25 Mar 21
The post that was quoted here has been removedSo, how diverse is the Chinese government?
I mean, you seem to love bringing China into every debate, let’s do it here.
If you’re old, Han and from the East coast, what are your chances of becoming a top politician... compared to say... a woman?
How many Latinos, blacks, gays and transvestites are there in the CC? Or maybe it’s more diverse in the NCP?
If the pool you have to choose from just has a higher number of say gay white experts who are competent, why on Earth would you choose to put black heteroes on those positions?
Just to look more ethnically, sexually, gender diverse? Madness.
If the conclusion is that it’s strange you don’t have enough Asian cross dressers able to carry out defense budget requirements, do something about education and chances so that more Asian cross dressers can become competent defense budget ministers.
Don’t promote someone to that role unless they’re the best.
And if they are the best, don’t choose someone else because you don’t like their nose (or whatever).
I don’t think Biden appointing an Asia (or AAPI... stupid bloody term... sounds like the Dutch word aapje... which means monkey... ) would really address the issues, except say: ooohhhhh look at me, I’m so FFing PC.
04 Apr 21
The post that was quoted here has been removedI don't even need to read what he has posted to know that shav would not believe that so why would you lie and say he does, OH you use the word "apparently", that gets you off the hook, well done.
And I have never read him say anything racist.
05 Apr 21
The post that was quoted here has been removedInsert enormous sigh.
Yes. Asians experience racism.
Yes. There are plenty of Asians, blacks, Jews, Moslims, Inuit, under 23’s and Celtic druids who are qualified to hold senior positions in government.
But that in Biden’s current cabinet one of the groups isn’t holding a senior position says nothing.
If the whole cabinet was white, male and over 60... I may well raise an eyebrow.
It’s not though.
So you’re making a problem out of nothing.
In fact, by suggesting there HAS to be an Asian (or a gay or a black or a hippie or whatever) represented in the cabinet, you’re actively making race (or sexuality or religion) an issue.
Just maybe the charismatic black female fit the team better than the Jewish Asian transvestite this time round?
05 Apr 21
The post that was quoted here has been removedWhile this has been noted, I believe this is actually completely wrong.
I think that Shavixmir does not have any interest in promoting anti-Asian racist narratives, and I think that he would want the Asians to be nationally represented in the "conversation about racism."
Indeed, they are being represented in the US right now.
I think you are just accusing people of racist attitudes, as per usual, and there is no real substance to your criticism here.