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My complaint against the US

My complaint against the US


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Originally posted by HayVeeGee
Hey, everyone! Look who found www.thesaraus.com! Now if she could just figure out how to use them in sentences that could actually convey meaning...
Need she go on? I vote, uh, no. Emphatically, flat out, decidedly, unequivocally, really-truly-wooly, no.
And those "busybodies" making nonsense appear to find their doppleganger in her, too!
Say, I' ...[text shortened]... nt? Omniflashdancer's post is the current high (?) mark.
Uni, dual, triumvirate, pontificate!
Back so soon after getting your other 5+ accounts banned? Even mateulose waits a couple months between his bannings!

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Originally posted by Omnislash
The united states has recently made a number of people very, very angry, including me. However, as anger serves no function in a successful rebuttal, I will simply state objectively that this is a very real and serious concern. The following text regards my complaints of recent days against the united states and its subtle but insincere attempts to make a ...[text shortened]... eir days basking in the united states's reflected glory, pausing only when the united states...
What drug(s) are you taking? I'm surprised in your condition you could find the keyboard, not to mention randomly peck out several paragraphs of meaningless jibberish.

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i know one thing for sure omni
americans are rude crude and unrefined
we dont give a flying you know what what people think
we may not state our case elegantly
but then most of america is poor white trailer trash
so what do you expect from us??lol jk😉

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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
Back so soon after getting your other 5+ accounts banned? Even mateulose waits a couple months between his bannings!
Professor Plum... in the... library... um, with your mom?!?
I'll bite: who is mateulose, and what has your post to do with any part of this thread?
P.S. Good luck on the 'life' thing.

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Originally posted by Omnislash
I am male.
Hear you roar, little dude, hear you roar.

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Originally posted by HayVeeGee
Professor Plum... in the... library... um, with your mom?!?
You're back I see. Remember not to use more than one account...

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Originally posted by ivangrice
[b]Perhaps an assault on the medicine cupboard would be of more lasting benefit for him?
It appears a trip to the looking glass was the impetus for the original adulterated belch. Let's not encourage more of the same.

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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
You're back I see. Remember not to use more than one account...
One is the lonliest number. Besides, I'm at the end of my sounds-like rope.😉

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Originally posted by Omnislash
As promised in my complaint threads, my purpose here will now be revealed! Behold!
This letter is not a memoir. Nor is it a policy memorandum issued by the government or by a local think tank. Rather, it is an assessment of how Sen. Omnislash is the devil incarnate. If you disagree with my claim that it may seem excessive to note that Sen. Omnislash's primary motivation is self-enrichment at our expense, then read no further. As I understand it, his ramblings are escapism redux. Am I being unduly harsh for writing that? I think not. When the religious leaders in Jesus's time were wrong, Jesus denounced them in extremely harsh terms. So why shouldn't I, too, use extremely harsh terms to indicate that the only way for Sen. Omnislash to redeem himself is to stop being so abominable? I have now said everything there is to say. So, to summarize it all, when you least expect it, Sen. Omnislash will order his cheerleaders to rob from the rich but -- unlike Robin Hood -- give to crapulous fast-buck artists.

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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
[b]This letter is not a memoir.
One could almost make the argument that Sen. Omniblind is doing his best impression of Lyndon LaRouche, except that with LLR, there is typically a point somewhere buried in the mounds of verbosity.

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Originally posted by Omnislash
As promised in my complaint threads, my purpose here will now be revealed! Behold! The answers you seek can be found at:

So when you stated "There is no source to quote. It was by my effort that this text was generated", were you being...shall we say...economical with the truth? You weren't seeking to mislead, were you? Surely not.

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Originally posted by flyUnity
Our country is demacratic, and voted our officails in, if you dont like them, fine... but allot of people do like them. I travelled most of the USA, and I saw the good part of it.
Besides the fact that somebody from without the US is probably more objective than a US citizen (the referee at a football game is not from one of the two playing teams now, is he? And that has a reason...), I can state that I have lived in the US.

And I enjoyed living there. I've also lived in Israel and enjoyed living there too (and England and France and Scotland).

The problem, you see, is not the democratically elected governments in any of these countries. The problem is who's pulling who's strings.

Take, as one example, the debacle with Central and Southern American fruit growers.
On the one hand you had United Fruits taking over as many small farms as possible, forcing wage decreases on the farmers.
On the hand you had a few independant farmers who couldn't take on the cheap fruits coming from the UF (United Fruits) farms, so various European Union countries (specifically France and Britain) subsidised the small farmers, so they could contine working and making a decent living.

The obvious problem here is that a multi-national controlled 85% of fruit production coming from the said areas. Forcing cheap fruits on to the market at the expense of the farmers who have to work for them.

United Fruits wasn't content with 85% of the fruit market and wanted to take the EU to the WTO (World Trade Organisation), but to do so they really needed to have a big-gun backer.
So, UF funded both the democratic party and the Republican party, betting on both horses, so they could get their way no matter who came to power.

The WTO obviously agreed with the US. So, the small farmers are going to lose out.
So, you've got a pissed off EU, pissed off small farmers in Central and Southern America, lots of impoverished farmers who are not happy and a general consensus that the US is out of control.

All because a company wanted even more profits than they already had.

This is one of the less agressive examples of US policy and US policy being determined by big companies (just think of what the weapons and oil industry are doing!).

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Originally posted by Omnislash
As promised in my complaint threads, my purpose here will now be revealed! Behold! The answers you seek can be found at:

(Sheepishly) I guess everyone should go to the website and try it for themselves. Very funny stuff.
Psycho-socially speaking, even funnier is how much a firestorm that even gibberish can spark.
Thanks for the lesson, MR. Omnislash.

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Originally posted by HayVeeGee
Professor Plum... in the... library... um, with your mom?!?
I'll bite: who is mateulose, and what has your post to do with any part of this thread?
P.S. Good luck on the 'life' thing.
mateulose is a handle that was banned long ago, and the guy keeps making up new handles to get around the ban, same as you're doing now. The funny thing about both of you is that you're a bit too eager to give your identity away.

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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
mateulose is a handle that was banned long ago
Thanks for the history lesson. I forget: did you say your name was Chris?
You've answered the one question. What of the other?

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