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Mark Sandford, the latest casualty

Mark Sandford, the latest casualty


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Originally posted by uzless
What temptations? By not sleeping with a hot Venuezulan woman, what temptations will he avoid in his duties as a politiician?
The temptation to commit Mail Order Fraud?

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Originally posted by uzless
Why does it even matter to voters if a politician has "family values"? How does having family values affect your ability to be a politician??
Thomas Jefferson is a fine example of a great politician. He wrote the declaration of independence, was a President but, at the same time owned slaves and had an affair w/ at least one and had a child w/her. His morality or lack thereof did not interfere w/his occupation.

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Personal morality matters not at all to me in elected representatives - they can sleep with whomever they wish, within the bounds of the law, of course, so far as I am concerned.

I do, however, have a serious problem with hypocrisy. If a politician has not made it part of his stance to uphold 'family values' or to damn homosexuals, for example, then being revealed as a philanderer or homosexual makes no difference one way or another. It's just how he or she prefers to spend their free time.

The problem for me is with politicians who actively campaign for 'family values' and are then caught having affairs, or who campaign on a homophobic ticket and are then found in the company of men...

At that point they are revealed as hypocrites and liars, and those are two values I would sooner not have in those who make decisions that affect the lives of millions.

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Originally posted by sh76
With a person that they're not married to when they're married and elected officials of conservative constituents?


Not because I care about their sex lives or have a fundamental moral problem with adultery, but because it's so obviously such a dumb thing to do politically.
Many former presidents had affairs before and during their presidencies. Though most Americans didn’t know about what went on.

Thomas Jefferson, while serving as minister to France, spent time in the company of Mrs. Maria Hadfield Cosway, a beautiful artist with blond curls. Still he became what many regard as the most brilliant president.

Grover Cleveland kept company with 33-year-old Maria C. Halpin who gave birth to a son in 1874, whom she named Oscar Folsom Cleveland. Cleveland, provided financial support but refused to marry her. Later, he had her committed to an insane asylum and the child to an orphanage.

Franklin Roosevelt had an affair with his wife’s secretary, Lucy Page Mercer. His wife threatened divorce if he did not end the relationship. He promised, but continued his affair, and Mercer frequently visited the White House. Lucy Mercer took care of President Roosevelt when he lingered on the verge of death in Warren Springs, GA, but his valet hustled her away upon the arrival of Eleanor.

John Kennedy's sex life reveals a man prepared to risk his country's security for a shag. He told brother Bobby, "I get a migraine headache if I don't get a strange piece of ass every day." From a biography based on recently released FBI documents five of his affairs threatened national security. At the height of the Cold War, he was sleeping with the enemy, one of which was Ellen Rometsch, connected at the highest level of the East German communist party. But he overlooked that minor detail because of her impressive oral talent. He also got into bed with the Mafia in a liaison with the mob's plant, Judith Campbell. A British sex scandal linked Novotny to the Profumo Affair and revealed her JFK connection. His assassination ended what would have been his certain exposure in this affair.

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People should direct their anger at the REAL cause of Gov. Sanford's marital problems:

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Originally posted by sh76

Is it possible, please, just once, for one damn governor or Senator in this country to keep it in his pants every once in a while? Am I really asking too much.
Why is it so important to you?

It doesn't matter if he is cheating on hs wife, and going on vacation to argentina without telling anyone. What matters is his policies and the things he does as governor, his private life doesn't make him a better/worse governor.

This obssesion with politician's private lives, not just in the US but also around the world, is just silly.

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Originally posted by generalissimo
This obssesion with politician's private lives, not just in the US but also around the world, is just silly.
The fact that you now claim that it's "just silly" didn't stop you from making disparaging remarks about Brazillian President Lula's private life, on several occasions.

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Originally posted by FMF
The fact that you now claim that it's "just silly" didn't stop you from making disparaging remarks about Brazillian President Lula's private life, on several occasions.
When did I? you liar!

I never commented on his possible extra-marital relations, nor am I interested. I only pointed out that he was not educated properly, it is a shame to have a president who can't even speak right.

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Originally posted by generalissimo
When did I? you liar!
You're really getting into these gratuitous personal insults, aren't you? Me lying about your open contempt for Lula and snide remarks about his private life? I don't think so. You know exactly what I am talking about.

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Originally posted by FMF
You're really getting into these gratuitous personal insults, aren't you? Me lying about your open contempt for Lula and snide remarks about his private life? I don't think so. You know exactly what I am talking about.
No I don't.

Either show me where I commented on Lula's private life, or take it back.

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Originally posted by generalissimo
No I don't.
What you claim to know and claim not to know is of no concern to me. Your posts about Lula are to be found here: http://www.redhotpawn.com/board/search.php?authorname=generalissimo

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Originally posted by FMF
What you claim to know and claim not to know is of no concern to me. Your posts about Lula are to be found here: http://www.redhotpawn.com/board/search.php?authorname=generalissimo
Yes, and again you make false claims and then when you can't back them up you retreat.

Same old, same old...

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Originally posted by generalissimo
Why is it so important to you?

It doesn't matter if he is cheating on hs wife, and going on vacation to argentina without telling anyone. What matters is his policies and the things he does as governor, his private life doesn't make him a better/worse governor.

This obssesion with politician's private lives, not just in the US but also around the world, is just silly.
I think in this case the biggest problem was that he didn't tell anyone where he could be reached.

The only other thing is the hypocrisy.

To quote Sanford himself, as he said when Clinton got caught in the Lewinsky affari:

"The issue of lying is probably the biggest harm, if you will, to the system of Democratic government, representatives government, because it undermines trust," he told CNN. "And if you undermine trust in our system, you undermine everything."

"I think it would be much better for the country and for him personally (to resign)"

"I come from the business side. If you had a chairman or president in the business world facing these allegations, he'd be gone."

Now Sanford doesn't appear to be sure whether it would be better for him to resign or not - convenient.

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Originally posted by generalissimo
Yes, and again you make false claims and then when you can't back them up you retreat.

Same old, same old...
I just easily went and found several posts in which you misstated things about his upbringing and other personal matters, along with really clumsily gratuitous insults about his intelligence and his morals.

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Originally posted by FMF
I just easily went and found several posts in which you misstated things about his upbringing and other personal matters, along with really clumsily gratuitous insults about his intelligence and his morals.
I questioned his education, which is only natural, I want to have a President who is fit to be representative of the country, not some illiterate drunkard.

Morals? personal matters? these are just additions to your collection of false claims.

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