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No question. Trump knew and did not warn Biden

No question. Trump knew and did not warn Biden


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Business Insider 8/26/21
Afghanistan: Former advisor to Mike Pence warned in 2020 that Trump was setting up another 'Benghazi.'
James Golby served as a special advisor in the office of Vice President Mike Pence.
He spent 20 years in the US Army and deployed twice in Iraq.
Last fall, he said Donald Trump was leaving behind "an unsustainable presence in Afghanistan."
A Trump administration advisor warned late last year that President Donald Trump's decision to leave just 2,500 troops in Afghanistan - and his telegraphed desire to get out whether or not the Taliban chose to abide by its agreement with the US - would leave American forces vulnerable to an attack.
"Perhaps by design, perhaps by incompetence, perhaps out of sheer spite or arrogance, Trump has created the circumstances for another Bay of Pigs, Black Hawk Down, or Benghazi," James Golby, who served as a special advisor to Vice President Mike Pence, wrote in a November article for The Atlantic.


Biden had 7 months to prepare.

Nice try though 🙄



So you are saying Biden had to continue with a Trump agreement?

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@c-i-v said
Biden had 7 months to prepare.

Nice try though 🙄
"Biden announced Tuesday afternoon that the United States is on track to leave Afghanistan by that date. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said in a statement Tuesday evening that the formal process for withdrawing troops had not been ordered but that hundreds of U.S. troops with “enabling functions” had been ordered to depart.
Kirby said their departures would have "no impact on the mission at hand.”
"The United States has sent thousands of additional troops to Kabul this month to assist with evacuating Americans and Afghan allies."

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@eladar said

So you are saying Biden had to continue with a Trump agreement?
ELDAR, Do you ever read? Surely you must turn off FOX NEWS at some time?
As most informed people are aware When a country makes an agreement, or signs a treaty, the succeeding administrations are 'bound to honor it, so that friends and foes alike, will know that we, as a nation, keep our word....
Fact is, Trump set the date for U.S. troop departure as May 1. Biden got an extension to Aug. 31...........
Good men may differ on ideas, but facts are constant.


@jimm619 said
Business Insider 8/26/21
Afghanistan: Former advisor to Mike Pence warned in 2020 that Trump was setting up another 'Benghazi.'
James Golby served as a special advisor in the office of Vice President Mike Pence.
He spent 20 years in the US Army and deployed twice in Iraq.
Last fall, he said Donald Trump was leaving behind "an unsustainable presence in Afghan ...[text shortened]... ved as a special advisor to Vice President Mike Pence, wrote in a November article for The Atlantic.
"and his telegraphed desire "

one day you will learn what phrases like this mean...FYI, no, Trump didnt say that.

Your state run media is in full force trying to STOP THE BUCK with biden.


@jimm619 said
Business Insider 8/26/21
Afghanistan: Former advisor to Mike Pence warned in 2020 that Trump was setting up another 'Benghazi.'
James Golby served as a special advisor in the office of Vice President Mike Pence.
He spent 20 years in the US Army and deployed twice in Iraq.
Last fall, he said Donald Trump was leaving behind "an unsustainable presence in Afghan ...[text shortened]... ved as a special advisor to Vice President Mike Pence, wrote in a November article for The Atlantic.
"Trump's to blame!!!" - LOL

Nice try, Jim.

Trump opened a pipeline, Biden scuttled it.
Trump had an agreement with Mexico to stop caravans of emigrants from Guatemala to enter Mexico, Biden nixed it.
Trump banned CRT in federal buildings, Biden ended it.
Trump put sanctions on Russia, Biden removed them. Getting the picture, Jim?

Joe Biden actually agreed with Trump, get out of Afghanistan. The problem was in the execution of said plan.

Joe Biden... major FAIL.


@jimm619 said
ELDAR, Do you ever read? Surely you must turn off FOX NEWS at some time?
As most informed people are aware When a country makes an agreement, or signs a treaty, the succeeding administrations are 'bound to honor it, so that friends and foes alike, will know that we, as a nation, keep our word....
Fact is, Trump set the date for U.S. troop departure as May 1. B ...[text shortened]... n got an extension to Aug. 31...........
Good men may differ on ideas, but facts are constant.
Did Trump honor Obama's agreement with Iran nukes?


@earl-of-trumps said
"Trump's to blame!!!" - LOL

Nice try, Jim.

Trump opened a pipeline, Biden scuttled it.
Trump had an agreement with Mexico to stop caravans of emigrants from Guatemala to enter Mexico, Biden nixed it.
Trump banned CRT in federal buildings, Biden ended it.
Trump put sanctions on Russia, Biden removed them. Getting the picture, Jim?

Joe Biden actually agree ...[text shortened]... , get out of Afghanistan. The problem was in the execution of said plan.

Joe Biden... major FAIL.
You are welcome to disagree with me
You also disagree it the entire military establishment
and diplomatic corps. I've posted numerous sources
on this subject recently.....Read 'em Earl.
Hey Earl, good men may disagree but Earl,
please don't tell me that you are an anti-vaxer, I have always
given you credit for, at least, common sense.


@eladar said
Did Trump honor Obama's agreement with Iran nukes?
Same question. Did Trump honor Obama's nuke agreement with Iran?

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@eladar said
Same question. Did Trump honor Obama's nuke agreement with Iran?
No he did not, it is not binding,
but he was criticized, by both parties
and for pulling out of The Paris accords as well.
Our Allies in Europe were disappointed (they all supported the Iran deal)
and highly mistrustful of us, especially when Trump said, in Helsinki,
that he believed Vlad Putin, but not our own intelligence agency's.


@jimm619 said
No he did not, it is not binding,
but he was criticized, by both parties
and for pulling out of The Paris accords as well.
Our Allies in Europe were disappointed and
highly mistrustful of us, especially when Trump said, in Helsinki,
that he believed Vlad Putin, but not our own intelligence agency's.
No agreement with the Taliban was binding. Biden was free to bring troops back into Afghanistan if he wished.


...7 months to prepare 🙄


@jimm619 said
You are welcome to disagree with me
You also disagree it the entire military establishment
and diplomatic corps. I've posted numerous sources
on this subject recently.....Read 'em Earl.
Hey Earl, good men may disagree but Earl,
please don't tell me that you are an anti-vaxer, I have always
given you credit for, at least, common sense.
i got jabbed. I believe in individual freedom but I exercised mine to get the jab.

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@jimm619 said
You are welcome to disagree with me
You also disagree it the entire military establishment
and diplomatic corps. I've posted numerous sources
on this subject recently.....Read 'em Earl.
Hey Earl, good men may disagree but Earl,
please don't tell me that you are an anti-vaxer, I have always
given you credit for, at least, common sense.
Jim, this is a lieutenant colonel in afghanistan calling out the military brass for screwing up.

""I'm not saying we've got to be in Afghanistan forever. But I am saying, did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, ‘Hey, it's a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone'? Did anyone do that? And when you didn't think to do that, did anyone raise their hand and say, ‘We completely messed this up'?" asked Scheller.


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