@capacrapa saidMe neither.
I find nothing wrong with Eugenics 🤔
I also find nothing wrong with this article:
@sonhouse saidThey were in the process f developing, 'heavy water.'
All of this is about Nazi's? Nazi's invented the Volkswagen? They invented the V2 and missed out getting nukes even though they tried.
Yeah, Hitler commissioned Ferdinand Porsche to build a 'people's car.'
Werner Von Braun wrote a book titled;
'I Aim at the Stars.'...........and hit London
@sonhouse saidBrains ✔
How well did eugenics work on you?
Good looking ✔
Work ethic FAIL
Financial Stability FAIL
I would be executed 😔
@jj-adams saidYou are talking about "Aktion T4"? hardly anything to praise the Nazi's and their helpers...
They massively reduced the percentage of retarded people in Germany.
@shavixmir saidThey industrialised the murder of men, women and children and catapulted the rest of Europe into an epic blood fest.
So. You can say what you want about the nazis, but they sure as hell loved their flags.