@sonhouse saidFair warning. Please answer, or this joust will become a headline!!
Well of COURSE with my law degree from Trump University I can answer all your questions my son, but time is short, I have a LOT of other clients on the phone so all I can say is good luck, I'm sure it's all legal, and my bill will be in the mail.
So considering the fact I don't have a law degree or a license to have investment clients, it sounds like you are asking a moral question if it is moral to do such.
The only thing I could see about that, what are the laws allowing such investment advice? If you have to have a license to do such financial work then without such a license you would be committing potential fraud, especially if your advice cause the dude to lose whatever fortune he he suffered from your advice.
But I think you are just after a morality question and statement by me on that.
Moral questions aside, what business is it of me to say one way or the other about your business deals?
I think anyone can make money in stock buys if they are patient and not expect 30% returns like I see advertised by grifters.
@sonhouse saidThink about it as moral or superfluous or religious or timely or usurious or fair or equitable or fair-minded, or impartial, trustworthy, upright, non-discriminatory or honest or whatever........ Certainly use your own guidelines as you reach your conclusion.
So considering the fact I don't have a law degree or a license to do investment clients, it sounds like you are asking a moral question if it is moral to do such.
The only thing I could see about that, what are the laws allowing such investment advice? If you have to have a license to do such financial work then without such a license you would be committing p ...[text shortened]... al questions aside, what business is it of me to say one way or the other about your business deals?
So, what is your answer? Is there anything 'wrong' with our agreement? Sonhouse??
If it's legal of course you can give advice, you are supposedly rich already so someone could possibly gain wealth from your advice.
But like I said, it could be such advice, especially if written on paper might require a real investor license.
I'm sure you know all about those kind of details though.
The question is, why are you asking me financial questions? you are clearly going to do what you are going to do and would ignore my 'advice' if I said how horrible an idea that was. Which I didn't since I am not qualified to make a definitive statement on the matter.
@sonhouse saidWhat did you just say? Because it sounds a lot different than the AGREEMENT to INVEST that was drawn up between jared and the friend of Trump in Saudi Arabia? You soind conflicted, can you explain?
If it's legal of course you can give advice, you are supposedly rich already so someone could possibly gain wealth from your advice.
But like I said, it could be such advice, especially if written on paper might require a real investor license.
I'm sure you know all about those kind of details though.
Maybe this is why you libs hate my analogies. Last week I analolgized that myself and another poster were living alone on the same island, being different in some way from one another.
That extremely disingenuous poster wrote back changing my premise to 11 people on the island. You and he do not get analogies, and you are both disingenuous.
So, redeem yourself and say you were wrong about Jared a while back? Be a lion like Trump!
So your REAL agenda comes forth. I was stupid to think you even had a question for me, you were just baiting me, trolling me.
What you REFUSE to see about JARHEAD getting BILLIONS from the Saudis is it was PAYBACK for services rendered or did you forget about the oh so coincidental trips and that is PLURAL, TRIPS to SA to do the bidding of the crown prince.
OF COURSE you want to gloss of that open corruption and the FACT JARHEAD was NOT a paid employee of the WH but a son in law, and CHOSE to do Trump's bidding arranging sweetheart weapons deals with the Crown Prince and I bet you didn't also notice Trump never said a fuuuking WORD calling down the Crown Prince for the assassination of one of our own citizens, WAY too important to sell a few billion in weapons than to talk about a mere murder.
@sonhouse saidTutorial for Newbies.
So your REAL agenda comes forth. I was stupid to think you even had a question for me, you were just baiting me, trolling me.
What you REFUSE to see about JARHEAD getting BILLIONS from the Saudis is it was PAYBACK for services rendered or did you forget about the oh so coincidental trips and that is PLURAL, TRIPS to SA to do the bidding of the crown prince.
...[text shortened]... r own citizens, WAY too important to sell a few billion in weapons than to talk about a mere murder.
Here is a response to a question, which simply asks.. " Was the action of Joe Biden, (in light of constitutional requirements of congressional approvals, as well as a ruling by SCOTUS that the president has no such power) instructing the treasury and/or other agencies to cause reductions in monies owed by students to the government a movement of a dictator?"
This was the answer,....it does not even MENTION the word dictator, nor, does it answer the question.
OF COURSE you don't want to see ANYTHING wrong with Trump when you think Biden did something a hundred times worse and I just SHOWED you where he got his bucks for the wall and OF COURSE you totally approve of stealing money from our national security, who gives a rats ass we can't afford the full roster of fighter jets because Trump wants to build a flipping wall which can and WAS breached by a dude with a sawzall.
Yeah, the crimes of Biden are a THOUSAND TIMES worse.
And BTW, Trump DID get the money for the wall by LITERALLY appropriating it directly from the military national defense budget.
But that makes ZERO difference to you, Biden helping student debt is OBVIOUSLY a THOUSAND TIMES WORSE for the US than anything Trump stole from our national security and now that we find him with hundreds of TS docs, he and YOU could care less about REAL national security.
Then there was this question, where Jared Kushner procured an investment contract with a Saudi Prince, a friend of Trump, investing $2B of the prince's money, at a fee of 20%.
First, the analogy by me to Sonhouse.....
""Tell, me shouse, If my father has a business acquaintance over for dinner and the man discovers I am an investment advisor, (with my own firm!!) ..........
#1: Is it above-board for the friend to ask me to make his investments?
#2: If we arrive at an agreement as to the fee I will charge, which of course is unregulated and agreed upon to be 20%, do you find this, too, to be above board?
Is this a legal and fair business arrangement, with a contract agreed upon between the two parties?"
TYhis was the answer. Thhis is not the way to debate in the Forum.
""So your REAL agenda comes forth. I was stupid to think you even had a question for me, you were just baiting me, trolling me.
What you REFUSE to see about JARHEAD getting BILLIONS from the Saudis is it was PAYBACK for services rendered or did you forget about the oh so coincidental trips and that is PLURAL, TRIPS to SA to do the bidding of the crown prince.
OF COURSE you want to gloss of that open corruption and the FACT JARHEAD was NOT a paid employee of the WH but a son in law, and CHOSE to do Trump's bidding arranging sweetheart weapons deals with the Crown Prince and I bet you didn't also notice Trump never said a fuuuking WORD calling down the Crown Prince for the assassination of one of our own citizens, WAY too important to sell a few billion in weapons than to talk about a mere murder."
@sonhouse saidYou are saying that this is a financial question, so you cannot answer it. But, over the months, you have beat hell out of businessman Jared for creating this business relationship with the Prince. All of you and your ilk have been saying it is not a proper relationship (y'all are actually saying meaner things).
The question is, why are you asking me financial questions? you are clearly going to do what you are going to do and would ignore my 'advice' if I said how horrible an idea that was. Which I didn't since I am not qualified to make a definitive statement on the matter.
Now you are saying ,,,,what, ,,,,,you don't know? What in the hell?
I've killed you on this. Now, you ask ME a question.
Anyway, everyone, SHouse in effect, approves of the relationship. He has turned on you fellers.
@sonhouse saidWhy, being convicted, is nothing happening to this criminal?
Trump is not in jail because those charges which you refuse to even accept as real, are not felonies, and he got a whopping fine out of it, a way to get retribution for crimes committed even if they were civil crimes not felony crimes.
You spin it however the hell you want, TRUMP WAS CONVICTED OF FRAUD because what he did was against the law but OF COURSE now, Trump is ABOVE the law so where are the crimes now, is that your stance?
@sonhouse saidSo if he has paid his fine=, like I did a speeding ticket last month, why do still harp about it? My friends say forgive and forget. What do you say, child of god?
Trump is not in jail because those charges which you refuse to even accept as real, are not felonies, and he got a whopping fine out of it, a way to get retribution for crimes committed even if they were civil crimes not felony crimes.
You spin it however the hell you want, TRUMP WAS CONVICTED OF FRAUD because what he did was against the law but OF COURSE now, Trump is ABOVE the law so where are the crimes now, is that your stance?
He hasn't even STARTED paying it off, it is hard to come across a half billion for fines and I am certain he hopes if he wins in November that will all go away because of the power of POTUS.
Oh, you didn't know it was half a bil? I guess you don't get around much.
A half billion in fines is significant even for the dude you worship. And he IS a convicted felon besides. But of course, being a card carrying HYPOCRITE where you SAID you would not vote for someone convicted of a crime, now the story changes, moving the goalpost, NOW the entire court system according to you is 100% corrupt, well all except Trump's pet Judge, his personal cannon who just dismissed the charges, thus completing her job requirement for the next SCOTUS appointee if Trump gets in. That is ALL she was looking for and riding the coattails of Trump will get her there if he is reelected.
And YOU refuse to see WHY that 'business' arrangement as you call it, came about.
The OTHER princes in SA were dead set against the CP of giving money to a dude who has very limited experience handling two billion in one lump sum where he gets about 25 MILLION per year in commissions, but you can't see further than the end of your nose just how and why that came about. You ignore the dozens of tax payer paid trips to SA and not because Jarhead loved SA but because he was doing Trump's bidding, giving the crown prince access to multi billion dollar weapons deals, and THAT is why he got a nice chunk of change as payback.
OF COURSE you say that is BS BECAUSE you refuse to look into the matter any deeper than the latest Newsmax story about SA.
@sonhouse saidSHouse changes the issue to WHY, oh WHY. I myself created the issue of the arrangement. Is the arrangement OK. Yes, you are as much as saying it is. So you were wrong all these years holding Jared as being improper to have the contract. Tsk Tsk, shame on you.
And YOU refuse to see WHY that 'business' arrangement as you call it, came about.
The OTHER princes in SA were dead set against the CP of giving money to a dude who has very limited experience handling two billion in one lump sum where he gets about 25 MILLION per year in commissions, but you can't see further than the end of your nose just how and why that ca ...[text shortened]... is BS BECAUSE you refuse to look into the matter any deeper than the latest Newsmax story about SA.
Start your own theread as to why, oh why, he got this contract. It happens every day, Shouse. It has prob happened to you, to land a great job, cause you 'knew' somebody!
You are not having a good day.
Oh.....did you say he only has limited experience? Marauder and Shav and Moonbus and Sue and Mott all said the same thing about Obama, the community organizer....just like Marx was!!!! So, what is your point?