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McCains Double Standard on Illegal drugs

McCains Double Standard on Illegal drugs


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Originally posted by NimzovichLarsen
Considering the source how can one honestly consider anything from this site?
Here's an article from the Washington Post substantiating the details of the hightimes story from public documents: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/11/AR2008091103928_pf.html

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Originally posted by whodey
I say that the main reason government does not make marijuana legal is to avoid people getting paranoid. You know, that is the LAST thing the government wants which is for people not to trust it with their very lives. After all, they only have our best interests at heart, don't you know? 😉
Also, alcohol and tobacco make money for industries whereas MJ can be grown in your backyard. Historically, MJ became illegal due to its association with blacks whereas alcohol and tobacco have been legal since they were historically caucasian drugs.

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If you switch the name 'McCain' for 'Obama,' DSR and Nimzovich Larsen would apoplectic with
rage about how the wife of a possible future president blah blah blah...what is this country coming
to blah blah blah...liberal media ignored it blah blah blah...


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Originally posted by generalissimo
c'mon, you can't compare high times with the NY times, or Fox news.
Oh yeah I can. I don't know if High Times had to fire an "award winning" journalist for writing fables as fact. Nope--who was that? The NY Times??😀

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