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No Vaccine? Illegals OK, but not Players in the Tennis Open?!?!

No Vaccine? Illegals OK, but not Players in the Tennis Open?!?!



@mott-the-hoople said
what a stupid question!
Is it though?

If a shopkeeper knows that Mary is taking some groceries, he doesn’t stop it and he has no actual problem with her taking some groceries… is it theft?

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Yeah, how DARE they cancel hundreds of thousands of dollars of student debt hamstringing hundreds of thousands of students, grads or not.

You REALLY hate giving ANYONE a break as long as YOUR 401K is safe.
You are one sick POS.
So you just noticed I don't now and won't EVER consider you a friend?
So have fun defending your god king, it is your religion anyway so you have to live with it even if your god king is in orange suits in Leavenworth.
Did you see the bit maybe even on FOX NEWS, Trump's buddy Wiggleberg pleaded GUILTY to 15 FELONIES? And serves just 5 months in prison?

BECAUSE he promised to tell all in October when ONE of the final axes falls on your god king, no more defenses available.

Even Moscow Mitch is deriding Trumpites running for office, he says you have to look at their character, meaning don't vote for Trump acolytes like DeSantis and Margery Taylor Green, about as far right as it is possible to get without actually carrying an AR15, a card carrying Christian Nationalist.

Is THAT the kind of person you want running the country? Espousing putting Jews in reservations, no more votes for anyone not white, zero exceptions for abortion, even contraceptives to be illegal if they win out.

Is that the kind of country you want? SERIOUS QUESTION and I hope you answer it with equal seriousness instead of your usual flippant responses.


@averagejoe1 said
Let's banter on this one. One we will all agree on, I am sure. How could you not find hypocrisy, or whatever the hell it is, with the USA allowing hundreds of thousands, millions, of immigrants in here with NO papers of any nature?........Yet, do not allow known tennis greats in if they do not show proof of vaccination?
"The USA Government bars unvaccinated non-citize ...[text shortened]... s?

I have a standing invitation to visit the US in a deal that would be mutually beneficial for all parties involved, but unable to because you need the vax passport. Same for non-nationals travelling to NZ. The battering the NZ tourist industry has taken and they want to keep beating it down by turning away potential tourists. And this after the seizure syrup has been shown to be at best,m useless and at worst causing more harm than good.


@wajoma said
I have a standing invitation to visit the US in a deal that would be mutually beneficial for all parties involved, but unable to because you need the vax passport. Same for non-nationals travelling to NZ. The battering the NZ tourist industry has taken and they want to keep beating it down by turning away potential tourists. And this after the seizure syrup has been shown to be at best,m useless and at worst causing more harm than good.
No, you're not unable to, you're unwilling to. Big difference.

So your conspiracy nonsense is costing you, but you're just too bull-headed. Good.


@suzianne said
No, you're not unable to, you're unwilling to. Big difference.

So your conspiracy nonsense is costing you, but you're just too bull-headed. Good.
Do you understand 'mutually beneficial'? It costs a lot of people. It costs people running cafe's and tourist businesses. The small town I live in NZ, pop 800 was a thriving junk shop, cafe, antiques type town right on the main Rd of NZ, State Highway 1 has lost a 3rd of it's cafe's. Businesses destroyed, dreams wrecked, shops sitting empty and desolate, all for the magic juice which does nothing but make huge drug companies bigger and richer. Mega Corporation isn't enough to describe how powerful these Co's have become on the back of goobermint covid panic and the seizure syrup. And it lingers today. Not so much here in Aus, literally a breath of fresh air after mask zombieland NZ.


@averagejoe1 said
You gettin personal too? Help!!
OK, just for you. (remember, this issue is not about tennis...it is about your pitiful government)
"The USA government bars unvaccinated non-citizens from entering the country". This is quoted in the attached article/link.

This sentence is past the headline, so maybe you are the one who is not reading past the headline. Oh gosh, I just got personal! Personal is all you people know , Suzianne being the expert.
You use your false persona as a debating tool, it would only be personal if it was anywhere near the reality of who you are Joe.


@averagejoe1 said
You gettin personal too? Help!!
OK, just for you. (remember, this issue is not about tennis...it is about your pitiful government)
"The USA government bars unvaccinated non-citizens from entering the country". This is quoted in the attached article/link.

This sentence is past the headline, so maybe you are the one who is not reading past the headline. Oh gosh, I just got personal! Personal is all you people know , Suzianne being the expert.
“ OK, just for you. (remember, this issue is not about tennis...it is about your pitiful government)
"The USA government bars unvaccinated non-citizens from entering the country". This is quoted in the attached article/link. ”
I’m a UK citizen and perfectly happy with the restrictions my otherwise right wing Tory government imposed to keep me alive and healthy.
Am I supposed to feel sorry for the multi millionaire tennis playboy who could get the best of medical care if he needed it because he wasn’t given special status in order to earn another shed load of money for hitting a little ball over a big net.


@shavixmir said
Is it though?

If a shopkeeper knows that Mary is taking some groceries, he doesn’t stop it and he has no actual problem with her taking some groceries… is it theft?
if the shopkeeper is the sole owner he can do what he wants. I the shop is owned by multiple people the shop must adhere to the shop policies. The US has immigration laws that should be followed.

Your analogy fails as it describes a sole owner, that is not the case with a country with laws to follow.


@shavixmir said
If the government knows they’re arriving… how can it be illegal?
Ha.....If a government knows I am robbing a bank, or that I robbed one yesterday, .....How Can That Be Illegal? Was that your question?
All of you libs are slipping.
You are saying that it cannot be illegal if the government knows that they are arriving.


@mchill said
allowing hundreds of thousands, millions, of immigrants in here with NO papers of any nature?

Dear Joe - You don't have a clue who is in this country illegally and who isn't. you're simply pulling numbers out of the air.

And "No" it's not one we will all agree on. 🙄
Here McHill suggests that they all have 'papers'. (we can use the word papers for purposes of this discussion, fine with me). He suggests that we are checking them all and approving that they are acceptable, that they are safe, etc etc. We are not, of course, so why would McHill say that? Is McHill an illegal? Is he lying? Suzianne, please rule on this.


@sonhouse said
So who do you think are being let in without vax? And why are you picking out tennis players? Because of the Australian incident? Or do you actually know what the Ausie deal was? When you say Mexicans enter the country without vax are you saying those with a visa or work permit?
A stupid post, Sonhouse. Clean it up and re-post please. Specificity and brevity rule. Your first sentence is wrong out of the box, because the premise says 'being let in without proof that they have been vaccinated". You change that, to say "Let in without Vax." You make no sense in your attempt to change the premise. Time to feed the chickens.
Oh.....who mentioned Aussies? Oooohh, Sonhouse...


@shavixmir said
Is it though?

If a shopkeeper knows that Mary is taking some groceries, he doesn’t stop it and he has no actual problem with her taking some groceries… is it theft?
How he perceives it is irrelevant. She commits a crime the moment she slips the groceries under her dress. That is the law. She walks out, sees he is not coming, and says to herself, ,,,"Dam, I got away with stealing the groceries".
What in the WORLD are you talking about. Am I prevailing on every post in this thread? Y'all get tough!!!! Now I see why now one likes me, I am only trying to make it interesting.

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@sonhouse said
Yeah, how DARE they cancel hundreds of thousands of dollars of student debt hamstringing hundreds of thousands of students, grads or not.

You REALLY hate giving ANYONE a break as long as YOUR 401K is safe.
You are one sick POS.
So you just noticed I don't now and won't EVER consider you a friend?
So have fun defending your god king, it is your religion a ...[text shortened]... S QUESTION and I hope you answer it with equal seriousness instead of your usual flippant responses.
About 50% of this country think that people should pay their debts, and there has been a lot of supporting logic behind that. With all due respects, I cannot fathom how you think a graduating lawyer should have his education for free, while the plumber labors away at $20/hr. How DARE you allow this happen????

I don't defend Trump. I defend the law, swore to. If the law throws him in jail, so be it. I think he would be a better president of course, but that is another thread. I don't like his persona, just like you, but he is a good leader, and....he loves America. We don't even know what Biden is told to love. Tell us that Sleepy shaky Joe is a good president.
I saw the Wiggleberg piece. Broke the law is all that I know, but can only say that Trump didn't do it as far as I know. You wanna start a piece on Wiggleberg now?!? Lord, please dont bring up Jan 6, I know absolutely nothing bout Jan 6. Dont care about it, or the stupid girl who walked into the situation .
Don't get your Moscow Mitch para, but since I am as far right as one can legally be, I probably don't agree with what you say. I am a Christian, if that helps.
Your last paragraph needs to be re-written to clarify your point, it even says stuff like 'no votes for anyone not white'...I don't even know what that means. While on that subject, how do you Race people differentiate the color from one person to another? Some are real white, and some are real black. But all those in the middle ......many different shades. At what gradation is one typified as a black or as a white? How do y'all do that/. If it were legal to restrict whites from coming in my bar, but some were not 'totally' white , how could I tell? Sound silly???? Not really,, Sonhouse. You race people are giving me a headache.
Answered your questions as best I could. Still can't believe you want the govt to pay the debts incurred by citizens. Have you read both sides of that argument? What about paying other stuff, Sonhouse??????? Why just tuitions?? Who picked tuitions???


@kevcvs57 said
“ OK, just for you. (remember, this issue is not about tennis...it is about your pitiful government)
"The USA government bars unvaccinated non-citizens from entering the country". This is quoted in the attached article/link. ”
I’m a UK citizen and perfectly happy with the restrictions my otherwise right wing Tory government imposed to keep me alive and healthy.
Am I sup ...[text shortened]... special status in order to earn another shed load of money for hitting a little ball over a big net.
Why are libs so angry? Of course you are off the subject, so what. But why so angry, your post seethes. You cannot support what our government is doing, which is horrible. But you won't say how horrible it is.
True to form, you zero in on someone with big money? What have they got to do with you? Are you sposed to feel sorry for him? Guess what...you are not sposed to feel anything. Why do libs hate successful people? Why punish them? I imagine that you work for a rich person or for a corp. Say, thank you very much. If you say you do not , I guess I can retort by saying you are lying, since you say that I am not what I say I am.
So,you hate the rich and work for the rich. My, my, are ee off subject or not?
So, how bout the USA saying that an upstanding well-know citizen or foreigner has to prove vaccination, but unknown illegals do not. Why can't libs answer questions? What do you think? Why be personal? Y'all keep saying I am not a lawyer. So what? Everybody and his brother is a lawyer these days, I am glad I came through when I did. Being a lawyer, I assure you, is not a big deal. I did a LOT better entrepreneuring!!!

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@averagejoe1 said
Why are libs so angry? Of course you are off the subject, so what. But why so angry, your post seethes. You cannot support what our government is doing, which is horrible. But you won't say how horrible it is.
True to form, you zero in on someone with big money? What have they got to do with you? Are you sposed to feel sorry for him? Guess what...you are not s ...[text shortened]... h when I did. Being a lawyer, I assure you, is not a big deal. I did a LOT better entrepreneuring!!!
Lol it’s you that’s angry Joe, you guys are always angry, look at Jan 6th, look at any Trump rally or the angry rabble rousing vitriol coming out of Cpak. Anger and control freakery is all you illiberal conservatives have.
The trump presidency was a lying, thieving hater put into the White House by a load of angry people like yourself.
I’m glad that you’ve finally broken your exclamation mark key though.

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