@no1marauder saidDidn't someone just say they never heard marauder tell a joke!?!
So what will you do to keep occupied while you are hanging on your cross? π’ π’
I'll probably laugh a little more,
and stress a little less. Looking back...arguing online has probably been a stupendous waste of time. Who knows...maybe I'll even have time to read the Communist Manifesto!!
Seriously though...I'm a stay at home dad...so I have an endless list of stuff to do.
Farwell Marauder!
@joe-shmo saidWere you censored for posting factual information?
When you can't post factual information because it shows an ugly truth, its time to go.
Good luck in your future "debating". Here is to 15 years!
This is "Joe Shmo" ( little secret my name is not actully Joe ) , signing off. Farewell!
23 Sep 21
Maybe you and Duchess will frequent the same Pub.
Only possible if he emigrates to Sydney... π
@metal-brain saidhttps://abc7chicago.com/florida-shootout-brevard-county-sheriff-paris-wilder-wayne-ivey/11013732/
Were you censored for posting factual information?
Yeah... they deleted the thread containing this story 3 times, and all the uncomfortable statistics that accompanied it in my analysis, because I titled it "Another Black Man Killed By Police"( a completely factual and accurate account of what happened ).
Take Care MB!
23 Sep 21
@zahlanzi saidI already said, I'm waiting patiently for my account to be deleted. In the mean time I'm saying goodbye. Most of the time when people disappear from the chat, people wonder where they went, if they are alive, etc...
for someone who is leaving you sure do come back often to respond.
Are you bothered by this simple gesture?
Best of luck to you in the revolution zhalanzi!
@joe-shmo saidThe threads were deleted because they justified violence against individual blacks by police based on racial stereotyping. This blatantly violates the Posting Guidelines: "Content promoting violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on race,"
Yeah... they deleted the thread containing this story 3 times, and all the uncomfortable statistics that accompanied it in my analysis, because I titled it "Another Black Man Killed By Police"( a completely factual and accurate account of what happened ).
Take Care MB!
They are many sites that will be happy to post such an "analysis" (shoddy as it was; it ignored the facts that police in the US have lower rates of job fatalities including garbage collectors and crossing guards while they kill civilians at rates far higher than other "advanced" nations) . Have you checked out Stormfront?
23 Sep 21
@no1marauder saidI'm not here to argue. It doesn't matter anymore.
The threads were deleted because they justified violence against individual blacks by police based on racial stereotyping. This blatantly violates the Posting Guidelines: "Content promoting violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on race,"
They are many sites that will be happy to post such an "analysis". Have you checked out Stormfront?
@no1marauder saidNo. I was told that was the reasoning by the administrator of the site. "A race baiting title" How do you know the exact reason for its deletion?
Then you should delete the post I responded to which falsely claimed the threads were removed because of their title.