade and you won't find major movement back to high levels in the near future.
If you look back at the early 1900's, you will see the foreign born population then and now were at high levels reflecting a properous and open country. Now with the recession, as during the Great Depression, people like to find someone vulnerable to kick around (kick the dog syndrome). Interestingly, because of demographics they're gonna find it harder and harder to make a case against foreigners. Who's the next pariah, now that Communism has died anyway?